BeefWatch Articles from All

BeefWatch Articles from All

Many Beef Cows and Their Calves May Not Be Getting Enough Vitamin A in Their Diets

A new research article in Applied Animal Science details how beef cows and calves maintained in confinement and fed brown stored forages combined with grain or grain byproducts may not be getting sufficient amounts of vitamin A.

How Grazing Corn Residue Affects the Soil

One of the most common concerns about grazing corn residue is that cattle will cause soil compaction. A long term grazing data (16 years) conducted at the University of Nebraska has shown no compaction when grazing in the fall or the early spring.

Plan Now to Purchase Your Hay Supplies

Nebraska hay production has bounced back from 2022 lows (Figure 1), declining pasture conditions remind us to plan fall, winter, and next spring’s hay needs sooner rather than later. Inventory feed and hay resources now to know what is needed.

Simple Synchronization of Cows - One Injection, One Time through the Chute, and Bull Breed

Have you wanted to have more calves born earlier in your calving season, but did not want to deal with the increase in labor, cost and facilities to utilize estrus synchronization and artificial insemination? The protocol shown (Figure 1.) can increase the number of cows coming into estrus early in the breeding season, with one time through the chute, one injection, and breeding using only natural service.

Saying goodbye to metal bangs tags and hello to EID tags

If your heifers are bangs tagged, those orange metal clips will soon be a relic of the past. Starting November 5, 2024, your veterinarian will not be tagging with metal clips, but instead will use electronic identification (EID) tags.

Determining a Fair Rent for Farm Buildings

Establishing a fair rent for farm buildings and storage facilities involves multiple factors. There isn’t a universal formula, as conditions vary depending on building type, usage, and local market conditions. However, a comprehensive evaluation of both fixed and variable costs, as well as cash and non-cash expenses, is essential.

Recognizing Economic Risk on the Ranch

Economic and financial risks on the ranch go hand in hand with other risks facing the operation. 

Best Practices for Managing Newly Received Feeder Calves

As we near the feedlot fall run, and cattle are newly received into the feedlot, there are key considerations to keep in mind to achieve best cattle performance. The goal of a receiving strategy is to make the transition from calf origin into the feedlot or backgrounding yard as seamless as possible.

Details & Registration for Upcoming Online Learning Opportunities

Nebraska Beef Extension has planned several online learning opportunities that cover a variety of topics.

Hold the Net Wrap and Twine

Net wrap is an efficient forage binding method and significantly reduces harvest and storage losses compared to twine. According to a forage binding survey conducted by South Dakota State University (SDSU), net wrap was the most preferred method of forage binding (67%) compared to twine (26%) or both (6%) depending on the crop harvested or livestock being fed.

Reviewing Cow-Calf Share and Cash Lease Agreements

The trend in cattle prices over the last year has been up and down with a general trend toward the upside. These changes in market values and higher interest rates are having an impact on beef cow share and cash lease agreements in determining what is “fair” to both cow owners and those who are leasing the cows.

UNL Heifer Development Center First Year Wrap-up

With the U.S. cowherd at historic lows, the University of Nebraska—Lincoln is focusing on how to grow the cowherd while advancing the quality of female genetics that are the foundation of the U.S. beef industry.

2024 Forage Field Day Online Recap

Forage Field Day is a premier regional event designed to bring together the latest research, insights, and practical advice for forage producers. This year’s online event will feature a series of presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions covering a broad range of forage-related topics. The event will be live on Zoom on Tuesday, Aug. 6 at 12:30 (CDT), but will also be recorded and available after the session.

Upcoming webinar focuses on the basics of knowing, growing and grazing grass

Ranchers and land managers can learn about forage production, stocking rates, managing risk, drought insurance and more in an interactive, online learning experience provided by Nebraska Extension.

When should ranchers start tax planning?

Does it seem too early to start planning for taxes? Even though calves await weaning, and crops still stand in the fields, September and October are excellent times to meet with your tax accountant and start looking ahead for tax purposes.

