BeefWatch Articles

Hay bales in the road ditch

December 4, 2023

What to know about feeding road ditch hay to cows

Troy Walz, Nebraska Extension Educator

beefwatch graphic

December 1, 2023

Pasture, Rangeland, Forage Insurance summary of sales and performance history

Jay Parsons, Farm and Ranch Management Specialist; John Hewlett, Ranch/Farm Management Specialist - University of Wyoming; Jeff Tranel, Ag and Business Management Specialist - Colorado State University

Feeding meadow hay to cows

November 1, 2023

How to Meet your Cow’s Nutrient Needs when Feeding Hay this Winter

Mary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist

Frost-covered fenceline and plants, with cattle in the background.

October 14, 2023

What to know about grazing frosted forages

Ben Beckman, Nebraska Extension Educator

Cattle with virtual fencing collars

October 1, 2023

What do stocker and cow-calf producers think of Virtual Fencing?

Thomas Aquino UNL Animal Science Graduate Research Associate; Yijie Xiong, Nebraska Extension Specialist, Precision Livestock Management

Cutting silage

October 1, 2023

Pricing Corn Destined for Feeding as Silage, Snaplage, Earlage or Grain

Alfredo DiCostanzo, Nebraska Extension Educator; Shannon Sand, Nebraska Extension Educator

cow on corn residue

October 1, 2023

Understanding Cattle Health Concerns on Cornstalks

Lindsay Waechter-Mead, DVM, Nebraska Extension Beef Educator

Hailed corn plants

September 1, 2023

Making Silage from Late Season Hail Damaged Corn

Mary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist

Cattle grazing windrowed summer annuals

September 1, 2023

Windrow Grazing Annual Forages to Extend the Grazing Season

Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Educator

August 1, 2023

Drought-damaged Smooth Bromegrass Pastures: Assessment and Recovery Considerations

Daren Redfearn, Nebraska Extension Forage and Crop Residue Specialist; Ben Beckman, Nebraska Extension Educator