The Nebraska Beef Cattle Reports contain a summary of research conducted by scientists and graduate students in the University of Nebraska — Lincoln Animal Science Department. The target audiences for these reports are livestock producers, extension educators, and people in agribusiness.
2025 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
Artificial Insemination of Beef Heifers with Multi-Sire Semen
Dempster M. Christenson, research technician and graduate student
Jordan M. Thomas, assistant professor, Animal Science (University of Missouri)
Daniel J. Kelly, producer, Sutherland, NE
Rick N. Funston, full professor, animal science, West Central Research and Extension Center, North Platte, NE
Summary with Implications
This study compared pregnancy rates of beef heifers artificially inseminated with multi-sire semen versus single-sire semen. It was hypothesized that pregnancy rates would be higher with multi-sire semen. Heifers were inseminated with semen from one of three single sires or from a mix of those sires. Pregnancy rates did not differ significantly. Paternity testing showed that sire parentage could be unequal when using multi-sire semen. In conclusion, producers can expect similar pregnancy rates with both single-sire and multi-sire semen, but progeny may have unequal sire representation.
Methods that increase pregnancy rate to AI (artificial insemination) in heifers increase the productivity of the herd by increasing the lifetime productivity of those heifers and their progeny while decreasing the costs associated with development of heifers who take more time and feed to produce a calf. A greater number of observations from this ongoing research may provide further insight on the effects of multi-sire treatment on heifers from multiple years. Current results indicate pregnancy rate to AI with MS and SS treatment is not significantly different, but the percentage of calves from each sire within the MS treatment tended to be. However, more research is required to solidify these conclusions and understand what unexplored interactions may be influencing these results.
Impact of Overwinter Gain on Growth and Reproductive Performance in March-born Heifers
Josie N. Crouch, graduate student
J. Travis Mulliniks, former associate professor, Animal Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, West Central Research and Extension Center, North Platte, NE
Jacki A. Musgrave, research technician
Kacie L. McCarthy, assistant professor, Animal Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
Summary with Implications
Heifers developed to lower rates of overwinter gain may reduce development costs without impacting growth or reproduction. A 3-year study evaluated different overwinter rates of gain on heifer growth, reproductive, and economic performance. Heifers were managed together and individually supplemented (January-May) with dried distillers grains to achieve either a low (0.75 lb/d) or high (1.50 lb/d) average daily gain. At breeding, high-gain heifers were heavier than low-gain heifers. Average daily gain and body condition score were similar between treatments. Overwinter treatment did not impact attainment of puberty, pregnancy rates, or the percentage that gave birth in the first 21 days. Net returns were $31.26 greater for low-gain heifers compared to high-gain heifers, suggesting that lower average daily gain offers a better return after considering development costs. Results indicate developing heifers at a lower rate of gain may reduce input costs and provide flexibility in determining an overwinter supplementation rate and overall rate of gain.
From this study, it can be concluded that heifers developed to a lower rate of gain were lighter at breeding; however, low-gain heifers experienced compensatory gain that resulted in no differences in BCS or BW after breeding. Additionally, supplementing heifers targeted at two overwinter rates of gain did not influence the percentage that attained puberty, were pregnant, or gave birth in the first 21 days of the calving season. Because there was no difference in reproductive performance, developing heifers at a lower rate of gain may provide an economic advantage with a greater net return when compared to higher development rates. Since BCS, BW at pregnancy diagnosis and pre-calving, and reproductive performance were similar between overwinter treatments, there is an economic advantage to developing heifers to a lower rate of gain. This study implies that producers may have flexibility when determining overwinter supplementation rates and overall rate of gain.
Impact of Pre-and Post-breeding Supplementation on Performance of May-born heifers
Josie N. Crouch, graduate student
J. Travis Mulliniks, former associate professor, Animal Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, West Central Research and Extension Center, North Platte, NE
Jacki A. Musgrave, research technician
Kacie L. McCarthy, assistant professor, Animal Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
Summary with Implications
This 3-year study compared growth, reproductive performance, and economics of May-born yearling heifers that either received 2.00 lb/heifer/day of a dried distillers grain supplement from pre-breeding (July) through breeding (August) or no supplement. Supplementation was offered approximately 24 days before breeding, averaging 55 days total. Heifer body weight was unaffected by supplementation. Supplementation increased average daily gain until pregnancy diagnosis, but no differences were noted after pregnancy diagnosis. Providing dried distillers grain increased the percentage of heifers that were cycling before breeding; however, no differences in pregnancy rates, percent that gave birth in the first 21 days, calving date, or calf body weight at birth were observed. Heifers without supplementation had a $17.38 greater net return than supplemented heifers. This study implies providing dried distillers grain during the pre-breeding and breeding period increases pre-breeding attainment of puberty and average daily gains with no impact to other reproductive measures or body weight gains.
Although providing RUP supplementation increased pubertal heifers prior to breeding, other reproductive measures, heifer BW, and pre-calving BCS were not impacted by supplementation. Over the 55-day supplementation period, BW and ADG were not different between the treatment groups, and both treatments had adequate body condition at pregnancy check and pre-calving. This suggests that although supplementing RUP prior to and during the breeding season can increase attainment of puberty, the impact on overall reproductive performance and growth is limited.
Effects of Allocation Frequency on Cattle Performance and Forage Utilization when Swath Grazing a Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrid in Eastern Nebraska
Thomas E. Aquino, graduate student
Mary E. Drewnoski, associate professor, Animal Science
Pedro Fernandes, graduate student
Summary with Implications
A sorghum-sudangrass hybrid was swath grazed by steers (529 ± 18 lb) from November 2023 to January 2024, with treatments of offering new forage once (1X) or twice (2X) per week. Average daily gain was similar between treatments (1X = 0.45 ± 0.1 lb/day, 2X = 0.45 ± 0.1 lb/day), and forage utilization was not significantly different (1X = 57.1 ± 3.6%, 2X = 61.1 ± 3.6%). However, the carrying capacity was greater for the 2X allocation (6.8 vs 5.8 AUM/ac). Cattle allocated new forage 1X used more acres than 2X for the same grazing period. For producers considering swath grazing as a winter feeding strategy, allocating new forage more frequently can increase field carrying capacity by 17%, likely due to reduced trampling loss with more frequent allocations.
The study’s key finding was the 17% increase in carrying capacity (AUM/ac) with a twice-weekly forage allocation. Pre-graze biomass and overall forage utilization were similar across treatments, indicating that the increased carrying capacity was due to the allocation frequency. This likely resulted from reduced trampling loss with more frequent allocations. Although crude protein (CP) content remained consistent, the digestible organic matter (DOM) declined by approximately 14 percentage points over the winter due to exposure to the elements. For producers considering swath grazing, increasing the frequency of forage allocation can enhance carrying capacity, but the decrease in DOM should be taken into account.
Effect of Forage Allocation on Steer Performance when Grazing Cereal Rye
Shelby L. Davies-Jenkins, graduate student
Abigail M. Sartin, graduate student
Daren D. Redfearn, professor, Agronomy, Lincoln
Mary E. Drewnoski, associate professor, Animal Science, Lincoln
Summary with Implication
Cereal rye is the most common cover crop planted today. With its good winter tolerance and rapid spring growth during a gap in perennial pasture productivity, it is an attractive forage source in early spring. Unfortunately, optimum stocking rates and how they are related to forage biomass availability are unknown. The study objective was to understand the effect of forage allowance on steer performance when rotationally grazing fall-planted cereal rye in spring. Stocking rate was negatively correlated with pounds of forage offered. Surprisingly, amount of forage offered related to average daily gain. Growing steers grazing cereal rye gained 2.01 ± 0.31 lb/d. This was likely due to the high forage nutritive value throughout the season which was a result of the rotationally grazed system. Thus, for ~750 lbs steers, stocking rates between 630 and 2,300 lbs BW/ac (1 to 3 hd/ac) will result in similar average daily gain in rotationally grazed cereal rye systems. Therefore, stocking at the higher end of this range will likely result in the best economic return.