Haying and Cattle Grazing Areas with Hemlock

There are two different species of hemlocks in Nebraska that can be toxic to both livestock and people. Here is some information that is important for you to consider as you plan grazing or haying in areas with either of these two species of hemlock.

Cashing in on your calf crop: Adding value at the auction block

As we near the feedlot fall run and cow/calf producers market their calves at the highest prices received to date, every additional pound of gain has greater profit potential.

Biosecurity Basics and Beyond: Ensuring Your Operation's Future

Whenever the topic of biosecurity comes up, it's no surprise that many people might find their attention waning due to the complexity of the issue or because they don’t feel they have experienced a biosecurity problem. The reality is that every producer has encountered some sort of biosecurity risk or event at one point or another and may not have been fully aware or didn’t consider the “biosecurity” aspect of the matter.

Planning for Ranch Risk Exposure Related to Forage and Livestock Production

At its most foundational form, ranching is the business of harvesting sunlight energy with plants that are then utilized by animals to produce products that benefit people for a profit.

How Many Pounds of Meat Can We Expect From A Beef Animal?

Consumers who buy a live animal from a local cattle producer or 4-H member for custom processing are often surprised by the amount of beef they receive, the amount of freezer space needed and that they did not get back the entire live weight of the animal in retail cuts. This article will discuss how to estimate how much meat you will receive when purchasing an animal to harvest.

Invading Nebraska: The Growing Threat of Certain Invasive Plant Species

Pastures and rangelands are the backbone of Nebraska's beef industry, providing essential forage for livestock. However, the presence of weeds can significantly diminish both the quality and quantity of forage available, impacting herd health and productivity.

Annual forage options following irrigated winter wheat

Western Nebraska is a low-rainfall area with annual rainfall ranging from 8 to 18 inches. Precipitation usually occurs in the early spring benefitting the predominately cool-season grasses of this high altitude (3,800-5,000 ft.) area. Unfortunately, limited summer rainfall and declining quality of cool-season pastures creates a challenge for producers needing a quality forage resource in the fall. Additionally, many areas of the High Plains are under irrigation restrictions, so limited water is available for crops and forages.

What to know about sweet clover

Sweet clover is a biennial plant that grows abundantly following a wet year. As a grazing resource, sweet clover can be excellent feed. Research from North Dakota State University has documented yearlings gaining over 2 pounds per head per day grazing sweet clover pasture.

Reviewing the Risk-Reward Relationship for a Ranch

For ranchers, risk is an accepted part of doing business. “No risk, no reward” is quoted when thinking about day-to-day operations and strategic, long-term decisions. Another familiar phrase is “if it were easy, everyone would do it.” To be in business is to take risks.

Pinkeye in Cattle

Driving or riding through a pen or pasture of cattle is a favorite chore for many producers.  Making sure our cattle have plenty of clean water, access to feed or forage and monitoring herd health are important aspects of daily care.  When examining cattle, one important disease not to overlook is pinkeye.  Pinkeye is a highly contagious infectious disease that not only affects cattle in Nebraska but worldwide. The incidence and severity of this common disease can vary widely from year to year.

Nebraska Beef Innovators: Sandahl’s research supports regenerative ranching

Husker researcher Dave Sandahl’s work aims to increase awareness of the benefits of regenerative ranching.

How much water do cattle need and what water problems should cattle producers watch for?

Water quantity and quality is critical to cattle health and performance.  Hot weather and drought conditions can impact both water quality and quantity for cattle.  

Resources for Helping Cattle Deal with Heat Stress

While we can’t control the heat, there are some things we can control to help cattle through it. 

Corn harvested as high-moisture corn or earlage for feedlots

Corn harvested after the kernel reaches maturation as earlage, snaplage or high-moisture corn are alternatives to harvesting dry corn for use as cattle feed. 

Nebraska Beef Innovators: Lakamp’s research aims to use cattle genetics and microbiome information to make performance predictions

Lincoln, Neb. — University of Nebraska-Lincoln doctorate candidate Drew Lakamp is researching if an animal’s genetics impact its microbiome. This information could be used to predict cattle performance and help reduce diseases in cattle through genetic selection.

