BeefWatch Archive

Beefwatch Archive

To read articles prior to September 2017, please visit the article archive on UNL Announce.

Time to start planning for heat in the feedlot

As we approach the end of May, it may be time to start thinking of the summer heat, particularly that first heat event that cattle and folks who manage may not be prepared for. The following is a list of some strategies cattle feedlot managers and their crews could begin thinking about as nice weather today turns into heat-stressing weather later.

How to know when a pasture is ready to be grazed in the spring

The time for turn out to our primary summer pastures is very near.  A couple of important questions are what date to turn out, and which pastures should be first?

Horn flies and Control Options

Nebraska’s spring weather conditions have made it more difficult to predict the emergence of horn flies. If the current weather pattern continues, we should start to see horn fly emergence in the southeast part of the state in early May, reaching northern Nebraska by late May. If we experience an abrupt and sustained warm-up, horn fly numbers could reach or exceed the Economic Injury Level (EIL) statewide by the end of May. The EIL represents a fly population of 200 flies per animal that negatively impacts cattle production enough to warrant paying for a fly control measure.

Should I trich test my mature bulls?

We are nearing spring turnout and breeding season, and with that, many producers may be getting bulls tested right before turnout. So, what should producers be considering to maintain herd health within their mature bull battery?

Bovine trichomoniasis “trich” testing – what is it?

H5N1/Avian Influenza/Bird Flu in dairy cattle

A discussion of the situation involving H5N1 (avian influenza/bird flu) and dairy cattle with UNL’s BeefWatch Podcast host Aaron Berger, beef Extension educator and Dr. Matt Hille, an assistant professor and diagnostic pathologist at the Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center based on the campus of the University of Nebraska—Lincoln.

Targeted grazing on cheatgrass in the western Great Plains

Targeted livestock grazing is the application of grazing animals at a defined time, intensity, and duration for vegetation or landscape management objectives. When planned right, targeted grazing management can accomplish those objectives without negatively affecting livestock production. Understanding plant growth and livestock grazing preference is important to the success of targeted grazing.

Understanding the Value of Grass in Nebraska

Nebraska has one of the highest summer pasture rental rates for cow-calf pairs or stocker/yearlings of anywhere in the United States. On a price per pair per month or price per head basis, Nebraska rental rates are at the top when compared to neighboring states and the nation. Nebraska Extension annually publishes the results of a survey, “Nebraska Farm Real Estate Report” that documents reported pasture rental rates.

BeefWatch Podcast: Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance with Dr. Reinaldo Cooke

Aaron Berger, Nebraska beef Extension educator, talks to Reinaldo Cooke, Burkhart Endowed Professor for Beef Cattle Research at Texas A & M, about maternal bovine appeasing substance on this episode of BeefWatch. Dr. Cooke discusses where the pheromone originates, what it does and recent research spanning production from weaned calves to the harvest of market ready cattle.

Don't use tanks that have been used to haul fertilizer for hauling drinking water for cattle

Tanks that are used to haul nitrogen-based fertilizer should not be used to transport drinking water for cattle as there is a risk of poisoning. Any nitrogen remaining in the tank can potentially cause nitrate or non-protein nitrogen (urea) toxicosis in ruminants (depending on form of fertilizer).