Cereal rye can fill an early spring gap in pasture productivity and availability. When rotationally grazing cereal rye, forage nutritive value remained high throughout the grazing season. However, increasing the stocking rate decreased the amount of average forage mass offered. For ~750 lb steers, stocking rates between 630 and 2,300 lbs of BW/ac (0.8 to 3 steers/ac) resulted in similar ADG and there was no correlation observed between available forage mass nor amount of forage offered. Lack of observed differences was likely due to the high forage nutritive value coupled with rotational grazing. Higher stocking rates did increase the total pounds of gain per acre. Therefore, rotationally grazing, at lower forage allowances will increase total gain per acre without sacrificing individual animal performance.
Strategies Affecting Performance and Profitability of May-Born Steers
Dempster M. Christenson, research technician and graduate student
Jacki A. Musgrave, research technician
Rick N. Funston, professor, Animal Science, West Central Research and Extension Center, North Platte, NE
Summary with Implications
This study compared the performance and economic outcomes of differing backgrounding and feedlot systems in May-born yearling steers. We hypothesized reduced supplementation with adequate forage availability while backgrounding weaned steers will yield a similar carcass with greater profitability. It was hypothesized yearling steers backgrounded on pasture before finishing in feedlot would have a more valuable carcass that is more profitable than steers that enter the feedlot immediately. Weaned steer calves were backgrounded with ad libitum hay and 4 lb/d supplement in drylot or on pasture with 1 lb/d supplement. As yearlings, half of each backgrounding group immediately entered the feedlot or were allowed to develop on pasture before entering the feedlot. In summary, producers with pasture available for weaned and yearling steers can risk a slow rate of gain for greater body weight at slaughter and a greater return on investment.
Producers should consider alternative backgrounding and feedlot strategies to reduce costs and increase profits. Steers backgrounded on the HI system exhibit greater backgrounding ADG and BW compared to the LO system at the conclusion of the backgrounding treatment and maintained these differences until slaughter. Despite greater BW in HI steers, carcass quality was not significantly different and did not offset the high costs of supplementation and drylot feeding during the backgrounding period, which led to greater net-return in the LO backgrounding system. Yearling steers that were allowed to develop before entering the feedlot (L-YRL) had greater slaughter BW, which resulted in many carcass characteristics being greater. Both feedlot systems had positive net-return, but L-YRL steers had greater net-return than S-YRL steers due to increased BW and reduced feeding costs. Feedlot systems that require longer periods of pre-feedlot backgrounding replace the high cost of high energy feed with pasture availability and additional risk.
Interaction of Backgrounding System and Implant Use on Growing Calf Performance
Sydney T. Vanderhoff, former graduate student
Braden C. Troyer, research technician
Rebecca L. McDermott, research technician
Mitchell M. Norman, research technician
Brandon L. Nuttelman, Merck Animal Health, Amherst, NE
Galen E. Erickson, professor
Mary E. Drewnoski, associate professor
James C. MacDonald, professor
Summary with Implications
A two-year study utilized 480 weaned steers each year targeted to gain either 1 or 2 lb/d during the winter followed by ad libitum forage intake during the summer to determine the effects of winter rate of gain and implant strategy during the winter backgrounding and summer phases on steer performance, forage intake, and compensatory gain. During the winter, steers received a Revalor-G or no implant. In the summer, steers either received a Revalor-IS or no implant. The use of Revalor-G and increased rate of gain during the winter backgrounding phase had additive effects to increase animal performance during the winter phase. Steers which achieved a lower rate of gain in the winter consumed more DMI as a % of their BW during the summer phase, suggesting increased intake is an important compensation mechanism. On average, steers fed to target 1 lb/d ADG during the winter and only received one implant throughout both the winter and summer phases compensated 22% during the summer while steers receiving 2 implants compensated 9% compared to steers fed to target 2 lb/d during the winter. Use of implants during the backgrounding phase is a viable strategy to improve animal performance and limit subsequent losses in performance due to compensation.
Increasing the winter rate of gain from approximately 1 lb/d to 2 lb/d increases the amount of salable weight at the end of the summer phase. The pounds of weight sold is maximized using one implant either in the winter or the summer. However, the use of two implants (one in each phase of production) minimizes compensatory gain and allows producers to keep a greater percentage of the additional weight generated from a greater rate of gain in the winter.
Quantifying Cereal Rye Pastures Biomass with Image Analysis
Pedro H. J. Fernandes, graduate student, Animal Science, Lincoln
Shelby L. Davies-Jenkins, graduate student, Animal Science, Lincoln
Biquan Zhao, postdoctoral research associate, Animal Science and Biological System Engineering, Lincoln
Wei-Zhen Liang, assistant professor, Biological Systems Engineering, Scottsbluff
Mary E. Drewnoski, associate professor, Animal Science, Lincoln
Yijie Xiong, assistant professor, Animal Science and Biological System Engineering, Lincoln
Summary with Implications
By accurately assessing the amount of forage available, producers can estimate the pasture carrying capacity to make informed decisions on management. To provide producers with a feasible and efficient approach to estimate forage mass, this project evaluated performance of two image analysis tools, Crop Canopy Image Analyzer (CCIA) and Canopeo, in estimating forage mass for cereal rye. Forage mass measured by clipping the forage (areas with 5.625 ft2) was correlated with plant cover analyzed by the two tools using photos of the forage taken 37 in above the ground. Results obtained have supported the feasibility of quantifying cereal rye mass with both tools, which suggests a convenient and efficient way for producers to estimate pasture forage availability by simply taking a picture with their smartphones.
Both plant cover analysis tools proved to be promising for biomass estimation of cereal rye. Using the prediction equation generated from this study, these tools can save time and allow producers to determine appropriate carrying capacity. The imaging analysis approach helps address a significant gap in pasture management by allowing accurate and consistent estimation of biomass with relatively little labor. A detailed comparison based on RÇ and RMSE of the regression analysis demonstrated the CCIA tool outperformed the Canopeo tool for biomass estimation in cereal rye.
Impact of Constant versus Variable Inclusions of Modified Distillers Grains plus Solubles on Feedlot Cattle Performance and Carcass Characteristics
Paige Madison, graduate student
Rebecca McDermott, research technician
Isaque Vicci, graduate student, ENREEC
Josh Benton, postdoc, Beef Feedlot Unit Director, ENREEC
Jim MacDonald, professor, Animal Science, Lincoln
Galen Erickson, professor, Animal Science, Lincoln
Summary with Implications
A finishing trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of varying dietary inclusion of modified distillers grains plus solubles compared to a constant inclusion throughout the entire feeding period on finishing cattle performance. Treatments were arranged as a 2 Å~ 2 + 1 factorial with two inclusions of modified distillers grains plus solubles (10% and 25%) that were constant or varying in dietary inclusion, and a corn control (0% modified distillers grains plus solubles). Increasing the inclusion of distillers grains from 0 to 25% increased both DMI and ADG when fed at a constant inclusion of 10 or 25%. When inclusion varied around 10 (0 to 20%) or 25% (15 to 35%) inclusion, only ADG tended to increase and to a lesser degree. Varying the inclusion of distillers grains in the diet due to supply disruptions or incorrect loading may lessen the improvements in animal performance compared to including distillers at a constant rate in the diet every day.
Varying inclusion of MDGS on a weekly basis in finishing diets did not affect the performance of feedlot cattle in comparison to constant MDGS inclusion, but may lessen the expected improvement in animal performance from feeding 25% MDGS.
Funding provided by Nebraska Corn Board. Products used on cattle were provided by Elanco Animal Health, Zoetis, and Merck Animal Health
Impact of Full-Fat Wet Distillers Grains Inclusion in Steam-Flaked Corn Based Finishing Diets
Gatlin Hissong, masters of applied science graduate student
Bill Dicke, Dicke Consulting LLC
Doug Smith, Performance Plus
Andrea Watson, former research associate professor
Galen Erickson, professor, Animal Science, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Summary with Implications
Steam-flaked corn and distillers grains are common feed ingredients in finishing rations, but the interaction between the two is not well understood. A finishing trial at a commercial feedlot using 700 calf-fed heifers was conducted to evaluate cattle performance when fed 18 or 30% (dry matter basis) full-fat wet distillers grains plus solubles in steam-flaked corn-based diets with 8% roughage (hay + corn silage). No effects on cattle performance were observed due to distillers grains inclusion in the diet. Final body weight, dry matter intake, average daily gain, feed conversion, and hot carcass weight were not statistically different between treatments when expressed on a carcass-adjusted basis. These data suggest flexibility of including 18 to 30% of the diet when using full-fat (13% fat) wet distillers grains plus solubles even in diets based on steam-flaked corn.