UNL Feedlot Innovation Center nears completion thanks to industry support

The chute slides shut with a thud, not a clang, safely catching the steer so it can be vaccinated. The steer behind him waits quietly, looking ahead at the alleyway that will take him back to his pen. The only sounds are cattle shifting against the alleyway and the quiet voices of the workers vaccinating the cattle.

Annual Summer Stocker/Yearling Tour focuses on marketing yearling cattle

The stocker/yearling sector of the cattle industry offers flexibility and an opportunity for new producers to get started in the business. 

Start monitoring grasshopper numbers now for most effective control

Weather conditions in several areas of Nebraska in the past few years have been favorable to create grasshopper outbreaks. The fall grasshopper survey is a good indicator or possible grasshopper issues the following summer. The 2023 fall survey identified 15 counties (Fig. 1) in Nebraska with adult grasshopper numbers averaging over 15 per yard, which suggests grasshoppers may be a problem this summer.

Watch out for “pretty flowers” and plants out of place in range and pasture

In late May and June we frequently see both native and non-native forbs begin to flower in range and pasture. This is a good time of the year to be on the alert and lookout for these “pretty flowers” and for other plants that you may not recognize. Seeing something you haven’t seen before? Go check it out. Those “pretty flowers” or plants you don’t recognize may be an invasive species. Early detection and rapid response is critical to helping to keep noxious weeds at bay.

Stable Flies on Pastured Cattle

Stable flies aren’t just an annoyance. They cause reduced average daily gain, and it may take as few as four flies per leg to cause economic injury. Animals bunching to fight stable flies damage forage, and on fragile soils, may create blow outs. How do you know when you’re dealing with stable flies?

Summer and Fall Prescribed Fire Benefits Native Grasslands in Kansas Studies

Research studies by Kansas State University have shown that late summer and fall fires provided significant reductions of Sericea lespedeza and old-world bluestems which are both invasive species impacting rangeland across Kansas.

Barta Brothers Ranch starting to see results of prescribed burns

Lincoln, Neb. —With a third successful prescribed burn completed at Barta Brothers Ranch on April 21, researchers are seeing what fire can and cannot do about invasive redcedars.

Nebraska team identifies new genetic defect impacting cattle morbidity and meat quality

Cattle have long been a cornerstone of agriculture, providing us with milk, meat, and various other products that nourish and sustain our communities. Ensuring the cattle’s health and optimal muscle development is vital when producing high-quality beef. However, various genetic conditions can disrupt muscle metabolism, affecting animals’ well-being and the quality of the meat they produce.

Predicted hot, dry summer could impact forage production

In parts of the High Plains region, recent developing dry conditions are starting to raise concerns that we may see reduced forage production from pasture and rangelands as we move on into the rest of the spring and summer. The map shows many parts of the Sandhills and Panhandle regions receiving below average precipitation for the last 30 days.  This time frame is critical for precipitation that drives cool-season forage production on rangeland and pasture.

Time to start planning for heat in the feedlot

As we approach the end of May, it may be time to start thinking of the summer heat, particularly that first heat event that cattle and folks who manage may not be prepared for. The following is a list of some strategies cattle feedlot managers and their crews could begin thinking about as nice weather today turns into heat-stressing weather later.

How to know when a pasture is ready to be grazed in the spring

The time for turn out to our primary summer pastures is very near.  A couple of important questions are what date to turn out, and which pastures should be first?

Horn flies and Control Options

Nebraska’s spring weather conditions have made it more difficult to predict the emergence of horn flies. If the current weather pattern continues, we should start to see horn fly emergence in the southeast part of the state in early May, reaching northern Nebraska by late May. If we experience an abrupt and sustained warm-up, horn fly numbers could reach or exceed the Economic Injury Level (EIL) statewide by the end of May. The EIL represents a fly population of 200 flies per animal that negatively impacts cattle production enough to warrant paying for a fly control measure.

