Nebraska Extension Beef Publications

Cows calves

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension NebGuides and Extension Circulars provide research-based information that addresses specific topics and also gives examples of how that research can be applied.

NOTE: All NebGuides and Extension Circulars (EC) are free unless otherwise noted.

Nebraska Extension Publications

Cow-calf, Bull and Heifer Nutrition and Management
Beef Cattle Breeding, Genetics & Reproduction
Herd Health
Marketing and Livestock Budgets
Forages, Pasture, and Range Management


Pasture  &  Range Management

Beef Forage Crops Systems

Annual and double cropped forages (cover crops)

Crop Residues

Backgrounding, Yearling and Feedlot Nutrition and Management
By-product Feeds
  • Feeding Corn Milling Co-Products to Feedlot Cattle (PDF 3.96MB, 36pages)
    3rd Edition · November 2010
  • Feeding Corn Milling Co-Products to Forage Fed Cattle (PDF 3.69MB, 24pages)
    1st Edition · August 2010
  • Corn Processing Co-products Manual: A Review of Current Research on Distillers Grains and Corn Gluten (PDF 1.02MB, 32pages)
    January, 2006
  • Storage of Wet Corn Co-Products (PDF 9MB, 20pgs)
    1st Edition - May 2008