What is the correct temperature to hang beef in a cooler for 7 to 14 days of storage? (September 15, 2009)
How do you read and understand the daily beef prices as stated in the current ag price listed here? (September, 2009)
At what age is it safe to breed a heifer? (October 6, 2009)
Is the use of monocalcium phosphate more beneficial than dicalcium phosphate in cattle feeds? (October 12, 2009)
Is it a mistake to use high pressure grazing for stockers (300 to 850 lbs)? (October 14, 2009)
After a hard freeze how much Johnson grass will kill a cow? And is there any other grass that is toxic after a freeze? (December 8, 2009)
I turned my bull out May 15, 2009 with the cows. Last nite (Dec. 8th) I was putting hay out and noticed my bull was following a few cows around and trying to ride them. The cows he was following appear to be heavy bred (vision only). I haven't had them palpated or anything, though. My question is can cows give off a false heat after they are bred? (December 11, 2009)
Is cattle ingestion of plastic net wrap more harmful than plastic twine? (December 11, 2009)
I have been told that it is less costly and just as beneficial to feed protein cubes to my herd instead of hay. Can you tell me how many pounds of 20% protein cubes I would need to feed per week to keep my late-term cows in their current body condition or if this is even a good or bad idea? My cows weigh 1000 to 1150 pounds. (December 15, 2009)
What would the hay loss be from a H & S hay feeder wagon having double bars compared to regular ring hay feeder? (December 22, 2009)