Should I trich test my mature bulls?

We are nearing spring turnout and breeding season, and with that, many producers may be getting bulls tested right before turnout. So, what should producers be considering to maintain herd health within their mature bull battery?

Bovine trichomoniasis “trich” testing – what is it?

H5N1/Avian Influenza/Bird Flu in dairy cattle

A discussion of the situation involving H5N1 (avian influenza/bird flu) and dairy cattle with UNL’s BeefWatch Podcast host Aaron Berger, beef Extension educator and Dr. Matt Hille, an assistant professor and diagnostic pathologist at the Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center based on the campus of the University of Nebraska—Lincoln.

Targeted grazing on cheatgrass in the western Great Plains

Targeted livestock grazing is the application of grazing animals at a defined time, intensity, and duration for vegetation or landscape management objectives. When planned right, targeted grazing management can accomplish those objectives without negatively affecting livestock production. Understanding plant growth and livestock grazing preference is important to the success of targeted grazing.

Understanding the Value of Grass in Nebraska

Nebraska has one of the highest summer pasture rental rates for cow-calf pairs or stocker/yearlings of anywhere in the United States. On a price per pair per month or price per head basis, Nebraska rental rates are at the top when compared to neighboring states and the nation. Nebraska Extension annually publishes the results of a survey, “Nebraska Farm Real Estate Report” that documents reported pasture rental rates.

BeefWatch Podcast: Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance with Dr. Reinaldo Cooke

Aaron Berger, Nebraska beef Extension educator, talks to Reinaldo Cooke, Burkhart Endowed Professor for Beef Cattle Research at Texas A & M, about maternal bovine appeasing substance on this episode of BeefWatch. Dr. Cooke discusses where the pheromone originates, what it does and recent research spanning production from weaned calves to the harvest of market ready cattle.

Don't use tanks that have been used to haul fertilizer for hauling drinking water for cattle

Tanks that are used to haul nitrogen-based fertilizer should not be used to transport drinking water for cattle as there is a risk of poisoning. Any nitrogen remaining in the tank can potentially cause nitrate or non-protein nitrogen (urea) toxicosis in ruminants (depending on form of fertilizer).

Considerations for Building Cow Inventories at Current Prices

Calf prices are encouraging cow-calf producers to increase cow inventories to have more calves to sell. Consider the following points when evaluating growing the cowherd.

Heifer Harmony: Optimal Management for Heifers in the Feedlot

Heifers that are not retained as replacement females for breeding often find their home in the feedlot, with heifers comprising approximately 37% of total cattle on feed in the US during a normal cattle cycle. The US is currently experiencing a tightening beef cow herd due to the ongoing drought conditions experienced by many of the cow/calf producing states. Not only has the US culled nearly 10% of the cow herd since 2020, but replacement heifer retention is low, with an elevated number of heifers making their way into the feedlot, representing nearly 40% of cattle on feed (USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service). With greater heifer placement in the feedlot, managing feedlot heifers to ensure their health, well-being, and optimal growth is key for feedlot sector profitability.

Best practices for needle selection, use and care in cattle health

Disposable hypodermic needles are a necessary tool in maintaining cattle health. They provide a convenient and economical route to deliver products to animals in a safe and effective manner. Understanding when and how to use them are key components in a herd health protocol.

UNL contributes to the identification of new genetic defects in cattle

University of Nebraska — Lincoln researchers have recently identified two new genetic mutations, delayed blindness in Herefords, and bovine familial convulsions and ataxia (BFCA) in Angus cattle.

Understanding and identifying genetic mutations allows beef producers to make breeding decisions that avoid producing cattle affected by those mutations. Working toward that goal, UNL researchers have spent years studying genomics, identifying mutations and developing tests to help producers make those decisions.

