University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension NebGuides and Extension Circulars provide research-based information that addresses specific topics and also gives examples of how that research can be applied.
NOTE: All NebGuides and Extension Circulars (EC) are free unless otherwise noted.
Nebraska Extension Publications
Cow-calf, Bull and Heifer Nutrition and Management
- Formulation Considerations for Mineral and Vitamin Supplements for Beef Cows, G2340
- Body Condition Scoring Beef Cows: A Tool for Managing the Nutrition Program for Beef Herds, EC281
- Management of Early Weaned Calves, G2047
- Management, Health, and Nutritional Considerations for Weaning Calves, G2057
- Standardized Calculation and Interpretation of Basic Cow Herd Performance Measures, G2094
- Bloat Prevention and Treatment in Cattle, G2018
- Creep Feeding Beef Calves, G2077
- Crop Residues or Low Quality Hay Combined with Byproducts as a Forage Substitute, G2099
- Feed Cost Cow-Q-Lator, G2214
download Feed Cost Cow-Q-Lator Excel spreadsheet file from the Center for Agricultural Profitability - Feed Dry Matter Conversions, G2093
- Feed Value of Alternative Crops for Beef Cattle, G2036
- Limiting Feed Intake with Salt in Beef Cattle Diets, G2046
- Minerals and Vitamins for Beef Cows
- Nitrates in Livestock Feeding, G1779
- Sampling Feeds For Analyses, G331
- Summer Annual Forages for Beef Cattle in Western Nebraska, G2172
- Understanding and Using a Feed Analysis Report, G1892
- Water Requirements for Beef Cattle, G2060
- Wintering and Backgrounding of Calves, G2064
- Management Considerations for Beef Cows in Confinement, G2237
- Using Sugarbeet Pulp in Rations for Beef Cows, G2239
- Supplementation Needs for Gestating and Lactating Beef Cows and Comparing the Prices of Supplement Sources, G2268
Beef Cattle Breeding, Genetics & Reproduction
- Breeding Bull Management: It’s a Year-Round Commitment
- Standardized Calculation and Interpretation of Basic Cow Herd Performance Measures, G2094
- Assisting the Beef Cow at Calving Time, EC1907
- EPD Basics and Definitions, G1967
- Heifer Breeding Maturity and Its Effects on Profitability: Nebraska Sandhills Beef Cattle, RB350
- Reducing Replacement Heifer Development Costs Using a Systems Approach, G2215
- Synchronizing Estrus in Beef Cattle, EC283
- Genetic Defects In Beef Cattle, G2055
- Economic Indexes For Beef Sire Selection, G1847
Herd Health
- Health And Management Of The Nursing Calf, G2293
- Understanding Vaccines, G1445
- Information about Foot-and-Mouth Disease for Nebraska Residents, G1690
- Biosecurity Basics for Cattle Operations and Good Management Practices (GMP) for Controlling Infectious Diseases, G1411
- Management, Health, and Nutritional Considerations for Weaning Calves, G2057
- Bloat Prevention and Treatment in Cattle, G2018
- Water Requirements for Beef Cattle, G2060
- House Fly Control Guide, G958
- The Face Fly, G1204
- Horn Fly Control on Cattle, G1180
- Disposal Methods of Livestock and Poultry Mortality, EC727
- Understanding Mycotoxins, EC3068
- Sampling and Testing Feed for Mycotoxins, EC3069
- Use of Mycotoxin-Contaminate Feed for Animals, EC3066
- Assisting the Beef Cow at Calving Time, EC1907
Marketing and Livestock Budgets
Forages, Pasture, and Range Management
Pasture & Range Management
- Nebraska Plants Toxic To Livestock, EC3037
- Pasture, Rangeland, And Forage Insurance, G2217
- Common Grasses of Nebraska: Prairies, Rangelands, Pasturelands, EC170 (Print version, $5)
- Fertilizing Grass Pastures and Hayland, G1977
- Forage Production with Limited Irrigation, G2012
- Forbs and Shrubs of Nebraska, EC118 (Print version, $12.50)
- Getting to Know Your Pastures, Techniques to Enhance Monitoring, G2212
- Grazing and Hay Records: Spreadsheet Template, EC165 (download Excel Spreadsheet file)
- Grazing Systems for Nebraska Sandhills Rangeland, EC127 (Print version, $1)
- Integrating Management Objectives and Grazing Strategies on Semiarid Rangeland, EC158
- Perennial Forages for Irrigated Pasture, G1502
- Skillful Grazing Management on Semiarid Rangelands, EC162
- Switchgrass, Big Bluestem, and Indiangrass for Grazing and Hay, G1908
- Water Development Costs for Grazing Livestock, EC821
Beef Forage Crops Systems
Annual and double cropped forages (cover crops)
- Precipitation Risk Management for Annual Forages, G2300
- The Use and Pricing of Drought-Stressed Corn, G1865
- Effect of Grazing Double-Cropped Annual Forages on Soil and Crop Yields, G2264
- Annual Cool-Season Forages For Late-Fall Or Early-Spring Double-Crop, G2262
- Grazing Winter Wheat in Nebraska, EC185
- Summer Annual Forage Grasses, G2183
- Utilizing Annual Forages with Limited Irrigation for Beef Cattle During and Following Drought, G2185
Crop Residues
Backgrounding, Yearling and Feedlot Nutrition and Management
By-product Feeds
- Feeding Corn Milling Co-Products to Feedlot Cattle (PDF 3.96MB, 36pages)
3rd Edition · November 2010 - Feeding Corn Milling Co-Products to Forage Fed Cattle (PDF 3.69MB, 24pages)
1st Edition · August 2010 - Corn Processing Co-products Manual: A Review of Current Research on Distillers Grains and Corn Gluten (PDF 1.02MB, 32pages)
January, 2006 - Storage of Wet Corn Co-Products (PDF 9MB, 20pgs)
1st Edition - May 2008