Silage for Beef Cattle Conference

harvesting wheatlage

The next Silage for Beef Cattle Conference will be June 20, 2024 at the Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center near Mead. 

Register now for this free biennial event, offered both virtually and in person.

5th Biennial Silage for Beef Cattle Conference

8:30 AM Welcome
9:00 AM Steps to Success: Enhancing Silage Quality Through
Timing Considerations; Galen Erickson Ph.D., Cattle Industry Professor of Animal Science and Beef Feedlot Extension Specialist, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
10:00 AM The Silage Ecosystem: Negative Consequences of Improper Silage Fermentation; Duarte Diaz Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences, University of Arizona
11:00 AM Break
11:15 AM Strategies For Silage Pile Management: Safety,
Density and Nutrient Preservation; Renato Schmidt Ph.D., Forage Technical Services, Lallemand Animal Nutrition, North America
12:15 PM Lunch
1:15 PM Navigating the Field: Best Practices for Interacting
with Custom Harvesters; Panel Discussion Moderated by Jessica Sperber Ph.D., Extension Assistant Professor & Feedlot Specialist,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2:15 PM Using Earlage in Feedlots; Zachary Smith Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Animal Science, South Dakota State University
3:15 PM Break
3:30 PM The Role of Silage in Beef Systems; Jim MacDonald Ph.D., Professor Ruminant Nutrition, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
4:30 PM Optimizing Your Silage Investment: Key Takeaways; Kip Karges Ph.D., Technical Services Manager, Lallemand Animal Nutrition, North America
5:30 PM Adjourn
6:00 PM Klosterman Feedlot Innovation Center Tour
Jessica Sperber @ | Adriene Aubuchon @

The following recordings of the 2022 Silage for Beef Cattle Conference hosted by Nebraska Extension, Lalleand Animal Nutrition and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach are available. 

Download the Proceedings Booklet (PDF, 13MB)

Agronomic management of small grain for silages

Dr. Daren Redfearn

Forage Specialist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Small grains for silage: balancing quality and yield

Mary Drewnoski

Beef Systems Specialist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Growing sorghum for silage

Matt Akins

Specialist at University of Wisconsin-Madison Dept. of Animal and Dairy Science

Silage Fermentation Analysis

John Goeser

University of Wisconsin–Madison and Rock River Laboratory

Fundamentals of silage harvest management

Becky Arnold

Custom Harvest Development Manager-Lallemand

Silage inoculants: how to select to get the most return on investment

Dr. Limin Kung

University of Delaware

Economics and ROI on quality forage in grower and finishing rations

Dr. Jhones Sarturi

Texas Tech