Kobza finds own path in industry, now recognized as Trailblazer by NCBA

Lincoln, Neb. —It was the kindness of a family friend that helped Anna Kobza find her way into the agriculture industry by loaning two heifers for a 4-H project one summer. Ever since, Kobza has paved her own way in the industry to learn everything she could about beef production. Today, Kobza is pursuing an animal science doctoral degree while advocating for the beef industry via Instagram, where she has more than 90,000 followers.

Western Livestock Journal: The Viewpoint with Rick Funston

Dr. Rick Funston has been an integral figure over the years in the study and advancement of cattle reproductive physiology. Rick grew up on a farming and ranching operationin central North Dakota before obtaining his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in animal science from North Dakota State University and Montana State University, and a doctorate in reproductive biology from the University of Wyoming.

Relieving Stress around the Branding Pen

Spring calving brings the promise of working calves, and in some areas of the state, branding season. Following is the challenge of gathering enough help at the right times to ensure proper vaccination, castration, and the other complements to our herd health programs. Priorities during this event typically include people safety and minimization of cattle stress.

Three-State Beef Conference Recap — Recordings now available

 The Three-State Beef Conference provides essential updates on cow-calf and stocker topics to beef cattle producers and industry stakeholders. With specialists from leading beef cattle land grant universities—University of Nebraska, University of Missouri, and Iowa State University—alongside insights from industry experts, the conference serves as a vital platform for knowledge exchange.

Using technology to monitor water on the ranch

Water is often a limiting resource when considering both animal and grazing management. Checking water levels can often account for a considerable proportion of time and labor costs, especially when water sources are few and far between or during extreme weather events. Producers who are looking to minimize time spent checking water may consider investing in one of many modern water monitoring solutions. Many options are available based on needs, product features, budget, and connectivity concerns. For simplicity’s sake, we will start with the most basic options and work our way up.

New guide helps beef producers maximize the value of cull cows

A new resource developed by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and CattleFax helps cattle producers maximize profitability from their culling decisions. “Right Way. Right Time. – A Guide to Cull Cattle Management” is now available at

Vitamin A levels at calving can have a big impact on calf health

Vitamin A is one of the most important keys to a healthy immune system in newborn calves. Colostrum is the only way calves can get the vitamin A they need to fight off bacteria that will make them sick, said Mary Drewnoski, University of Nebraska—Lincoln beef systems specialist and associate professor. But not all colostrum contains enough vitamin A, and recent research suggests that “enough” is more than previously thought.  

Engaging Agriculture: Ideas For Estate and Transition Planning: Monetary Compensation

For many farm and ranch families, bringing children or grandchildren into the operation is the ultimate goal. Successfully bringing additional family members into the operation may require some creativity, as all parties need to maintain a viable standard of living. This series of articles will highlight ideas and tactics for bringing another family member into the operation.

Chasing the Elusive Second Calf

Getting first time mother cows bred for the second time is probably one of the strongest challenges for most beef producers. It can be extremely frustrating at the time of pregnancy diagnosis to find a high percentage of those young cows, the future of the cowherd, to be open. More importantly, it is expensive.

Deadline approaching for UNL’s paid Timmerman Feedyard Management Internship

From genetics to feed and management, everything the beef industry works toward comes together in the feedyard. 

Students in the University of Nebraska—Lincoln’s Timmerman Feedyard Management Internship see how all those things interact and ultimately produce the beef that feeds millions.

Resources available for producers affected by central Nebraska wildfires

Cattle producers in central Nebraska affected by recent wildfires are invited to attend an informational meeting to learn about resources available to help them recover. The meeting is Tuesday, March 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the West Central Research, Extension and Education Center in North Platte and will include a free meal sponsored by Nebraska Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster. Please RSVP to the Lincoln Logan-Logan-McPherson County Extension office.

Adjusting stocking rates, weed management and fire break recovery after a fire

Q: Should I adjust stocking rates for my burned pasture/rangeland?

A: Rainfall in May and June will be most critical and should be the guiding factor affecting stocking rate decisions. With adequate rainfall, adjustments to stocking rate are not necessary. Research from the Great Plains shows that dormant-season fires do not reduce above-ground herbaceous production. In fact, plant regrowth following fire is considerably higher in quality which could lead to increased animal performance.