Including 18 or 30% of diet DM as WDGS in steam-flaked corn diets resulted in no differences in cattle performance. This is beneficial because it increases flexibility when formulating rations. Having fewer restrictions when formulating diets can result in a lower cost, more optimized diet. Also, more adjustments can be made due to the availability of byproducts or flaker capacity without jeopardizing cattle performance. These data apply to WDGS that contained 13% fat which is atypical today so additional data are needed as more and more plants remove more and more corn oil.
Effect of Feeding Palm Oil on Finishing Cattle Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Methane Production
Anna M. Kobza, graduate student
Rebecca C. McDermott, research technician
Mitch M. Norman, former research technician
Josh R. Benton, postdoc, beef feedlot unit director, ENREEC
Long Zou, Bunge, St. Charles, MO
James C. MacDonald, professor, Animal Science
Lincoln Galen E. Erickson, professor, Animal Science, Lincoln
Summary with Implications
Increased demand for biofuel production has increased demand and price of commonly fed supplemental fat sources in beef operations. This finishing study evaluated the effect of feeding palm oil products on performance, carcass characteristics and methane production of feedlot finishing steers. Dietary treatments were feeding no supplemental fat or feeding one of the following fat sources at 4% of diet dry matter: whole palm oil, palm stearin, palm olein, or corn oil. Feeding supplemental fat, regardless of source, increased final body weight, average daily gain, and hot carcass weight. Feeding supplemental fat had no effect on dry matter intake, but an improvement in average daily gain led to improved feed conversion compared to cattle fed diets without supplemental fat. Marbling score was greater in carcasses of cattle consuming olein and stearin oil; however, no other differences in carcass characteristics were observed. A subset of pens sourced from the no oil or whole palm oil treatments were selected to rotate through chambers that measure enteric methane and carbon dioxide. Feeding whole palm oil reduced enteric methane yield (g/lb of DMI) by 14.8% compared to feeding no oil. These results suggest palm oil products can be used as a fat source for finishing cattle to improve feed efficiency and decrease methane production.
Feeding supplemental fat in finishing diets increased carcass weight gains of finishing cattle compared to feeding no supplemental fat but had minimal impact on intake. As a result, feed conversions were improved for cattle consuming diets containing fat, but no differences were detected between sources. Feeding fat did not impact carcass traits. Adding supplemental fat reduced methane emissions by 17.4% in cattle fed whole palm oil compared to no oil. Feeding palm oil products in feedlot finishing diets may be an economical fat source that improves conversion and reduces methane production.
Acknowledgements: Funding for this study was provided by Bunge. Products used in this study were provided by Elanco Animal Health and Merck Animal Health.
Impact of Feeding Distillers Grains Compared to New Fractionated Distillers Grains (Solbran) on Feedlot Cattle Performance and Enteric Methane
Debora G. Sousa, graduate student
Rebecca L. McDermott, research technician
Mitch M. Norman, research technician
James C. MacDonald, professor, Animal Science, Lincoln
Rick Stock, professor, Animal Science, Lincoln
Ryan A. Mass, ICM Biofuels, Colwich, KS
Galen E. Erickson, professor, Animal Science, Lincoln
Summary with Implications
This study evaluated feeding wet or dry traditional distillers grains with wet and dry fractionated distillers (Solbran) fed at 40% of diet DM compared to a corn control diet on enteric methane emissions and performance. Compared to the control, there was no difference in carbon dioxide production, but there was an increase in methane production in the steers fed fractionated distillers compared to conventional distillers. Feeding steers traditional or fractionated distillers grains increased consumption, increased gain, but improved conversions only for steers fed WDGS, while steers fed the other distillers grains had worse or the same feed conversions as steers fed the control corn diet. The ethanol plant processing methods increased the intake of steers fed fractionated distillers grains but did not affect gain or feed efficiency. In terms of moisture content, steers fed wet distillers grains had lower intake, but similar gain to steers fed dry distillers grains. This resulted in better feed efficiency for the steers fed wet distillers grains.
Feeding fractionated distillers increased intake and gain but did not improve feed conversion compared to feeding corn. Regardless of production process, distillers byproducts fed wet improve conversion. Feeding traditional distillers grains resulted in equal or less enteric methane production compared to feeding corn in finishing diets. Fractionated distillers byproducts increased methane production compared to feeding corn or traditional distillers, likely due to nutrient composition.
Acknowledgements: Funding provided by Nebraska Corn Board. Thanks to ICM Inc (Kolwich, KS) for supplying the distillers grains products used in this study. Products provided by Elanco Animal Health and Merck Animal Health
Effect of Feeding Two Different Feed Additives (Optipartum C+ and Prime Force) on Finishing Cattle Performance and Carcass Characteristics
Sofia Suarez-Lorences, graduate student
Rebecca McDermott, research technician
Josh Benton, post-doc, beef feedlot unit director, ENREEC
Robert Bondurant, Furst-McNess Company, Rockford, IL
Willard Lemaster, Furst-McNess Company, Rockford, IL
James MacDonald, professor
Galen Erickson, professor
Summary with Implications
A feedlot study was conducted to evaluate the effects of adding two different natural feed additives, Prime Force and Optipartum C+, on finishing cattle performance and carcass characteristics. Treatments were applied as a 2Å~2 factorial that included a control diet with no additive; a diet containing Prime Force; a diet containing Optipartum C+; and a diet containing both Prime Force and Optipartum C+ combined. Treatment diets were fed the last 67 d prior to slaughter as designed. Cattle fed Prime Force had greater live final body weight, carcass weight, intake, and average daily gain compared to cattle not fed Prime Force but due to increased intake and gain, no impact was observed on feed conversion. Feeding Optipartum C+ resulted in increased hot carcass weight and carcass-adjusted final BW as well as greater ADG which led to a small improvement in feed conversion compared to cattle fed no Optipartum C+. These data suggest that adding Prime Force to finishing diets improved gain and hot carcass weight, while feeding Optipartum C+ improved gain without increasing intake. No interaction suggests combining the two was additive resulting in 24 lb of carcass weight and 42 lb of live weight for the combination treatment compared to no additives.
The addition of Prime Force to a finishing diet 67 d prior to slaughter resulted in greater final BW and hot carcass weight. Average daily gain was improved by the addition of Prime Force likely due to dry matter intake being greater for cattle fed Prime Force. Adding Optipartum C+ to a finishing diet 67 d prior to slaughter tended to increase ADG and slightly improved feed conversion due to equal DMI when compared with diets with no Optipartum C+ added.
Acknowledgements: Funding provided by Furst-McNess Company; products supplied for use on cattle used in this experiment from Elanco Animal Health, Merck Animal Health, and Zoetis
Effect of Using Whole Soybeans, Roasted Soybeans, or Soybean Meal in Finishing Cattle Diets
Melissa K. Bausch, graduate assistant and clinical veterinarian, office of research and economic development, Lincoln
James C. MacDonald, professor, Animal Science, Lincoln
Galen E. Erickson, professor, Animal Science, Lincoln
Pablo L. Loza, assistant professor, Animal Science, Panhandle Research Extension and Education Center, Scottsbluff
Summary with Implications
A feedlot study compared the effect of using whole or roasted soybeans at two inclusion rates (12% and 16% of diet dry matter), soybean meal, distillers grains, or a dry-rolled corn with urea control in finishing cattle diets. Steers fed the diet with the 16% inclusion of roasted soybeans had better average daily gain, feed conversion, and hot carcass weight. All other diets resulted in similar performance to the dry-rolled corn and distillers grains treatments. Roasted soybeans fed at a 16% inclusion improved F:G over the 12% roasted soybeans as compared to the whole soybeans which were better at the 12% inclusion. These data suggest that soybeans can be fed to finishing cattle to provide fat and protein, but roasting enhances the response in performance.
In this study, the greatest inclusion of roasted soybeans resulted in the greatest performance. Soybean meal, whole soybeans, and the 12% inclusion of roasted soybeans provided performance and carcass traits that did not significantly differ from the control and distillers grains diets. These data suggest that soybeans may be an option to displace corn or distillers grains in finishing diets where the product is readily available or economical without reducing cattle performance, with a 16% roasted soybean inclusion outperforming corn.
