Understanding and Managing Nitrate Risk in Double Crop Forages (Cover Crops)

Understanding and Managing Nitrate Risk in Double Crop Forages (Cover Crops)

November 2015

Mary Drewnoski
Beef Systems Specialist
University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Dr. Drewnoski describes how nitrates can be a potential risk in double-cropped annual forages (cover crops) and discusses testing and management to minimize risk.

Beef NebGuides and Extension Circulars

NebGuide imageNebGuides and Extension Circulars

UNL Extension NebGuides and Extension Circulars provide research-based information that addresses specific topics and also gives examples of how that research can be applied.

Producer Question: grazing cover crops - should I be concerned about nitrates

Producer Question from 2015

Q:  I am planning on grazing cover crops (double cropped forage) this fall should I be concerned about nitrates? (November 4, 2015)

Cool Season Annuals (cover crops) for Late Fall and Early Spring Forage

Cool Season Annuals (cover crops) for Late Fall and Early Spring Forage

October 2015

Mary Drewnoski
Beef Systems Specialist
University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Dr. Drewnoski describes how cool-season annual forages can be grown (double-cropped forage) between cash crop production and examines different options available in Nebraska as well as the feed value of these forages.