Grazing Management Following Wildfire

Spring wildfires that occur on range and pasturelands will happen when there is the right combination of high winds and low humidity.  That has been the case here in 2024 and that threat will continue until we have new, green grass growth later this spring.  Although the immediate aftermath of a fast-moving fire can look quite devastating, our perennial pasture grasses are resilient and will recover, especially since they are still dormant.  Spring is also a time when many prescribed burns are conducted for the purpose of Eastern red cedar control.  Of course, adequate m

Managing and developing young beef bulls

There are as many ways to feed and develop young beef bulls as there are seedstock producers. There are various reasons that bulls are managed and fed the way they are. Whether bulls are developed on the ranch, in a commercial facility, or at a central bull test, they are usually fed to gain 2.8 to 4.0 pounds daily from weaning to one year of age.

Bull selection criteria and cost

The spring bull sale season is underway. Producers are studying catalogs, comparing EPDs and individual animal performance numbers, and choosing which bulls will be the next herd sires. This article includes a link to a spreadsheet producers can use to figure actual bull costs, and addresses some of the things producers should consider before heading to the sale. Hint: It's more than just the lunch menu.

Bull evaluation & selection

Spring sale season in the Great Plains is in full swing. This is when seedstock producers get to showcase their program's progeny, and buyers can acquire bull power for the upcoming breeding season. The primary purpose of buying bulls is to improve herd genetics through an outside seedstock producers’ breeding program. Since nearly all herd improvements over time are a deliberate effort through purchased bulls or modern technologies such as artificial insemination, genetics are instilled in a herd through new bulls.

Tips for managing calving in muddy conditions

Mud conditions in calving areas can lead to health concerns in both the cow and calf.  Mud and moisture prevent the hair coat from insulating and maintaining body temperature, leaving newborn calves vulnerable to hypothermia.  Mud also increases the energy requirements for the cow and may lead to decreases in body condition score (Nickles, et al. 2022).

Webinar Revisit: Preventing calf scours and using the Sandhills Calving Method

In this webinar Dr. Halden Clark talks about preventing calf scours and how to use the Sandhills Calving Method. The key to preventing scours in calves is reducing their exposure to the pathogens that cause scours, and coming up with a system to keep newborn calves in clean, dry areas whenever possible.

Producer Question: What do I need to know about coccidiosis?

Coccidiosis is caused by a microscopic protozoan parasite. The parasite invades intestinal cells and destroys the cells while multiplying, causing diarrhea in the process. Coccidiosis in cattle is characterized by straining and bloody diarrhea. The organism is widespread - almost all cattle become infected at some time in their lives, although many never show signs of illness. Illness is more common in concentrated livestock operations because there is more opportunity for the environment to become contaminated in large numbers, and for calves to be exposed to large doses of the parasite.

Understanding and Preventing Calf Scours

Neonatal calf diarrhea, or scours, is a common concern among cow-calf producers.  Understanding why scours occurs is the first step in preventing the problem.  

Resources for managing mud in feedlots

On Monday, Feb. 5 we hosted a discussion between UNL Feedlot Extension faculty and producers. A recording of that discussion is available here

Tips for dealing with wet, muddy winter conditions in cattle feedyards

In unexpected warm, wet winter conditions cattle face challenges accessing feed, water, or a place to lie down.  Muddy conditions affect requirements for maintenance, according to this UNL study.  Even if feed intake is not affected by muddy conditions (cattle can reach the bunk and water trough and consume a full ration daily), mud depths of less than 9 inches increase maintenance requirements up to 80%.  This means that cattle consuming a finishing diet containing 1 Mcal NEm/lb will require nearly d

Keys to a prosperous start for newborn calves

A main economic driver of a cow-calf operation is the number of calves weaned per cow exposed. Two subsequent drivers are weight and phenotype. For these reasons, outstanding calf health is a directly correlated variable to calf growth and performance, and—ideally—profitability. 