Acknowledgements: Funding provided by the Nebraska Soybean Board; Products provided by Elanco Animal Health and Merck Animal Health
Effects of Replacing Wet Corn Distillers Grains with a PureField Distillers Grains® at 15% and 30% (DM basis) in Feedlot Diets
Sofia Canafoglia, visiting scholar, Animal Science, Panhandle Research Extension and Education Center, Scottsbluff
Pablo L. Loza, assistant professor, Animal Science, Panhandle Research Extension and Education Center, Scottsbluff
Summary with Implications
A 2Å~2 +1 factorial experiment was performed to evaluate the effects of replacing wet corn distillers grain (WCDGS) with PureField distillers grains, a proprietary blend of wet distillers grains plus wheat middlings (Purefield LLC, KS) at 15% or 30% of the diet (DM basis), on finishing performance and carcass characteristics. The inclusion of either byproduct resulted in improved steer performance, and carcass characteristics when compared to the treatment without the byproduct inclusion. No interactions between byproduct and inclusion level were observed for steer performance or carcass characteristics. A tendency for higher average daily gains was observed in cattle fed wet corn distillers grains when compared to PureField distillers grains. Because of a numerically lower DMI in the PureField DG fed cattle, no differences resulted in feed efficiency. PureField DG is a suitable alternative to replace corn distillers grains in feedlot finishing diets without affecting cattle performance.
The blend of wheat middling and wet distillers grains produced by PureField is a suitable alternative to corn distillers grains, and including either byproduct in the diet increases ADG, and feed conversion should be used when compared to diets without byproducts. The inclusion of the PDG in finishing diets seems to reduce back fat thickness and ribeye area, affecting yield grade, however more specific research should be conducted to further elucidate these effects. Using the PureField Distillers Grains in finishing diets seems to moderate the effect of these high energy diets on liver health.
Acknowledgements: Funding provided by Purefield LLC, Kansas.
2024 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
Cow-Calf Nutrition, Reproduction, and Management
- Impact of Increasing Level of Milk Production on Cow-Calf Performance in Nebraska Sandhills
- Artificial Insemination of Beef Heifers with Multi- Sire Semen
- Effect of Heifer Percent Mature Body Weight at Breeding on Heifer Performance, Calf Production, and Subsequent Pregnancy Rates
- Effect of Glucogenic Feed Additive on Reproductive Performance in Young Postpartum Range Cows
- The Effect of Late Gestation Supplementation Strategy on Cow- Calf Performance in March- Calving Mature Cows
- The Impact of Pre- partum Supplementation Strategy on Cow- Calf Performance in May- Calving Mature Cows
- The Effect of Postpartum Supplementation Strategy on Performance in May- Calving 2- and 3- yr- old Range Cows
- Vitamin A in Cow- Calf Production: Impacts of Maternal Supplementation and Status on Offspring
- Effect of Methionine Supplementation during Late Gestation in Beef Females
Growing Calf and Yearling Management
Forage Evaluation for Cattle Production
Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Finishing Phase Nutrition and Management for Beef Cattle
- Nebraska Producer Perceptions on the Role and Implications of Negotiation in Fed Cattle Transactions
- Comparison of Corn Silage and Earlage in Finishing Diets when fed as a Roughage on a Neutral Detergent Fiber Basis
- Impact of Feeding New Fractionated Distillers Grains (Fiber plus Syrup) on Feedlot Cattle Performance and Carcass Characteristics
- Impact of Varying Inclusion of Modified Distillers Grains plus Solubles Compared to Constant Inclusion on Feedlot Cattle Performance and Carcass Characteristics
- Evaluation of Vivalto® on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Growing and Finishing Beef Steers
Technology Applications in the Beef Industry
Previous Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Reports
2023 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
2023 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- Timing of Implant Use in the Backgrounding System, Kelton C. Adair, Kylie M. Butterfield, Zach E. Carlson, Braden C. Troyer, Jiehua Xiong, Mitchell M. Norman, James C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson, M. E. Drewnoski, and Brandon L. Nuttelman
- Forage Evaluation of Crested Wheatgrass, Kelton C. Adair, K. H. Jenkins PAS, Andrea K. Watson, and James C. MacDonald
- Artificial Insemination of Beef Heifers with Multi-Sire Sexed Semen, Dempster Christenson, John Maddux, Jordan M. Thomas, and R. Funston
- Extending Melengestrol Acetate Treatment from Fourteen to Eighteen Days in Beef Heifers, Dempster Christenson, Jordan M. Thomas, Daniel J. Kelly, and R. Funston
- Effect of Alga Bio 1.0 on Reducing Enteric Methane Emission from Cattle, Reba L. Conlin, Kassidy K. Buse, Andrea K. Watson, Galen E. Erickson, and Paul J. Kononoff
- Supplemental Lysine in Finishing Cattle Diets, Hanna Cronk, Zac Carlson, Mitch Norman, Levi McPhillips, Andrea Watson, Galen E. Erickson, and Gary Ducharme
- Effect of Ad Libitum vs. Limit Feeding Program at Receiving on Morbidity and Performance of Feedlot Calves, Rebecca A. Funk, Braden C. Troyer, Levi J. McPhillips, Mitchell M. Norman, and Galen E. Erickson
- Ponderosa Pine Wood Biochar used as an Emissions Reduction Strategy in a Finishing Beef Cattle Diet, Holly A. Heil, Braden C. Troyer, Mitchell M. Norman, Andrea K. Watson, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluation of Ankom F58 Filter Bags Compared to Beakers for Analysis of Neutral Detergent Fiber, Sawyer R. Kappel, Rebecca L. Sjostrand, and J. C. MacDonald
- Evaluation of Encapsulated Megasphaera Elsdenii in an Accelerated Beef Step-Up Program and an Acidosis Challenge Event, Cindy D. Mansfield, Rebecca L. Sjostrand, Braden C. Troyer, Mitchell M. Norman, Tyler Spore, Mark Corrigan, Galen E. Erickson, and J. C. MacDonald
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Two Beef Systems from Birth to Slaughter in Eastern Nebraska, Levi J. McPhillips, Zac E. Carlson, Andrew E. Suyker, J. C. MacDonald, Tala Awada, Jane Okalebo, Shree Dangal, Rick R. Stowell, Andrea K. Watson, and Galen E. Erickson
- Impact of Pistachio Shell Biochar in Finishing Beef Cattle Diets, Levi J. McPhillips, Mitchell M. Norman, J. L. Sperber, Andrea K. Watson, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Enogen Feed Corn Inclusion in Conventional and Natural Finishing Cattle Diets, Jessica Miller, K. H. Jenkins PAS, Galen E. Erickson, and Pablo L. Loza
- Effects of Corn Processing and Silage Inclusion in Feedlot Diets on Steer Performance, Jessica L. Miller, Nolan R. Meier, K. H. Jenkins PAS, Galen E. Erickson, and Pablo L. Loza
- Effect of Corn Processing on Steer Performance and Fecal Starch Content, Jessica L. Miller, Braden C. Troyer, Levi J. McPhillips, Mitchell M. Norman, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Quantifying Residual Feed in a Fence-line Feedlot Bunk using Depth Camera Imaging Techniques, Jean Niwenshuti, Galen E. Erickson, Tami M. Brown-Bandl, Eric T. Psota, and Yijie Xiong
- Including Gene Edited Sires in Genetic Evaluations, Leticia P. Sanglard, Garret M. See, and Matthew L. Spangler
- Effect of species and Maturity on Small Grain Silage Yield and Quality, Abigail M. Sartin, Kallie J. Calus, Morgan T. Grabau, Alyssa K. Kuhn, Mary E. Drewnoski, and D. D. Redfearn
- Effects of Individual Sweet Bran Components in Beef Finishing Diets on Nutrient Digestion, Rebecca L. Sjostrand, Rittikeard Prachumchai, Maggie Youngers, Rick A. Stock, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Comparison of Semi-confined and Pasture-based August Calving Beef Cow Systems, Hannah F. Speer, Harvey C. Freetly, and M. E. Drewnoski
