Animated Diagrams

Estrous Cycle Learning Module - Animated Diagrams

The animated diagrams below are support files for the Estrous Cycle Learning Module article.

Hypothalamic-Pituitary Gonadal Axis





New Videos in 2015 Dry Lotting and Confinement Series

New Videos in the Dry Lotting and Confinement Beef Cow Management Series

April 2015

Cow-Q-Lator News

The Breeding Cost "Cow-Q-Lator" for Heifers and Cows

May 2015

Confinement Cows Series Part 6: Management Considerations

Dry Lotting and Confinement Cows Series
Part 6: Management Considerations

April 2015

Dr. Rick Rasby
UNL Extension Beef Specialist
Animal Science Department
University of Nebraska–Lincoln

In this video Dr. Rick Rasby discusses management considerations for dry lotting beef cows. Pen space, water availability, separate areas for calves as well as bunk space are addressed.

Confinement Cows Series Part 5: Pricing Feeds

Dry Lotting and Confinement Cows Series
Part 5: Pricing Feeds

April 2015

Dr. Rick Rasby
UNL Extension Beef Specialist
Animal Science Department
University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Dr. Rick Rasby discusses the importance of pricing and accurately comparing feeds to one another when developing a cost effective ration for cows fed in a dry lot situation.

Confinement Cows Series Part 4: Economics

Dry Lotting and Confinement Cows Series
Part 4: Economics

April 2015

Dr. Rick Rasby
UNL Extension Beef Specialist
Animal Science Department
University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Dr. Rick Rasby discusses the economics of dry lotting beef cows in a year-round or seasonal system in comparison to other more extensive grazing systems on which research has been conducted in Nebraska.