Range Beef Cow Symposium

Black cows in pasture

The 2025 Range Beef Cow Symposium will be hosted by the University of Wyoming, with dates and location to be announced.

Current information and registration will be updated at https://rangebeefcowsymposium.com

The Range Beef Cow Symposium, held biennially since 1969, is sponsored by the Cooperative Extension Service and animal science departments at the University of Wyoming, South Dakota State University, Colorado State University, and the University of Nebraska. Known for its practical production management insights, the symposium rotates among Colorado, western Nebraska, western South Dakota, and Wyoming, focusing on beef production issues in the Western U.S.

The symposium attracts nearly 800 attendees and more than 80 agribusiness vendors. Highlights include evening Bull Pen Sessions, where attendees engage directly with speakers for deeper discussions, and commercial displays showcasing industry innovations and products. 

Previous Proceedings

2023—Range Beef Cow Symposium XXVIII, Loveland, Colorado

Click here for full proceedings from the 2023 Range Beef Cow Symposium, presented by the Cooperative Extension Services and Animal Science Departments of University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, South Dakota State University, and University of Nebraska—Lincoln. 

  • Marketing Feeder Calves for Increased Value—2 
    • Darrell S.Peel, Oklahoma State University 
  • Principles for Successful Livestock Grazing Management on Western Rangelands—13 
    • K.E.Jablonski and K.R.Stackhouse-Lawson, Colorado State University 
  • Ionophores and Reproduction: What is the Benefit for Range Cows and Heifers?—15 
    • J.Travis Mulliniks and Juliana Ranches, Oregon State University, Jacki A.Musgrave and Kacie L.McCarthy, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
  • Should We Be Supplementing More Vitamin A to Pregnant Beef Cows?—23 
    • Mary Drewnoski and Hannah Speer, University of Nebraska-L incoln 
  • Carrying Capacity Enhancement with Intensified Grazing—31 
    • Justin D.Derner, USDA-Agricultural Research Service 
  • Cattle Market Import/Export Balance—41 
    • Katelyn McCullock, Colorado State University 
  • Herd Health Planning: Protecting Your Cow Herd—47 
    • Russell F.Daly, South Dakota State University 
  • Reproductive Vaccine Effects on Reproductive Performance in Beef Cattle—53 
    • George A.Perry, Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Russell F. Daly and Christopher C. Chase, South Dakota State University 
  • Managing Reproductive Efficiency: Taking a Systems Approach—61 
    • Shelby L.Rosasco, University of Wyoming, Kacie L.McCarthy, University of Nebraska - Lincoln 
  • T.R.A.C. 2022 Priority Report: Colorado Cow-Calf Business Benchmarks—73 
  • 2022 National Beef Quality Audit: Executive Summary—81 
2021—Range Beef Cow Symposium XXVII, Rapid City, South Dakota

Click here for full proceedings from the 2021 Range Beef Cow Symposium, presented by the Cooperative Extension Services and Animal Science Departments of University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, South Dakota State University, and University of Nebraska—Lincoln. 


2019—Range Beef Cow Symposium XXVI, Mitchell, Nebraska

Presented by the Cooperative Extension Services and Animal Science Departments of University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, South Dakota State University, and University of Nebraska—Lincoln. 


Not all session presenters provided a proceedings paper. All Proceedings links below are to PDF files.

Agenda and Symposium information

Event booklet and schedule

Lots of Technology and Management Options – How Do You Choose Whats Right for Your Operation?
K.C. Olson - Department of Animal Science, South Dakota State University

Implementing Profitable Reproductive Technologies
Julie Walker, George Perry and Jerica Rich - Department of Animal Science, South Dakota State University

Capturing the Value of Artificial Insemination in Commercial Herds
John B. Hall, Ph.D. - Extension Beef Specialist, University of Idaho

Benefits of Crossbreeding in Commercial Herds
J. Benton Glaze, Jr., Ph.D. - Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, Department of Animal & Veterinary Science, University of Idaho