- Impact of Removing 20% Distillers Grain after One-third or Two-thirds of the Feeding Period on Performance of Finishing Yearling, Sofia Suarez Lorences, Braden C. Troyer, Mitch M. Norman, Pablo L. Loza, Rick Stock, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Impact of Constant Inclusion or Decreasing Inclusion of Distillers Grains with High-quality or Low-quality Roughage on Finishing Cattle Performance, Sofia Suarez Lorences, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Increasing Energy 30 days Prior to Artificial Insemination in Beef Heifers, Landon F. Tadich, Rachel E.S. Rogers, Jim R. Teichert, and R. Funston
- Evaluate the Effect of Corn Processing, Drying Distillers Grains, Oil Removal from Distillers Grains, and Distillers Inclusion on Cattle Performance, Braden C. Troyer, Elliott James Dennis, Alfredo DiCastanzo, and Galen E. Erickson
- Impact of Planning Horizon Length on Breeding Objectives and Resulting Selection Decisions, Hunter F. Valasek, Bruce L. Golden, and Matthew L. Spangler
- Evaluation of LactiproFLX in an Acidosis Challenge Model, Samantha K. Wagner, Rebecca J. Sjostrand, Tyler J. Spore, Mark E. Corrigan, Galen E. Erickson, and J. C. MacDonald
- Analysis of Spoilage Bacteria Present in Vacuum Packaged Chilled Beef Treated with Organic Acids, Samuel C. Watson, Rebecca A. Furbeck, Byron D. Chaves, Samodha C. Fernando, and Gary Sullivan
- Effects of Strategic Supplementation on Return to Management and Performance of Yearling Cattle, Kaylee E. Wheeler, Dean Dustin, Jay Parsons, M. E. Drewnoski, and K. H. Jenkins PAS
2022 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
2022 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- Impact of a Natural Feed Additive using Direct Fed Microbes on Finishing Beef Cattle Performance and Liver Abscess Rate, Kelton C. Adair, Alison C. Bartenslager, Zachary E. Carlson, Galen E. Erickson, Samodha C. Fernando, and J. C. MacDonald
- Economics of Grazing Calves on Oats Planted After Corn Silage in Eastern Nebraska, Kallie J. Calus, McKenna M. Brinton, Benjamin H. Hansen, Kristen M. Ulmer, Zachery E. Carlson, Fred H. Hilscher, M. E. Drewnoski, Jay Parsons, and J. C. MacDonald
- Comparison of Partially Confined and Traditional Cow-Calf Systems, Zac E. Carlson, Levi J. McPhillips, Galen E. Erickson, M. E. Drewnoski, and J. C. MacDonald
- Evaluation of Processing Technique for High-Moisture and Dry Corn on Nutrient Digestion when fed to Finishing Cattle, Caitlin A. Coulson, Mitch M. Norman, Nicole M. Woita, Hannah C. Wilson, Kylie M. Butterfield, Tyler J. Spore, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Feeding CARS on Digestibility and Fatty Acid Flow in Finishing Cattle Diets, John C. Gibbons, Mitchell M. Norman, Tyler J. Spore, Hannah C. Wilson, Kylie Butterfield, Andea K. Watson, Galen E. Erickson, and Jonathan W. Wilson
- Growth Performance in Livestock with Stress-Induced Low Birthweight is Recovered by Clenbuterol Administration, Rachel L. Gibbs, Rebecca M. Swanson, Joslyn K. Beard, Ty B. Schmidt, Jessica Lynn Petersen, and Dustin T. Yates
- Impact of Spring Corn Residue Grazing on Soil Physical Properties and Crop Yield, Morgan T. Grabau, J. C. MacDonald, Zachary E. Carlson, and M. E. Drewnoski
- Zipaterol Supplementation Improved Indicators of Well-Being, but not Growth in Heat-Stressed Red Angus Steers, Pablo C. Grijalva, Duarte E. Diaz, Samuel R. Garcia, Ty B. Schmidt, Jessica Lynn Petersen, and Dustin T. Yates
- Beef Quality and Oxidative Stability from Cattle Fed High Levels of Vitamin E, Nicolas J. Herrera, Joe A. Sonderman, David M. Velazco, and Chris Calkins
- Beef Quality following Prolonged Aging after Supplementing High Levels of Vitamin E, Nicolas J. Herrera, Joseph A. Sonderman, David M. Velazco, and Chris Calkins
- Fate of Salmonella in Beef Steaks during Sous Vide Cooking, Heather B. Hunt, Samuel C. Watson, Byron D. Chaves, and Gary Sullivan
- Effect of Rapeseed Inclusion in Late-Summer Planted Oat Pasture on Growing Performance of Beef Steers, Devin A. Jakub, Hannah E. Riley, Kristin E. Hales, Steven D. Shackelford, Harvey C. Freetly, and M. E. Drewnoski
- Interaction of Urea with Frequency and Amount of Distillers Grains Supplementation for Growing Steers, Haley F. Linder, Zachary E. Carlson, M. E. Drewnoski, and J. C. MacDonald
- Interaction of Urea with Frequency and Amount of Distillers Grains Supplementation on Growing Steer Rumen Digestion Parameters, Haley F. Linder, Joshua E. Sebade, Tyler J. Spore, M. E. Drewnoski, and J. C. MacDonald
- Evaluation of Methane and CO2 Production in Growing and Finishing Cattle Raised in Conventional or Partial Confinement-based Herds, L. J. McPhillips, Z. E. Carlson, Rick R. Stowell, J. C. MacDonald, Andrew E. Suyker, and Galen E. Erickson
- Inflammatory Modulators Improve Daily Gain of Heat-Stressed Wethers, Micah S. Most, Pablo C. Grijalva, and Dustin T. Yates
- Effects of Lime Amendment on Antibiotic Resistance in Beef Cattle Manure of Open Feedlots, Noelle A. Mware, Galen E. Erickson, Amy Schmidt, Shannon L. Bartelt-Hunt, and Xu Li
- Interaction of Sweet Bran Inclusion and Corn Processing Method in Beef Finishing Diets on Digestibility, Rebecca L. Sjostrand, Kathlyn Hauxwell, Maggie Youngers, Rick Stock, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Interaction of Sweet Bran Inclusion and Corn Processing Method in Beef Finishing Diets, Rebecca L. Sjostrand, Levi J. McPhillips, Braden C. Troyer, Maggie Youngers, Rick Stock, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Biochar as a Feedlot Pen Surface Amendment on Manure Nutrient Capture, J. L. Sperber, Braden C. Troyer, Mitchell M. Norman, Levi J. McPhillips, Heather Nobert, Andrea K. Watson, and Galen E. Erickson
- Impact of Biochar Supplementation in Finishing Diets on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, J. L. Sperber, Braden C. Troyer, Mitchell M. Norman, Levi J. McPhillips, Heather Nobert, Andrea K. Watson, and Galen E. Erickson
- Impact of Urea on Corn Silage Growing Cattle Diets, Tyler J. Spore, Hannah C. Wilson, Nolan R. Meier, Galen E. Erickson, James C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Andrea K. Watson
- Effect of Finishing Cattle with Blends of High Moisture and Steam-Flaked Corn with and without Distillers Grains, Braden C. Troyer, Zac C. Carlson, Levi J. McPhillips, Mitchell M. Norman, Andrea K. Watson, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluating Performance of Cattle Fed Steam-Flaked Corn Based Finishing Diets fed Increasing Inclusions of Wet or Modified Distillers Grains, Braden C. Troyer, Levi J. McPhillips, Mitchell M. Norman, and Galen E. Erickson
- Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Cattle Report and Teir Purpose, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Quality Parameters of Wet and Dry Aged Beef Loins from Cattle Fed High Doses of Vitamin E, David M. Velazco, Joe A. Sonderman, Nicolas J. Herrera, and Chris Calkins
- Impact of Steam-Flaked Rye Fed in Combination with Steam-Flaked Corn on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Yearling Steers, Samantha K. Wagner, Braden T. Troyer, Levi J. McPhillips, Rebecca S. Brattain, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluation of Green Grass on Nutrient Digestibility and Fatty Acid Flow in Cattle Finishing Diets, Aksel R. Wiseman, Tyler J. Spore, Mitchell M. Norman, Hannah C. Wilson, J. C. MacDonald, Andrea K. Watson, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluation of Models to Predict Dry Matter Intake of Forage Based Diets, Aksel Wiseman, Andrea K. Watson, Rick Stock, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Characterizing Digestion Traits of Novel Corn Bran Products, Jiehua Xiong, Chanon Suntara, Rebecca Sjostrand, Tyler Spore, Maggie Youngers, Rick Stock, Galen E. Erickson, and J. C. MacDonald
- Impact of Cow Size on Economic Profitability in Cow-Calf and Feedlot Production systems, Robert L. Ziegler, Elliott James Dennis, J. A. Musgrave, T. L. Meyer, R. Funston, Kathryn J. Hanford, J. C. MacDonald, and J. Travis Mulliniks
2021 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
2021 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Cattle Report and Their Purpose
- Using Pooling to Capture Commercial Data for Inclusion in Genetic Evaluations, Johnna L. Baller, Stephen D. Kachman, Larry A. Kuehn, and Matthew L. Spangler
- Metabolomic Profile Associated with Pre-Breeding Puberty Status in Range Beef Heifers, Joslyn K. Beard, Waseem Abbas, J. A. Musgrave, R. Funston, Samodha C. Fernando, and Travis Mulliniks
- Proteomic Analysis of Oxidized Proteins in Beef, Nicolas A. Bland, Nicolas J. Herrera, Felipe A. Ribeiro, Morgan L. Henriott, Kellen B. Hart, and Chris Calkins
- Effects of Monensin and Protein Type on Performance of Yearling Steers Grazing Smooth Bromegrass Pastures, Z. E. Carlson, K. Butterfield, Levi McPhillips, Galen E. Erickson, M. E. Drewnoski, and J. C. MacDonald
- Evaluation of Wheat Blended with Corn in Finishing Diets Containing Wet Distillers Grains, C A. Coulson, B M. Boyd, B B. Conroy, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluation of Processing Technique for High- Moisture and Dry Corn Fed to Finishing Cattle, C A. Coulson, B M. Boyd, Braden C. Troyer, Levi McPhillips, Mitch M. Norman, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluation of Condensed Algal Residue Solubles as an Ingredient in Cattle Finishing Diets, John C. Gibbons, Bradley M. Boyd, Levi McPhillips, Andrea K. Watson, and Galen E. Erickson
- The Relationship of Liver Abscess Scores and Early Postmortem Meat Tenderness, Nicolas J. Herrera, Felipe A. Ribeiro, Nicolas A. Bland, Morgan L. Henriott, Kellen B. Hart, and Chris Calkins
- The Impact of Oxidative Stress on Postmortem Meat Quality, Nicolas J. Herrera, Felipe A. Ribeiro, Nicolas A. Bland, Morgan L. Henriott, Kellen B. Hart, Jessica Lynn Petersen, and Chris Calkins
- Predicting Nitrogen and Phosphorous Flows in Beef Open Lots, Megan N. Homolka, Galen E. Erickson, and Richard K. Koelsch
- Impact of Feeding Aspergillus Subspecies Blend and Di! erent Corn Processing Methods on Finishing Beef Cattle Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Stacia M. Hopfauf, Bradley M. Boyd, Levi McPhillips, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Fate of Generic Escherichia coli in Beef Steaks during Sous Vide Cooking at Different Holding Time and Temperature Combinations, Heather B. Hunt, Samuel C. Watson, Byron D. Chaves, and Gary Sullivan
- Mineral Concentrations of Forages for Livestock in Nebraska and South Dakota, Rebecca J. Kern, John W. Kern, Hannah M.G. Dorn, Carrie E. Putnam, Janna J. Block, Adele A. Harty, and M. E. Drewnoski
- Milk Production Impacts on Cow Reproductive and Calf Growth Performance, Tasha M. King, J. A. Musgrave, R. Funston, and Travis Mulliniks
- Perceptions of Barriers and Benefits of Manure Use in Cropping Systems, Richard Koelsch, Daniel Andersen, Erin Cortus, Leslie Johnson, Amy Schmidt, Siok A. Siek, and Melissa Wilson
- Using Coal Char from Sugar Production in Cattle Manure Management, Bijesh Maharjan and K. H. Jenkins PAS
- Transforming Manure and Cedar Mulch from “Waste” to “Worth”, Karla Melgar, Agustin Olivo, Richard Koelsch, Larry Howard, Gary Lesoing, Aaron Nygren, Randy Saner, Amy D. Timmerman, Troy Walz, Todd Whitney, and Amy Schmidt
- Winter Growth Rate and Timing of Marketing on Economics of Yearling Systems, Michael Merical, M. E. Drewnoski, and Jay Parsons
- Training Improves the Reliability of Temperament Assessment in Cattle, Jamie T. Parham, Jessica J. Schmidt, and Ronald M. Lewis
- Categorization of Birth Weight Phenotypes for Inclusion in Genetic Evaluations Using a Deep Neural Network, Andre Ribeiro, Bruce Golden, and Matthew L. Spangler
- Impact of Days Fed on Holstein Bull and Steer Performance and Cutability of Cattle Pen- Fed Organic Diets, Elizabeth A. Schumacher, Braden C. Troyer, Bradley M. Boyd, Levi McPhillips, J. C. MacDonald, Andrea K. Watson, Terry Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Accelerated Dry Aging under Anaerobic Conditions, Joseph A. Sonderman, Soon K. Lau, Felipe A. Ribeiro, David M. Velasco, Nicolas A. Bland, Nicolas J. Herrera, Morgan L. Henriott, Jeyamkondan Subbiah, and Chris Calkins
- Alternative Heifer Development Systems Utilizing Corn Residue and Cover Crops, Hannah F. Speer, Hannah E. Riley, R. A. Cushman, Harvey C. Freetly, and M. E. Drewnoski
- Evaluation of Biochar on Nutrient Loss from Fresh Cattle Manure, Jessica L. Sperber, Tyler Spore, Galen E. Erickson, and Andrea K. Watson
- Impact of Biochar Supplementation in Growing Diets on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Jessica L. Sperber, Braden C. Troyer, Levi McPhillips, Andrea K. Watson, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluating Finishing Performance of Cattle Fed High- Moisture Corn and Steam- Flaked Corn Blends with Modified Distillers Grains, Braden C. Troyer, Zac C. Carlson, Levi McPhillips, Andrea K. Watson, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Genetic Parameter Estimates for Age at Slaughter and Days to Finish in a Multibreed Population, Lindsay R. Upperman, Larry A. Kuehn, and Matthew L. Spangler
- Pseudomonas Survive Thermal Processing and Grow during Vacuum Packaged Storage in an Emulsified Beef System, Samuel C. Watson, Rebecca A. Furbeck, Byron D. Chaves, and Gary A. Sullivan
- Economic Analysis of Increased Corn Silage Inclusion in Beef Finishing Cattle, Hannah C. Wilson, J. C. MacDonald, Andrea K. Watson, Terry Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Increasing Corn Silage Inclusion in Finishing Diets with or without Tylosin on Performance and Liver Abscesses, Hannah C. Wilson, Levi McPhillips, Bradely M. Boyd, Andrea K. Watson, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluation of Models Used to Predict Dry Matter Intake in Forage- Based Diets, Aksel Wiseman, Andrea K. Watson, Rick Stock, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Growing Calf Intake of Hay or Crop Residue Based Diets, Aksel Wiseman, Andrea K. Watson, Rick Stock, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Impact of Masters Choice Corn Silage on Nutrient Digestion in Growing Cattle, Jiehua Xiong, Mitch M. Norman, Hannah C. Wilson, Caleb Crabtree, and Galen E. Erickson
- Impact of Masters Choice Corn Silage on Nutrient Digestion in Growing Cattle, Jiehua Xiong, Mitch M. Norman, Hannah C. Wilson, Caleb Crabtree, and Galen E. Erickson
- Dietary Impact on Antibiotic Resistance in Feedlot Manure, MARANATHA ZELT, Amy Schmidt, Noelle Mware, Xu Li, and Galen E. Erickson
- Antibiotic Resistance in Manure- Amended Agricultural Soils, MARANATHA ZELT, Zachary Staley, Xu Li, Bing Wang, Daniel N. Miller, and Amy Schmidt
2020 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
2020 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Cattle Report and Their Purpose
- Table of Contents 2020 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- Effect of Age of Dam on Heifer Progeny Performance, Joslyn K. Beard, J. A. Musgrave, Kathy Hanford, Rick N. Funston, and J. Travis Mulliniks
- Impact of Diet and Quality Grade on Shelf Life of Beef Steaks, Nicolas A. Bland, Felipe A. Ribeiro, Nicolas J. Herrera, Morgan L. Henriott, Kellen B. Hart, and Chris Calkins
- Effect of Urea and Distillers Inclusion in Dry- Rolled Corn Based Diets on Heifer Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Bradley M. Boyd, Kristin E. Hales, Andrew P. Foote, and Galen E. Erickson
