BeefWatch Articles from February 2022

BeefWatch Articles from February 2022

Feedlots Towards Estimated National Herd Contraction

This article was first published by In the Cattle Markets on Jan. 18, 2022.

The Value of Hay as Fertilizer

This time of year, many producers are feeding cows hay.  Have you ever stopped to think about what the dollar value of the nutrients in the hay are worth as fertilizer once they have been processed by the cow?

Mature cows at maintenance should excrete 100% of the nutrients they consume in terms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. 

Cow Nutrition Considerations at Calving and Early Lactation - 2022

This article was originally featured in Progressive Cattle.

Planning for Spring Annual Forages

While we are still early in the new year, it is time to start planning and thinking about any spring annual forages that we might plant.  Part of the process may be anticipating a need for extra feed or booking seed early for possible discounts. 

University of Nebraska Lincoln Extension Beef Team Annual Beef Heifer Replacement Forecast for 2022 Production Season

What is a respectable beef replacement heifer value for the coming 2022 production season?