2015 Range Beef Cow Symposium

Range Beef Cow Symposium XXIV

November 17-19, 2015; Loveland, Colorado

Presented by
Cooperative Extension Services and the Animal Science Departments of

university seals

Understanding AUMs (Animal Unit Months)

Sustainable Pasture Usage - Understanding AUMs (Animal Unit Months)

May 2013

photo of Nebraska Sandhills pastureAs producers get ready to take cattle to summer pasture, questions often arise about the relationship between range management and stocking rate.

How to get late calving cows to breed earlier

Producer Question from 2015

Q:  How can I get late calving cows to breed earlier so they calve earlier in the calving season next year? (May 1, 2015)

A:  There are a number of things that producers can do that will encourage cows to return to estrus more quickly after calving and thus be more likely to conceive and calve earlier in the next calving season.