Unlock Your Cattle Operation's Potential with the Midwest FEEDS Practicum

December 20, 2024

Unlock Your Cattle Operation's Potential with the Midwest FEEDS Practicum

By: Mary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist, Connor Biehler, Nebraska Extension Educator

Cows grazing wheat
Learn practical, research-based strategies to improve your operation's efficiency and profitability while leveraging the Midwest's unique advantages in forage and grazing resources. Photo by Troy Walz | Nebraska Extension

Join the Midwest FEEDS (Forage, Education, and Efficiency in Diversified Systems) Practicum—a hands-on, multi-session educational program tailored for cattle producers. Learn practical, research-based strategies to improve your operation's efficiency and profitability while leveraging the Midwest's unique advantages in forage and grazing resources.

Program Highlights

  • Interactive Learning: Hands-on training paired with expert-led discussions across five sessions spanning the production season.
  • Exclusive Networking: Connect with peers and industry leaders in a collaborative environment.
  • Practical Resources: Access decision-support tools, NRC software, and UNL publications to enhance your management strategies.

Skills You'll Gain

  • Develop nutrition plans using advanced tools and software.
  • Create tailored grazing and forage strategies.
  • Master breeding, calving, and weaning best practices.
  • Evaluate cattle performance and refine management systems.

Program Details

  • Dates:
    1. February 27–28, 2025: Health, Nutrition, and Systems Thinking
    2. April 24–25, 2025: Forage Systems and Breeding
    3. June 19–20, 2025: Facilities and Pasture Management
    4. September 4–5, 2025: Weaning, Culling, and Winter Feeding
    5. December 4–5, 2025: Stalk Grazing and Preparing for Calving
  • Location: Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center,  1071 County Road G
  • Ithaca, NE 68033
  • Cost: $750 per individual; $1,300 for two; $500 for each additional participant.

Sign Up Today

Elevate your expertise and position your operation for success. Enroll in the Midwest FEEDS Practicum here or contact Connor Biehler at cbiehler2@unl.edu or 402-624-8030.

Online Beef Cattle Production

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