Alternative Meats and Alternative Statistics: What Do the Data Say?
Alison L. Van Eenennaam, Ph.D. - Cooperative Extension Specialist, Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis

Test, Don't Guess! Why You Should Analyze Feeds and Forage and How to Use the Results
Janna Block - North Dakota State University Extension Livestock Systems Specialist

Cowpieology: Does NUTBAL work?
Adele Harty - Cow/Calf Field Specialist, South Dakota State University Extension
Jay Jenkins - Extension Educator, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Resources for Completing Your Estate & Transition Plan
Bethany Johnston - Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition, Ranch Transition Task Manager

Cow Lease - Cash versus Shares - Determining what is "Fair"
Aaron Berger - Beef Systems Extension Educator, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Adding Value to Our Product: a Cow/calf, Feedlot and Meat Industry Perspective
Dr. Amanda Blair - Department of Animal Science, South Dakota State University

Our Journey Through Risk Management in the 21st Century
Wacey Kirkpatrick - Kirkpatrick Cattle Company, Fort Pierre, SD

Utilizing Technology to Better Understand Rangeland and Cattle Grazing Dynamics
Mitch Stephenson - Assistant Professor, Range Management Specialist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Pulmonary Arterial Pressure EPD and Their Utility for Cow-Calf Producers
S.E. Speidel, M.G. Thomas and R.M. Enns - Department of Animal Science, Colorado State University

Maternal Influences on the Calf Rumen Microbiome and Subsequent Impacts on Performance and Efficiency
Hannah C. Cunningham-Hollinger - Department of Animal Science, University of Wyoming

Correcting Malpresentations at Calving
Caitlin Wiley - Assistant Clinical Professor, Iowa State University

2017—Range Beef Cow Symposium XXV, Cheyenne, Wyoming

Presented by the Cooperative Extension Services and Animal Science Departments of University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, South Dakota State University, and University of Nebraska—Lincoln. 


Not all session presenters provided a proceedings paper. 

Drought Management: Similar Horizons but Different Perspectives
Justin D. Derner - USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Rangeland Resources and Systems Research Unit, Cheyenne, WY and Fort Collins, CO
Hailey Wilmer - USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Rangeland Resources and Systems Research Unit, Cheyenne, WY and Fort Collins, CO, USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub
Dannele E. Peck - USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Rangeland Resources and Systems Research Unit, Cheyenne, WY and Fort Collins, CO, USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub
David J. Augustine - USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Rangeland Resources and Systems Research Unit, Cheyenne, WY and Fort Collins, CO

Developing a Mineral Program: Combining the Art and the Science
Mary Drewnoski - Beef Systems Specialist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Using Technology to Increase Quality and Profitability
Troy Hadrick - Managing partner in Hadrick Enterprise, Faulkton, South Dakota

Genetic Selection vs. Visual Appraisal: Is it a Conundrum?
M.L. Spangler - Department of Animal Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
R. L. Weaber - Department of Animal Science and Industry, Kansas State University

National Beef Quality Audit – 2016
Deb VanOverbeke, Keith Belk, and Jeff Savell

Managing Reduced Forage Production at Bieber Red Angus Ranch
Craig Bieber

The Mechanics of Estate and Generation Transition Planning
Pamela Epp Olsen - Cline Williams, Wright Johnson & Oldfather, LLP, Lincoln, NE

What's Your Beef? Time To Tell Our Story!
Rob Eirich - Nebraska Director of Beef Quality Assurance & Extension Beef Educator, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Influence of Modified Live Vaccines on Reproductive Performance in Beef Cattle.
George A. Perry - Department of Animal Science, South Dakota State University
Russell F. Daly - Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Department, South Dakota State University 
Christopher C. Chase - Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Department, South Dakota State University

