BeefWatch Archive

Beefwatch Archive

To read articles prior to September 2017, please visit the article archive on UNL Announce.

How Are They Shedding?

Research has shown that calves from cows that shed their winter hair coat earlier tend to weigh more at weaning.

Wait! Wait! Is Your Pasture Ready to Graze?

To prevent damaging forage production, grass needs a head start to grow leaves and replace the resources used to grow leaves before grazing.

Nebraska BQA: Handling Animal Health Products

As the beef cattle industry focuses on stewardship in animal health and antimicrobial use, we are continually reminded to follow FDA Labels on all animal products. We understand the importance of strong vaccination programs, proper diagnosis and treatment, and the good stockmanship when handling livestock.

How Good Accounting Practices Aid Decision Making

Allocating costs is a tool used to assist in financial and managerial decision making within your operation.

Implanting the Suckling Calf

As branding season approaches, consider using calfhood implants as a management strategy to maximize returns.

Should You Creep Feed Your Calves This Summer?

Creep feeding must be carefully appraised in view of economics of cost of gain, potential market, and the influence on sale price of the calves.

A Reminder about Forage Intake in the Nursing Calf Raised in a Limit Fed Confinement System

As grass leases continue to get harder to find and more expensive to acquire, and drought continues to threaten the Great Plains, cow/calf producers are showing more and more interest in feeding pairs in a confinement system.

Four Webinars on Genetic Selection Tools for Cattle Producers now Available

As part of the National Cattlemens' Beef Association webinar series, the eBEEF team conducted four webinars in the spring of 2018 focused on genetic selection tools available to beef cattle producers and how to put them into practice. The first webinar, "Fake News: EPDs don't work", focused on the fundamental principles of EPDs and common misconceptions. Examples include the differences between birth weight and calving ease EPD, what "milk" EPD really is, and the perception that "more is better".

Characteristics of Top Agricultural Business Managers

In this month's BeefWatch Producer Perspective Podcast, Dr. Danny Klinefelter who is a retired agricultural economics and professor from Texas A&M University shares about The Executive Program for Agricultural Producers (TEPAP) which is a designed for ag business owners and managers looking to develop their skills.

Topics discussed include:

Stretching Grass while Maintaining Cattle in the Pasture

As drought conditions worsen through a large portion of the Great Plains, many beef cattle producers are starting to evaluate ways to stretch forage resources potentially in jeopardy.