Calving Cows on Cornstalks – Nutritional Considerations

Cornstalk residue utilization is a great way for producers to integrate crops and livestock. Maintaining cows on residue can be an economical choice, but additional feed costs will be necessary when lactation increases the energy demands of the cow.

Determining how much forage a beef cow needs per day

During calving season cow/calf producers are typically feeding harvested forages. A frequent question from producers is "how much will my cows eat on a daily basis"? Producers want to meet the cows' nutrient requirement, but sure don't want to over-feed expensive forages. With the dry conditions this past summer and harvested forages at a premium, closely estimating the amount of feed needed to get through the winter and early spring will be important to contain cost.

How to use night feeding to increase daytime calving

A simple management strategy—feeding cows at dusk—could increase the number of calves born during the day. It’s easier to watch cattle and see if intervention is necessary while it’s light out. Producers can also keep an eye on calves and make sure they’re getting a healthy start during the day when it’s warmer and easier to manage both cows and calves.

Pasture & Forage Minute: Winter hay worries about magnesium deficiency (tetany) & nitrate poisoning

Grass tetany and nitrate poisoning are issues that we typically associate with animals grazing.  However, both issues can be a problem in winter when animal diets are limited by what they are fed.  Is your herd safe from possible hay worries? 

Tetany occurs when an animal’s diet doesn’t have enough magnesium to meet nutritional needs.  Complications with milk production and increased magnesium demand can make this imbalance even worse during lactation. 

Pasture & Forage Minute: Pasture lease considerations

As pasture grazing leases are getting finalized for the 2024 season, it is important to make sure that some of the key details are clear and in writing. 

Traditionally, pasture leases are for 5 or 6 months from April or May through October.  Specific starting and ending dates can be used, but there could be exceptions based on spring weather conditions or if there were drought conditions the previous year that might warrant delaying turn-out to allow some recovery of grasses. 

Dealing with Stress from Winter Weather Woes

The start of 2024 has had some major challenges for many across the state from Arctic polar temperatures, blizzards, and snow squalls. Now there are discussions of ice jams, rain and potential flooding that may occur over the next few weeks. The entire slogan of “Nebraska isn’t for everyone” is really holding true.

Pasture & Forage Minute: Reviewing last year and planning for this year

Too much cold and snowy weather can make even the most eager winter enthusiast look forward to spring.  Once we dig out and are able to catch a breath, taking some time to review last year can help us when looking ahead to 2024.

Cow Herd Report Card III: Calving distribution & pounds of calf weaned per acre

Calving distribution and pounds of calf produced per acre are measures of performance and efficiency of the cow-calf enterprise. Calving distribution will impact total pounds of calf weaned. Calves born the first 21 days of the calving season will be heavier at weaning compared to calves born the second or third 21 days of the calving season.

Heifer percent mature body weight at breeding: What does it mean for pregnancy rates and calf performance?

This article is a research summary of the 2024 Nebraska Beef Report, Impact of Heifer Percent Mature Body Weight at Breeding on Heifer Performance, Calf Production, and Subsequent Pregnancy Rates.

To remain in the herd, it is crucial for a replacement heifer to conceive and maintain pregnancy. However, since females within a herd offset input costs with a live calf born each year, focus should not only be placed on pregnancy rates as a yearling, but subsequent pregnancy rates as a cow.

What are replacement heifers worth in 2024?

Not every cow is going to be profitable, even when calf prices are high. It is important to consider the quality of cows as well as their costs. Paying too much for good cows is as bad as paying little for horrible ones. Producers who intend to be profitable must consider closely the relationship of current and future costs, to current and future revenues, and cow longevity and productivity. 

Staying safe in cold weather and how to recognize, treat and prevent hypothermia, frostbite and trench foot

As wintry, cold weather hits with sub-zero temperatures, there's not much room for error in cold weather preparedness. Cattle producers can't just stay indoors when the weather gets cold. However, since a producer's most valuable assets are the humans who have to be out in the cold, it's important to recognize when it's time to take a break and warm up, or adjust the work, equipment or gear to make sure the people are prioritized in cold weather. 