TB Management Tips for Beef Herds
Jim Logan - Wyoming State Veterinarian

Farm Service Agency – Farm Loans
Becky Gerlach - FSA Acting Farm Loan Chief Wyoming 
Scott Miller - FSA Farm Loan Chief Colorado

Key Drivers of Cowherd Profitability
C.P. Mathis and R.V. Machen - King Ranch® Institute for Ranch Management, Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Frame Scoring Beef Cattle: Why and How
K.C. Olson and J.A. Walker - Department of Animal Science, South Dakota State University

Body Condition Scoring in Beef Cows
Karla H. Jenkins - Cow/Calf Specialist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Steve Paisley - Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, University of Wyoming

2015—Range Beef Cow Symposium XXIV, Loveland, Colorado

Presented by the Cooperative Extension Services and Animal Science Departments of University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, South Dakota State University, and University of Nebraska—Lincoln. 

Proceedings, synopses, PowerPoint presentations & audio recordings

Not all session presenters provided a proceedings paper. 

A synopsis for each Symposium session and the Pre-Symposium BQA Certification Workshop session is available on the Symposium Newsroom page. Additional resources may include the speaker's PowerPoint file, audio recording of the session, and more.

Why does Consumer Opinion Trump Science (Animal Welfare, GMOs, Food Animals vs Pets)?
Ronnie Green
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Animal Welfare Implications of Beef Industry Practices: Including Dehorning, Castration, and Branding Practices
Jason Ahola
Department of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University

Challenges with Heifer Selection: How Many Should I Breed and What are They Worth?
Ron Lemenager, Purdue University
Scott Lake, University of Wyoming

Producer Perspective on Using Reproductive Technologies
Chad Blair
Managing Partner, Blair Brothers LLC

Impact of Estrous Synchronization and AI on Cowherd Performance Over Time
G. Cliff Lamb
North Florida Research and Education Center, University of Florida

Feed Efficiency in the Range Beef Cow: What Should We Be Looking At?
H. H. “Trey” Patterson
Padlock Ranch Company

Cow Feed Efficiency Unknowns Including Utilization of Range Forages
Douglas L. Olsen
Olsen Ranches, Inc.

A Taste For Quality
Angus Foundation-funded Research

Economically Relevant Traits and Selection Indices
Matt Spangler
Department of Animal Science, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Crossbreeding Strategies: Including Terminal vs. Maternal Crosses
Bob Weaber
Department of Animal Science and Industry, Kansas State University

How to Use Commercially Available Genomic Predictions
Michael Gonda
Department of Animal Science, South Dakota State University

High Altitude Disease, PAP, Feedlot Hypetension and Respiratory Issues
J.M. Neary, Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Texas Tech University
F.B. Garry, T.N. Holt, G.M. Krafsur, P.S. Morley, Department of Clinical Sciences, Colorado State University
R.D. Brown, K.R. Stenmark, Division of Pediatric Critical Care, University of Colorado at Denver
R.M. Enns, M.G. Thomas, Department of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University

Managing Compromised and Weak Calves at Birth
Franklyn B. Garry, DVM, MS, Integrated Livestock Management Program, Colorado State University 
Jason E. Lombard DVM, MS, National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS)

Cow Supplementation: Getting the Best Bang for Your Buck
Ken Olson
Department of Animal Science, South Dakota State University

Use of Annual Forages in a Grazing Livestock System
Nancy Peterson
Plum Thicket Farms, Gordon, Nebraska

Effects of Grazing on Grass
Casey Matney
School of Natural Resources and Extension, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Incorporating a Yearling Stocker Enterprise to the Cow/Calf Operation: Buy, Sell or Hold?
Mark Frasier
F Cross Cattle Company, Fort Morgan, CO

The Focus My Millenial Generation Needs
Cassie Lapaseotes
Lapaseotes Feedyard, Bridgeport, Nebraska

Feedlot and Carcass Data: Making "Cents" and Making Decisions
Julie Walker
Beef Specialist, South Dakota State University

Manage Risk on the Average Size Cow/Calf Operation
Wayne Fahsholtz
AgWin Group Consulting, Dayton, Wyoming

De-Commoditizing the Feeder Calf Market: Providing Objective Information to Buyers
Tom Brink
Top Dollar Angus, Inc.