- Dose Titration of Wet Distillers Grains plus Solubles Replacing Syngenta Enogen Feed Corn and Interaction between Corn Type and Distillers Inclusion, McKenna M. Brinton, Bradley M. Boyd, Brianna B. Conroy, Hannah C. Wilson, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluating Syngenta Enogen Feed Corn Silage or Grain on Growing Beef Cattle Performance, McKenna M. Brinton, Bradley M. Boyd, F. Henry Hilscher, Levi J. McPhillips, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Impact of Feeding Syngenta Enhanced Feed Corn as Dry- Rolled Corn, High- Moisture Corn, or a Blend to Finishing Yearlings, McKenna M. Brinton, Bradley M. Boyd, F. Henry Hilscher, Levi J. McPhillips, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Forage Production and Calf Gains When Grazing Oats following Corn Harvest, McKenna M. Brinton, Benjamin H. Hansen, Kristen M. Ulmer, Zachary E. Carlson, F. Henry Hilscher, Mary E. Drewnoski, Jim C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Combined Analysis on the Effects of Late Gestation Supplementation in a Spring Calving Beef Herd, Devin L. Broadhead, Kathy Hanford, Matthew C. Stockton, Jacki A. Musgrave, and R. A. Funston
- Eff ect of Revalor- XH, Revalor- 200, and Combination Revalor- IH/Revalor- 200 on Yearling Heifer Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Zachary E. Carlson, Galen E. Erickson, Caitlin A. Coulson, D. J. Jordon, Robert J. Cooper, Tony L. Scott, Sheri J. Bundy, and Brandon L. Nuttelman
- Evaluation of Two Implant Strategies, Revalor- XH or a Combination Revalor- IH/Revalor- 200 on Heifer Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Zachary E. Carlson, Galen E. Erickson, Bill D. Dicke, and Marshall N. Streeter
- Comparing SHREDLAGE® and Conventional Silage as a Roughage Component in Steam- Flaked Corn Diets for Finishing Cattle, Brianna Conroy, Matt Jaynes, Robbi Pritchard, and Karla H. Jenkins
- Comparing March and May Calving Systems in the Nebraska Sandhills, McKay R. Erickson, Devin L. Broadhead, J. A. Musgrave, and Rick N. Funston
- Effect of GnRH Injection at - 72 h in MGA- PGEstrus Synchronization Protocol, McKay R. Erickson, Dan Kelly, Doug O’Hare, T.L. Meyer, and R. Funston
- Efficacy of a Second Injection of Prostaglandin F2α in Yearling Beef Heifers Following Previous Estrus Synchronization, McKay R. Erickson, Kenneth C. Ramsay, and R. Funston
- Evaluation of Commercial Genomic Tests for Maternal Traits in Crossbred Beef Cattle, McKay R. Erickson, J.R. Tait, and R. A. Funston
- Impact of Feeding NaturSafe® (An Immune Support Product) on Beef Quality, Morgan L. Henriott, Kellen B. Hart, Nicolas J. Herrera, Felipe A. Ribeiro, Nicolas A. Bland, Bucky L. Gwartney, and Chris Calkins
- Impact of Myoglobin Oxygenation State on Color Stability of Frozen Beef Steaks, Morgan L. Henriott, Felipe A. Ribeiro, Nicolas J. Herrera, Kellen B. Hart, Nicolas A. Bland, and Chris Calkins
- Chopped Sugar Beets for Growing and Finishing Cattle, K. H. Jenkins and Brianna Conroy
- Effect of Supplemental Protein and Glucogenic Precursors on Digestibility and Energy Metabolism, Tasha M. King, Joslyn K. Beard, Mitch M. Norman, Hannah C. Wilson, Jim C. MacDonald, and J. Travis Mulliniks
- Economics of Yearling Systems, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Mary E. Drewnoski, James C. MacDonald, Andrea K. Watson, and Jay Parsons
- Evaluation of Level of Milk Potential on Nutrient Balance in 2- and 4- Year- Old May- Calving Range Cows Grazing Sandhills Upland Range, J. Travis Mulliniks and Don C. Adams
- Evaluation of Green Grass as a Feed Ingredient in Beef Finishing Rations and Impact on Cattle Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Fatty Acid Profiles in Meat, Mitchell M. Norman, Nicolas A. Bland, Bradley B. Boyd, Briana B. Conroy, Andrea K. Watson, Galen E. Erickson, and Chris Calkins
- Nutrient Digestibility of Condensed Algal Residue Solubles in Beef Cattle Fishing Diets, Mitchell M. Norman, Hannah C. Wilson, Andrea K. Watson, Galen E. Erickson, and Jonathan W. Wilson
- Effect of Conventional or High Protein Dry Distillers Grains Plus Solubles in Either Dry- Rolled or Steam- Flaked Corn Based Diets on Finishing Performance of Steers, Lauren A. Ovinge, L.J. McPhilips, B.M. Boyd, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Conventional or High Protein Dry Distillers Grains Plus Solubles in Either Dry- Rolled or Steam- Flaked Corn Based Diets on Amount and Site of Nutrient Digestion, Lauren A. Ovinge, Mitch M. Norman, Hannah C. Wilson, Kaylee E. Wheeler, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effects of Relative Humidity on Meat Quality in Dry Aged Beef, Felipe A. Ribeiro, Soon K. Lau, Morgan L. Henriott, Nicolas J. Herrera, Nicolas A. Bland, Jeyamkondan Subbiah, and Chris Calkins
- Evaluation of Rumen Undegradable Protein Sources Fed in an Organic Production System, Elizabeth A. Schumacher, Galen E. Erickson, F. Henry Hilscher, Levi J. McPhillips, Zac E. Carlson, Mary E. Drewnoski, Jim C. MacDonald, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Comparison of Rumen Undegradable Protein Content of Conventional and Organic Feeds, Elizabeth A. Schumacher, Galen E. Erickson, Hannah C. Wilson, J. C. MacDonald, Andrea K. Watson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Evaluation of the Water Footprint of Beef Cattle Production in Nebraska, Tyler J. Spore, Mesfin Mekonnen, Christopher M.U. Neale, Andrea K. Watson, James C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluation of Ankom F58 Filter Bags Compared to Dacron Bags and Beakers for Analysis of Acid Detergent Fiber, Braden C. Troyer, Hannah C. Wilson, and James C. MacDonald
- Impact of Essential Oils Blend on Beef Cattle Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Diets with Increasing Corn Silage Inclusions, Hannah C. Wilson, Bradley M. Boyd, F. Henry Hilscher, Zachary E. Carlson, Andrea K. Watson, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Impact of Shade in Beef Feed Yards on Performance, Body Temperature, and Heat Stress, Tommy M. Winders, Bradley M. Boyd, Casey Macken, Andrea K. Watson, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluation of FluidQuip Fiber Stream Dried Distillers Grains plus Solubles on Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Finishing Diets, Aksel R. Wiseman, Bradley M. Boyd, Levi J. McPhillips, Galen E. Erickson, Andrea K. Watson, and Scott L. Tilton
- Evaluation of Rup Content of Nexpro Dried Distillers Grains plus Solubles and Their Effect on Growing Calf Performance in Corn Silage Based Diets, Aksel R. Wiseman, Zachary E. Carlson, Levi J. McPhillips, Galen E. Erickson, Andrea K. Watson, and Scott L. Tilton
- Evaluation of Masters Choice Corn Silage on Growing Steer Performance, Jiehua Xiong, Bradley M. Boyd, Levi McPhillips, Kyle Vosburgh, and Galen E. Erickson
- Growth and Performance of Terminal Sired Calves Grazing Range or Meadow Pasture, Robert L. Ziegler, Tonya L. Meyer, Jacki A. Musgrave, J. C. MacDonald, J. Travis Mulliniks, and Rick N. Funston
2019 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
2019 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- The Effect of Cow Udder Score on Subsequent Calf Performance in the Nebraska Sandhills, Joslyn K. Beard, Jacki A. Musgrave, Rick N. Funston Funston, and J. Travis Mulliniks
- Impact of Cow Size on Cow-Calf and Subsequent Steer Feedlot Performance, Molly Benell, Jacki A. Musgrave, Rick N. Funston Funston, and J. Travis Mulliniks
- Effect of Adding Urea to Finishing Diets Containing Two Different Inclusions of Distillers Grains on Steer Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Bradley M. Boyd, James C. MacDonald, Matthew K. Luebbe, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effects of Urea and Distillers Inclusion in Finishing Diets on Steer Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Bradley M. Boyd, James C. MacDonald, Matthew K. Luebbe, and Galen E. Erickson
