BeefWatch Archive

Beefwatch Archive

To read articles prior to September 2017, please visit the article archive on UNL Announce.

Tri-State Cow/Calf Symposium February 8, 2019 Imperial, Nebraska

Tri-State Cow/Calf Symposium will be held at the Wesleyan Church in Imperial Nebraska on February 8 with registration at 9:00 AM and the program starting at 9:30.  The program was developed by Extension Educators and Specialists from Colorado State University, Kansas State University and the University of Nebraska.  The emphasis of this symposium is Strategies for Success.  Topics for the program include:

Beef Profit Tips Programs to be Held in Nebraska

During the winter of 2019 Nebraska Extension will host 17 beef profitability workshops in Nebraska to help Beef Producers evaluate their operations to make them more profitable through the latest research information. Topics will vary depending on presenter and specific location. These workshops have been held across Nebraska for the past fifteen years. The cost is $15.00 but may vary from location depending on local sponsorship.

2019 Locations are as follows (no meal unless otherwise stated)

Early Hay Harvest and Fertilizing Meadows

As supplementation costs continue to rise across Nebraska, producers are looking for economical ways to meet protein and energy requirements of their cattle. Hay produced on irrigated grass and subirrigated meadows can be a potential supplementation source throughout Nebraska.

Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N) or Nitrate (NO3-) – Know the Difference!

I just got the forage test results back from the lab and the nitrate score was 3,000. Am I in trouble? Every year I get multiple questions similar to this one. Unfortunately, with just this information I’m unable to give a useful answer. So – the first question I ask is “Was this reported as nitrates or as nitrate nitrogen?”

Grazing Fall Pairs on Cornstalks

Cornstalk residue can be an economical source of forage for beef cattle in the winter.  The leftover corn, leaf and husk are the most desirable parts of the corn plant to the animal. Modern farming practices and technology have probably decreased the amount of corn left in the fields for the most part, but the digestibility of the leaf and husk are typically between 45-57% total digestible nutrients (TDN).  Assuming stocking rates are moderate and intake is not limiting, research has indicated this will maintain non-lactating pregnant cows.


Winter Grazing On Upland Rangelands

Year-round cattle grazing is an important management consideration in the Nebraska Sandhills and western Nebraska. With proper protein and mineral supplementation, cattle can be successfully grazed on dormant winter forage without high inputs of harvested feeds. Although, some hay may need to be fed during heavy snows or if available forage is lacking. Saving forage on pastures for use during only winter months can provide a valuable source of feed.

Corn Stalk Quality After Weathering

Fall rainfall, and even snow, is good for wheat and next year’s crops, but it does have its drawbacks.  One challenge is rain’s impact on corn stalk feed quality.

Rain in the fall usually is welcomed despite the delays it causes with crop harvest.  Pastures and alfalfa benefit from extra growth and winterizing capabilities.  Wheat and other small grains get well established as do any new fields of alfalfa or pasture.  The reserve moisture stored in the soil will get good use during next year’s growing season.

Feedlot Worker Safety

In this recent webinar, Dr. Aaron Yoder discusses an on-going project designed to improve the safety and health of cattle feedyard workers.

Beef Cows, Hoop Barns, Cover Crops, Cornstalks, and Irrigated Pasture – A Producer’s Perspective

Integrated cow-calf production systems that utilize hoop barns, crop residues and annual forages are gaining interest in the heart of corn and soybean county. In this BeefWatch Producer Perspective Podcast, Tyler Burkey who is part of a family farm operation near Milford, Nebraska discusses how they have built a cow-calf operation around a wide range of resources and technology.

Changing Supplementation Frequency May Impact Cow Weight and Body Condition Score

This article is a summary of the 2016 Kansas Agricultural Experimentation Station Research Reports: Vol. 2: Iss.1. “Effects of Altering Supplementation Frequency During the Pre-Partum Period of Beef Cows Grazing Dormant Native Range.”  C.J. McMullen, J.R. Jaeger, J.W. Waggoner, K.R. Harmoney and K.C. Olsen were collaborators on this research study and report.  The report is summarized by Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Beef Educator.