Global Market Landscape
Duane Lenz
General Manager, CattleFax, Centennial, Colorado

2013—Range Beef Cow Symposium XXIII, Rapid City, South Dakota

Presented by the Cooperative Extension Services and Animal Science Departments of University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, South Dakota State University, and University of Nebraska—Lincoln. 

Proceedings, synopses, PowerPoint presentations & audio recordings

Policy Issues and the Beef Industry
Roger Bernard, Policy Analyst, Informa Economics

Beef Trade: A Decade of Perspective
Gregg Doud, President, Commodity Markets Council

Using Crop Residues and By-Products to Limit Feed Cows in Confinement
Karla H. Jenkins, Cow/calf, Range Management Specialist
University of Nebraska Panhandle Research and Extension Center

Fetal Programming: Implications for Beef Cattle Production
A. F. Summers and R. N. Funston (Beef Repro Physiologist)
University of Nebraska West Central Research and Extension Center

Pregnant Cow Nutrition: Effect on Progeny Carcass and Meat Characteristics
A.D. Blair, D.A. Mohrhauser, A.R. Taylor, K.R. Underwood, R.H. Pritchard, and A.E. Wertz-Lutz
Department of Animal Science, South Dakota State University

Nutritional Management Post-AI to Enhance Pregnancy Outcomes
S.L. Lake, Department of Animal Science, University of Wyoming
R. Arias, North Central Research & Outreach Center, University of Minnesota
P. Gunn, Department of Animal Sciences, Purdue University
G.A. Bridges, Department of Animal Sciences, South Dakota State University

How Can Sexed Semen Be Used in Commercial Beef Herds?
John B. Hall, PhD
Nancy M. Cummings Research, Extension, and Education Center
J. Benton Glaze, Jr., PhD
Twin Falls Research and Extension Center
Department of Animal and Veterinary Science, University of Idaho

Managing Annual Cow Costs
Julie Walker, SDSU Beef Extension Specialist, South Dakota State University

Producer Panel – Managing Cow Costs to Improve Profitability
Moderator: Dr. Jack Whittier, Colorado State University
Panel Members:
   James Sewell – TA Ranch – Saratoga, WY
   Ed Blair – Blair Brothers LLC – Sturgis, SD
   Chip Ramsay – Rex Ranches – Whitman, NE

10 Inspired Questions for Perpetuating Generational Ranches
Dave Specht, Advising Generations LLC of Connell, WA

Adding Value to the Home Operation to "Make Room" for Future Generations
Don Schiefelbein, Schiefelbein Farms, Minnesota

Sorting Through the Science, Marketing, and Realities of DNA Tools for Genetic Prediction
Dr. Milt Thomas, John E. Rouse Chair of Animal Breeding
Department of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University

Understanding and Applying Economically Relevant Traits (ERT) and Indices for the Commercial Cattle Rancher
R. Mark Enns, Department of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University

From Imagination To Reality: Using DNA From An Exceptional Carcass To Produce A Sire Or Donor Cow
Dean Hawkins, Ph.D. and Ty Lawrence, Ph.D.
Department of Agricultural Sciences, West Texas A&M University

Economic Value of Managing Genetics How to capture the value?
Lisa M. Elliott, Commodity Marketing Specialist,
Department of Economics, South Dakota State University

Animal Health Effects of the October 2013 Blizzard: Observations
Faculty from South Dakota State University and Colorado State University

Range Weed Control: During and After Drought 
Darrell L. Deneke, Extension IPM Coordinator, South Dakota State University

Integrating Conservation Programs into Rangeland Management
Al and Simone Wind, Wind Ranch, Newell, SD and Conservation Agency partners

Quality Beef by the Numbers 
Mike Kasten, Program Director of the Quality Beef by the Numbers Program, Missouri

Opportunities and Obstacles for Breeding Cattle Exports 
Tony Clayton, President, Clayton Agri-Marketing, Inc.

