How Much Loss Will Occur If I Feed Distillers Grains on the Ground?

Producer Question from 2016

Q.  How much loss will occur if I feed dried distillers grains on the ground as a protein supplement to cows during the fall and winter on range? Dried distillers grains are readily available and I am considering if I should use it. (August 17, 2016)

Cow Calf Share Lease Agreements

October 2016

Aaron Berger 
Extension Educator
Panhandle Research & Extension Center
University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Aaron Berger, Extension Educator, discusses how determining a "fair" beef cow-calf lease or share agreement requires that both parties understand what each is contributing to the production of weaned calves.

Comparison of Timed AI at GnRH Injection and Delayed Insemination of Non-estrus Expressing Beef Heifers

Comparison of Timed AI at GnRH Injection and Delayed Insemination of Non-estrus Expressing Beef Heifers

May 2016

This study by Hazy R. Nielson, Dan J. Kelly, T.L. Meyer, and Rick N. Funston can be found in the 2016 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report (PDF).

To Estrus Detect or Not Was the Question

To Estrus Detect or Not Was the Question

May 2016

Study by B. T. Tibbitts, T. L. Meyer, D. J. Kelly‚ and R. N. Funston.

Implanting Heifers

Implanting Heifers

May 2016

Study by B. T. Tibbitts, H. R. Nielson, K. C. Ramsay, and R. N. Funston.