BeefWatch Articles

Face flies on cow

February 2, 2020

Pinkeye in Cattle

Brent Plugge, Nebraska Extension Educator; Brian Vander Ley, DVM Epidemiologist, Great Plains Veterinary Education Center

Cows and calves feeding in the snow

February 2, 2020

Understanding Feed Analysis

Rick Rasby, Nebraska Extension Specialist

Black cow and baldie calf on Nebraska pasture

February 2, 2020

Estrous Cycle Learning Module

Rick Rasby, Nebraska Extension Specialist

February 2, 2020

Can cows give off false heat after breeding?

Rick Rasby, Nebraska Extension Specialist

Red cow and calf in pasture

February 2, 2020

Early Pregnancy Detection in Cows

Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Educator


February 2, 2020

Will CIDRs bring cows into heat earlier so they calve sooner next year?

Bethany Johnston, Nebraska Extension Educator; Jay Jenkins, Former Nebraska Extension Educator

Cows grazing corn residue

February 2, 2020

Producer questions about feeding corn, corn stalks, or corn byproduct

Mary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist

downed cornstalks

February 2, 2020

Downed Corn: Problem or Opportunity for Cattle Producers?

Mary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist