Too much urea in range cubes, nitrates in volunteer corn?

Producer Question from 2010

Q:  I have purchased some range cubes that are 37% protein (w/8% Urea). If I feed 3 lbs. per head every other day, will I have any problems with too much urea or ammonia in the blood? Also, is volunteer corn high in nitrates? (October 8, 2010)

A:  I assume on the feed tag it reads, Protein supplement 37-8, so:

Johnson grass hay after hard freeze

Producer Question from 2010

Q: We cut johnson grass last night to bale into hay for our cows. We had a hard freeze last night. Can we still use this hay? When can we cut more for hay to feed to beef cows? (October 29, 2010)

Does Monensin prevent bloat or founder?

Producer Question from 2010

Q:  I frequently read that monensin prevents bloat, but the research that I find suggests it prevents acidosis. Does monensin prevent bloat or founder? (November 15, 2010)

A:  Following is the information found about the use of monensin in livestock feeding programs.

Pros and cons of feeding genetically modified corn

Producer Question from 2010

Q:  How are cows physically effected by the genetically modified corn? What are the pros and cons of feeding them genetically modified corn versus an organic diet? How is the meat and dairy effected by the genetically modified corn and what are the pros and cons? (November 19, 2010)


Which type of lick tub for winter grazing?

Producer Question from 2010

Q:  Can cattle grazing on winter range grass or cornstalks utilize NPN in a lick tub or do cattle utilize all natural tubs better? (December 29, 2010)