2011—Range Beef Cow Symposium XXII, Mitchell, Nebraska

Presented by the Cooperative Extension Services and Animal Science Departments of University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, South Dakota State University, and University of Nebraska—Lincoln. 

Proceedings, synopses, PowerPoint presentations & audio recordings

Industry Issues

Policy Affecting the Cattle Industry
Senator Mike Johanns, Nebraska

Public Issues
Trent Loos, LoosTales

Positioning the Range Beef Herd for the Next 25 Years

Implications of the Ethanol Industry for Cow-Calf Producers
Ted Schroeder, Agricultural Economics, KSU

Current Inventory - Causes and Effects, Where are We Headed?
Jim Robb, Livestock Marketing Information Center

Cost of Production - Calculating your Unit Cost Production
Aaron Berger, Extension Educator, UNL

The Changing Structure of Beef Production: Stockers, Calf Feds, and Yearlings
Tom Brink, JBS Five Rivers Cattle Feeding

Cattle and Resource Management

What are Sub-Therapeutic Antibiotics and Can We Do Without Them?
Mike Apley, Production Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology, KSU

Weaned Calf Growing Options: How Do We Economically Produce a 1,000 lb Steer for Feedlot Entry?
Terry Klopfenstein, Ruminant Nutrition, UNL

Cow Side of Producing a 1,000 lb Feeder, Cow Size and Expenses
Ken Olson, Justin Waggoner, John Jaeger, Beef Specialist, SDSU & KSU

Determining Who Makes Land Use Decisions, Land Ownership or Land Control and What Decision Options Exist
Dave Goeller, North Central Risk Management Education Center

Land/Enterprise and Ownership Transfer
Meyring (PDF 846KB), Blair (PDF 195KB), Marcy, Producer Panel

Genetics and Selection

Genomics for the Rancher: How Does it Work and What Does it Mean?
Jack Whittier, Beef Specialist, CSU

Implementation of Marker Assisted EPDs
Matt Spangler, Beef Genetics, UNL

Feed Efficiency - How Should it be Used for the Cow Herd?
Andy Roberts, Research Scientist, USDA, ARS


Importance of Steak Origin to Restaurant Customers
Chris Calkins, Nebraska Beef Industry

How to Capture Added Value for the Calves Produced
Troy Marshall, Marshall Cattle Company, CO

Update on Preconditioning Beef Calves Prior to Sale by Cow/Calf Producers
Todd Thrift, Beef Cattle Management, University of Florida

Cutting Through the Myths to Feed a Growing Global Population
Travis Choat, Elanco Animal Health

Activities and Benefits from Exporting Beef
Paul Clayton, US Meat Export Federation

50 Years of Beef Reproduction Through my Eyes: Past, Present and Future
George Seidel, Distinguished Professor, Biomedical Sciences, CSU

Health Management

Vaccination - What the Heck am I Doing?
Jerry Stokka, Pfizer Animal Health

Labor Solutions for Ranch Operations, How to Find and Retain Quality Employees
Harry Knobbe, Harry Knobbe Feedyards, NE

Land and Resource Management

Economic Model for Multiple Land Use
John Ritten, Agricultural and Applied Economics, UW

Optimizing Range Management for Game Bird Habitat
Ben Geaumont, Wildlife Biologist, NDSU

Planning Ahead to Save AUMs and the Cow Herd in Times of Forage Shortage
Jerry Volesky, Range and Forage Specialist, UNL

2009—Range Beef Cow Symposium XXI, Casper, Wyoming

Presented by the Cooperative Extension Services and Animal Science Departments of University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, South Dakota State University, and University of Nebraska—Lincoln. 

