BeefWatch Articles from January 2019

BeefWatch Articles from January 2019

Bull Selection Principles—Be an Educated Consumer

For many, this is the time of year when bull purchasing decisions occur. Before you buy a bull, consider what you need to improve.

The key questions that every rancher needs to answer are:

1)      What are my breeding/marketing goals?

2)      What traits directly impact the profitability of my enterprise?

3)  Are there environmental constraints that dictate the level of performance that is acceptable for a given trait in my enterprise?

Heifer Development and Long-term Profitability

Developing a heifer to replace a cull cow is one of the most expensive management decisions for cow-calf producers, leading to major implications on long-term herd profitability.

Early Hay Harvest and Fertilizing Meadows

As supplementation costs continue to rise across Nebraska, producers are looking for economical ways to meet protein and energy requirements of their cattle. Hay produced on irrigated grass and subirrigated meadows can be a potential supplementation source throughout Nebraska.