BeefWatch Articles

Calves grazing rye

April 1, 2023

Getting the Most Out of Grazing Cereal Rye and Other Winter-hardy Small Cereals

Mary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist; Daren Redfearn, Nebraska Extension Forage and Crop Residue Specialist

Cow eating hay

April 1, 2023

Thin Cows and Limited Hay Resources: What are my options?

Josie Crouch, MS Animal Science student; Kacie McCarthy, Nebraska Extension Cow-Calf Specialist; Travis Mulliniks, former UNL Beef Cattle Nutritionist, Range Production Systems

Cows and calves in confinement

March 21, 2023

Mineral and Vitamin Considerations When Drylotting Cows

Mary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist; Karla Wilke, Nebraska Extension Cow/Calf Systems and Stocker Management Specialist

field of oats

March 7, 2023

Forrajes Anuales de Primavera

Jerry Volesky, Extension Range and Forage Specialist; Daren Redfearn, Nebraska Extension Forage and Crop Residue Specialist

Cowboy roping

March 1, 2023

Identifying Your Competitive Advantage

Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Educator


March 1, 2023

Early Herd Rebuilding Could Happen Through the Bred Cow Market

Elliott Dennis, Livestock Marketing and Risk Management Economist

March 1, 2023

Nebraska BQA Nearly Sweeps National BQA Awards

Jesse Fulton, Extension Educator, Director of Nebraska Beef Quality Assurance

Sloping pavement feedlot

March 1, 2023

To Pave or Not to Pave? A Slippery-Slope…

Rick Stowell, Extension Specialist, UNL Biological Systems Engineering

calf near pile of hay

February 21, 2023

Preparación para la Temporada de Partos

Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Educator