Proceedings, synopses, PowerPoint presentations & audio recordings

Industry Issues

Federal Policy Impacts on Beef Producers
Cynthia Lummis

Wyoming Issues Update, CWD and Brucellosis
Dean Galey, University of Wyoming

Beef Export Considerations for the Industry
Jim Robb, Livestock Marketing Information Center

Advocates for Agriculture: Discovering Your Influence Power
Troy and Stacy Hadrick, Vale, SD

Animal Rights as a Mainstream Phenomenon
[Shortened Version for Reading in Australia]
Bernie Rollin, Colorado State University

Extensive Heifer Development Systems
Rick Funston, University of Nebraska, Jeremy Martin, University of Nebraska, Andy Roberts Fort Keogh, USDA/ARS

Common $ense Heifer Management
Patsy Houghton, Heartland Cattle, McCook, NE

Impact of Method of Heifer Development and Post-AI Management on Reproductive Efficiency
George Perry, Julie Walker, Cody Wright, and Ken Olson South Dakota State University

Profitable Cow and Heifer Pregnancy Rates
Jack Whittier, Colorado State University


Opportunities for Selection: Level 2
Ronnie Green, Pfizer Animal Health

Genetic Abnormalities
Jon Beever, University of Illinois

Integrating Information into Selection
Connee Quinn, Quinn Cow Company, Chadron, NE

Integrating Information into Selection
Loren Berger, Stapleton, NE

Beef Product Demand

U.S. Beef Demand Drivers and Enhancement Opportunities: A Research Summary
James Mintert, Purdue University
Glynn Tonsor, Kansas State University
Ted Schroeder, Kansas State University

"Feeding the World, Challenges and Opportunities for the U.S. Beef Industry
Clint Peck, Montana BQA

New Beef Products Research
Chris Calkins, University of Nebraska

Beef Cattle Selection

Selecting for Efficiency
Nick Hammett, Commercial Marketing Manager, Circle A Angus Ranch, Iberia, MO

Limitations and Challenges with RFI
Dorian Garrick, Iowa State University

Genetics of Disease Resistance
Mark Enns, Colorado State University

Using Information to Make Informed Selection Decisions
Matt Spangler, University of Nebraska

Range Management and Monitoring

Managing Annual Bromes in the Northern Great Plains
Lance Vermeire, Matt Rinella, and Jennifer Muscha, Fort Keogh, USDA/ARS

Livestock and Vegetation Responses to Stocking Rate and Grazing System
Justin Derner, High Plains Grassland Research Center, Cheyenne, WY, USDA-ARS

Implementing Range Monitoring
Roger Gates, South Dakota State University

Adding Value to the Calf Crop

Impacts of Calf Nutritional Management on Quality Grade
Lake, University of Wyoming

Bovine Respiratory Disease & Diagnostic Veterinary Medicine (Managing Respiratory Diseases in the Herd)
Don Montgomery, Wyoming State Veterinarian Laboratory

"Making Tough Decisions" for the Ranch
Jim Lerwick, Wyoming

Establishing Priorities and Sticking to Them
Douglas Olsen, Nebraska

Management and Nutrition

Rumen Physiology for the Rancher
Ivan Rush, University of Nebraska

Bull Management and Nutrition
Julie Walker, South Dakota State University

Two Best and Two Worst Decisions
Kory Bierle, Madsen Ranch, Midland, SD

The Two Best Decisions I Have Made
John Maddox, Nebraska

Economic Outlook

Economic Analysis of Production Systems
Dillon Feuz, Utah State University

Cattle Outlook
Brett Stuart, Cattle-FAX

2007—Range Beef Cow Symposium XX, Fort Collins, Colorado

Presented by the Cooperative Extension Services and Animal Science Departments of University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, South Dakota State University, and University of Nebraska—Lincoln. 

