Chute Scoring Beef Cattle
Body Condition Scoring Beef Cows
Teat and Udder Scoring
Beef Cattle Breeding and Genetics
- Understanding and Using Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs), Selection Indexes, and Gene Marker Information When Selecting Beef Bulls (recorded webinar)
- Collecting DNA Samples In Beef Cattle (video)
- Across Breed EPD Calculator Worksheet (Excel file)
free download from Kansas State University
Feeding and Nutrition Management
- Minerals and Vitamins For Beef Cows (Extension Circular 288; PDF 178KB, 7pgs)
- Calculating Trace Mineral Needs of Beef Cow
- Corn Stalk Grazing Calculator
- Understanding Feed Analysis
- Grazing and Hay Records: Spreadsheet Template, EC165 (PDF 1.87MB)
download Grazing and Hay Records Excel spreadsheet file
Beef Cow Reproduction
- The Estrous Cycle
- Synchronizing Estrus In Beef Cattle
- Synchronizing Estrus in Beef Cattle (Extension Circular 283; PDF 1.18MB, 12 pgs)
- Breeding Cost Cow-Q-Lator (Excel spreadsheet and video with explanations)
- Beef Cattle Reproductive Cycle, Estrous Synchronization Protocols (recorded webinar)
- Management and Assistance at Calving