Winter weather challenges for bulls can affect breeding season

Livestock producers know winter can be a challenge for their cowherds, and Karla Wilke, Nebraska Extension cow-calf/stocker specialist, reminds them not to forget about their bulls in their winter management plans. 

“Bulls are one of our bigger investments in the cow herd, and 90 percent of the cows are still impregnated through natural service with a bull rather than artificial insemination,” Wilke said. “So, they also require year-round maintenance.”  

Winter cattle yard preparation checklist

This checklist is not comprehensive, but is a place to start for preparing for winter weather in a cattle yard. 

Click here for a printable .pdf checklist. 


Finding a balance between biggest and best: Moving a cowherd toward optimum productivity

The use of genetic selection tools by cattle breeders has resulted in significant changes within the majority of major breeds over the last 30 years. With a few exceptions, the overwhelming genetic trend for milk, weaning weight, and mature weight over that time has been for more. Without question, the use of Expected Progeny Differences (EPD) has enabled this change. The question at hand, however, is “have we selected towards that which is optimal?”

On RFD-TV: Greg Ibach discusses beef efficiency and environmental impact

Livestock production has long been a cornerstone of American agriculture. That is certainly true in Nebraska, which is known as the beef state. During the Global Climate Summit earlier this month, world leaders recommended reducing worldwide meat consumption in order to help mitigate agriculture’s environmental impacts. But the research paints a more complicated story. Greg Ibach, from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, joins RFD-TV to discuss. 

Husker team receives $5M grant to reduce methane emissions from cattle

A Husker research team has received $5 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to research more sustainable dairy and beef production.

What to know about feeding road ditch hay to cows

The year was dry, forage is limited, last winter’s feed shortage is frozen into your memory, and you have cows to feed. With these thoughts in mind, maybe you harvested hay from the roadside—“ditch hay”— and will be feeding that hay soon. There are several things for you to think about and keep in mind as you feed the hay.

Pasture, Rangeland, Forage Insurance summary of sales and performance history

This article was first published in RightRisk News in October 2023.

Investigating the cause of cattle abortions: When to involve your veterinarian and what happens next

It’s fall, and for cow/calf producers throughout the region that often means it’s time to preg check. Confirming pregnancy in the herd is an important milestone in the overall cow/calf production system, but there’s still a lot that needs to go right before you’re admiring next year’s weaned calf crop. Unfortunately, reproductive losses can still happen between confirmation of pregnancy and calving. Beef producers and veterinarians often refer to any death loss before calving as an “abortion”, but in reality, true abortions only make up a portion of this loss.

Higher Inputs and Interest Rates Impacting Cow Costs

As the 2023 calendar year winds down, this is a good time for spring calving herds to look at what it cost them to produce a calf in the past year. What did it cost to run a cow on your operation this year? How do you calculate the costs? How do you value raised feed, labor, equipment, as well as replacement females grown on the ranch? These questions are frequently asked when the conversation of annual cow costs comes up.

High fed cattle prices but narrow margins—a few strategies

Looking back at late November of 2014, when the negotiated fed steer price reached an all-time high, $172.06/cwt, makes one wonder why—today, at fed steer prices at least $10/cwt higher, margins are still narrow.  A 1,550-lb fed steer is worth $155 more today than one finished in late November 2014.

While cattle placed against current live cattle marketing might have a wider margin for profit, cattle placed in October of 2023 will have a narrower margin of profit.  Why?

Corn Silage Feed Out

Be safe, get the daily amount and leave a smooth face. These are the key factors when it comes to feeding out corn silage.

Silage is a conservation technique that relies on anaerobic fermentation to primarily convert plant carbs into acetic and lactic acid, and those acids will then preserve the rest of the material for future use. Because the ideal point of corn silage harvest is at black layer, by now (November) all silages would have almost sixty days since they were chopped and stored.