Beef Cows, Hoop Barns, Cover Crops, Cornstalks, and Irrigated Pasture – A Producer’s Perspective

Beef Cows, Hoop Barns, Cover Crops, Cornstalks, and Irrigated Pasture – A Producer’s Perspective

photo of cattle in a hoop barn
Photo Courtesy of Tyler Burkey

Integrated cow-calf production systems that utilize hoop barns, crop residues and annual forages are gaining interest in the heart of corn and soybean county.   In this BeefWatch Producer Perspective Podcast, Tyler Burkey who is part of a family farm operation near Milford, Nebraska discusses how they have built a cow-calf operation around a wide range of resources and technology.   Some of the topics that Tyler discusses in the interview include:

  • The history of the farm and the transition from corn and soybeans to forages and beef cows.
  • How hoop barns are used at calving and weaning to mitigate stress and improve cattle health and performance
  • The development of a nutrition program which seeks to provides quality forage year around that includes crop residues, cover crops, annual forages, perennial pasture and harvested feed.
  • The use of technology and intensive management to enhance productivity and quality of life.

Nebraska Extension has a number of resources related to management of beef cows in dry lot scenarios as well information on the use of annual forages in production systems.
The BeefWatch podcast is the audio companion to the monthly BeefWatch newsletter and also features bonus interviews such as the Producer Perspective.  The BeefWatch Podcast is available at iTunes and Stitcher. You can also subscribe by copying and pasting into your favorite podcast app.