Proceedings, synopses, PowerPoint presentations & audio recordings

Industry Issues

The Impacts of the U.S. Corn/Ethanol Policy on the U.S. Cattle Industry
Andrew Gottschalk, Sr VP, R J O'Brien & Associates and Owner of HedgersEdge.com, LLC, Engelwood, CO

Panel Part 1: Antagonisms and Protagonisms of Alternative Energy Sources and Their Impacts on Ranchers
Leanne Stevenson, Natural Resources and Policy Section Manager, Wyoming Department of Agriculture

Panel Part 2: Small Wind Systems for the Ranch, Home and Business.
Tony Frank, Renewable Energy Development Director, Rocky Mountain Farmers Union

Consumers, Products and Markets

Improving Human Health with Beef Products
Marilyn Schnepf, University of Nebraska

Our Success Story: How do we sell beef as a natural beef retailer into a branded natural beef program?
Doc & Connie Hatfield, Country Natural Beef, Brothers, Oregon

Our Success Story: How do we sell branded beef direct to the consumer?
Robbie LeValley, Colorado Homestead Ranches, West Slope of Colorado

Cow-Calf Nutrition

Using By-Product Feeds in Cow/Calf Programs
Ivan Rush, University of Nebraska

Cow Condition and Reproductive Performance
Julie Walker and George Perry, South Dakota State University

Management Practices

Why did we move to June calving - and how do we make it work with public grazing lands?
Paul and Stephen Redd, Redd Ranches, Paradox, Colorado

How do I put together a production system that is best for me?
What does 40 years of research say?
Terry Klopfenstein, University of Nebraska

Benefits of Weaning Calves at Younger than Traditional Ages
Trey Patterson, Assistant Manager, Padlock Ranch, Ranchester, Wyoming

Successful AI and Synchronization Secrets: "It's in the Details."
G. Cliff Lamb, University of Minnesota

Heifer Development - Then and Now
Rick Funston, University of Nebraska

Nutrition During Gestation and Fetal Programming
Kim A. Vonnahme, North Dakota State University

Animal Health

Preparing Calves for the Feedlot.
Daniel Thomson, Kansas State University

The Immune System and Recovery from Sickness in Cattle
Gordon W. Brumbaugh, DVM, Specialty Veterinary Operations, Pfizer Animal Health, Wellborn, Texas

Basic Principles Used in the "Sandhills Calving System" and How They Apply to Other Production Environments
David R. Smith, University of Nebraska

Cattle Selection and Genetics

Ultrasound-Based Selection: Pitfalls and Rewards
Steve Paisley, University of Wyoming

Gene Testing for Production and Carcass Traits: What Does It Mean to a Rancher?
Bob Weaber, University of Missouri-Columbia

Genetic Information Made Easy: How to Sort through the Chaff to Find the Nuggets
Willie Altenburg, Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch, LLC, Fort Collins, Colorado

The Value of Heterosis in Cow Herds: Lessons from the Past that Apply to Today
Matthew Spangler, University of Tennessee-Martin

Range and Forage Management

Monitoring Grazing Lands: How, Why, When, What?
Paul J. Meiman, Colorado State University

Working with Federal Agencies to Develop Win-Win Programs for Ranchers and the Public
Eric Peterson, Area Natural Resource Education Specialist, Mountain West Extension Area, Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service

Delivery of Supplements on Rangelands
Kenneth C. Olson and Adele Harty, South Dakota State University

Markets and Marketing

Creating and Being Rewarded for Value in Calves.
Tim Davis, CowSense

Creating Value and Preserving Margin with Commercial Cows
Jim Lerwick, Lerwick Bros. LLC, Pine Bluffs, Wyoming

Marketing for Added Value
Glenn Smith, USA Country Manager, AgInfoLink USA, Longmont, Colorado

1990-2015 Range Beef Cow Symposiums

The Range Beef Cow Symposium proceedings from 1990 to 2015 are archived on the University of Nebraska—LIncoln Digital Commons site.