- Impact of Grazing Spring Rye on Subsequent Crop Yields and Profitability, Ashley C. Conway, Robert G. Bondurant, Fred H. Hilscher Hilscher, Jay Parsons, Daren Redfearn, and Mary E. Drewnoski
- Confined Cow-Calf Production System and Post-Weaning Management Impact on Calf Production, Shelby E. Gardine, Brad M. Boyd, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Galen E. Erickson, Karla H. Jenkins, Andrea K. Watson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Evaluation of Corn Bran Plus Solubles on Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Finishing Diets, Shelby A. Garland, Bradley M. Boyd, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Galen E. Erickson, Jim C. MacDonald, and Ryan A. Mass
- Evaluation of Fractionated Distillers Grains (High Protein and Bran Plus Solubles) on Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Finishing Diets, Shelby A. Garland, Bradley M. Boyd, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Galen E. Erickson, Jim C. MacDonald, and Ryan A. Mass
- Evaluation of the Energy Value and Nutrient Digestibility of Distillers Grains That Have Undergone a Fiber Separation Process in Finishing Diets, Shelby A. Garland, Melissa L. Jolly-Breithaupt, Hannah C. Hamilton Hamilton, Galen E. Erickson, James C. MacDonald, and Ryan A. Mass
- Impact of Corn Silage Inclusion on Finishing Cattle Performance, Hannah C. Hamilton, F. Henry Hilscher, Zachary E. Carlson Carlson, Brad M. Boyd, Andrea K. Watson, Jim C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Impact of Corn Silage Inclusion on Nutrient Digestion and Rumen Fermentation in Finishing Cattle, Hannah C. Hamilton, Melissa L. Jolly-Breithaupt, Andrea K. Watson Watson, Jim C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Quality Effects on Beef from Cattle Fed High-Protein Corn Distillers Grains and Other Ethanol By-Products, Kellen B. Hart, Felipe A. Ribeiro, Morgan L. Henriott, Nicolas J. Herrera, and Chris R. Calkins
- Three Year Summary: Comparison of Diets Collected from Esophageally Fistulated Cows to Forage Quality Estimated from Fecal Analysis, Bethany M. Johnston, Jay D. Jenkins, Jacki A. Musgrave Musgrave, J. Travis Mulliniks, Mitchell B. Stephenson, James C. MacDonald, and L. Aaron Stalker
- Effects of Isolated Nutrients in Distillers Grains on Total Tract Digestibility and Digestible Energy in Forage Diets, Tasha M. King, Melissa L. Jolly-Breithaupt, Hannah C. Hamilton Hamilton, Galen E. Erickson, and Jim C. MacDonald
- Prediction of Energy Value (TDN) in Grazed and Hayed Forages, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Mary E. Drewnoski, and Karla H. Jenkins Jenkins
- Economic Analysis of Beef Systems, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Shebly E. Loeffelholz, Karla H. Jenkins PAS, Andrea K. Watson, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effects of Maternal Late Gestation Nutrition on May-Born Heifer Progeny, Alicia C. Lansford, Jacki A. Musgrave, and Rick N. Funston Funston
- Effects of Backgrounding and Feedlot System Strategies on May-Born Steer Performance, Alicia C. Lansford, Jacki A. Musgrave, T. L. Meyer, and Rick N. Funston
- Effects of Maternal Late Gestation Nutrition on May-Born Steer Progeny, Alicia C. Lansford, Jacki A. Musgrave, T. L. Meyer, and Rick N. Funston
- Effects of Prepartum Nutrition on May-Calving Cows and Progeny, Alicia C. Lansford, Jacki A. Musgrave, T. L. Meyer Meyer, and Rick N. Funston
- Nitrate Concentrations of Annual Forages Grown for Grazing in Nebraska, Mary E. Lenz, Rebecca J. Kern, Carrie E. Orvis Orvis, and Mary E. Drewnoski
- Impact of Shade in Beef Feedyards on Performance, Body Temperature, and Heat Stress Measures, Brett A. Melton, Bradley M. Boyd, Casey Macken Macken, Andrea K. Watson, James C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Pooled Analysis of Individually Fed Finishing Trials, Brett A. Melton, James C. MacDonald, Andrea K. Watson Watson, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluation of Lactation Demands on Nutrient Balance in Two Calving Seasons in Range Cows Grazing Sandhills Upland Range, Travis Mulliniks and Don C. Adams
- Evaluation of an Algal Biomass as an Ingredient in Cattle Feed, Mitchell M. Norman, Zachary E. Carlson, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Andrea K. Watson, Galen E. Erickson, Bruce W. Brodersen, J. Dustin Loy, and Jonathan W. Wilson
- Evaluation of Reimplant Window with Revalor-200 ® on Steer Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Caitlin A. Ohnoutka, Brad M. Boyd, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Grant I. Crawford, Jim C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effects of Varying Levels of Silage Inclusion and Brown Midrib Corn Silage on Finishing Performance of Steers, Lauren A. Ovinge, F. Henry Hilscher, Brad M. Boyd Boyd, John N. Anderson, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effects of Brown Midrib Corn Silage Hybrids with or without Kernel Processing at Harvest on Nutrient Metabolism in Beef Steers, Lauren A. Ovinge, Melissa L. Jolly-Breithaupt, Hannah C. Hamilton Hamilton, John N. Anderson, and Galen E. Erickson
- Comparison of Traditional and Alternative Curing Ingredients on Curing Reactions in a Model Meat System, Faith D. Rasmussen and Gary A. Sullivan
- Impact of Dietary Fat Source on Beef Tenderness, Felipe A. Ribeiro, Katherine I. Domenech-Perez, Nicolas J. Herrera Herrera, Kellen B. Hart, and Chris R. Calkins
- Effect of Rapeseed Inclusion in Late-Summer Planted Oats Pasture on Growing Performance of Beef Steers, Hannah E. Riley, Kristin E. Hales, Steven D. Shackelford Shackelford, Harvey C. Freetly, and Mary E. Drewnoski
- A Comparison of Synovex ONE® Alone to Synovex Choice® Followed by Synovex Plus® as Implant Strategies for Finishing Heifers, Elizabeth A. Schumacher, Galen E. Erickson, D. J. Jordon Jordon, Robert J. Cooper, Tony L. Scott, Sheri Bundy, Gary Sides, and Ralph M. Cleale
- Effects of Supplemental SoyPass in Forage-Based Diets Containing Distillers Grains on Performance of Growing Steers, Tyler J. Spore, Zachary E. Carlson, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Andrea K. Watson
- Economics of Field Pea Supplementation for Cattle Grazing Crested Wheatgrass, Braden C. Troyer, Hannah L. Greenwell, Andrea K. Watson Watson, James C. MacDonald, and Karla H. Jenkins
- Impacts of 40 Years of the Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory on Beef Cattle and Range Systems, Jack C. Whittier, Kelly W. Bruns, Rick N. Funston Funston, Jerry D. Volesky, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Don C. Adams
- Corn Oil Supplementation on Performance and Methane Production in Finishing Steers, Tommy M. Winders, Brad M. Boyd, Henry F. Hilscher, Samodha C. Fernando, Rick R. Stowell, and Galen E. Erickson
- Biochar Supplementation in Growing and Finishing Diets, Tommy M. Winders, Collin B. Freeman, Brittney A. Mark Mark, Melissa L. Jolly-Breithaupt, Hannah C. Hamilton, Jim C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson, and Andrea K. Watson
2018 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
2018 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report (complete)
- Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Report and Their Purpose
- Evaluation of Revalor-XH for beef heifers fed different days on feed, Robert G. Bondurant, Marshall N. Streeter, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, James C. MacDonald, and Matt K. Luebbe
- Field Evaluations of Insecticide Modes of Action Classes for Control of Horn Flies in Nebraska, David J. Boxler, Gary J. Brewer, Richard N. Funston Funston, and Jacqueline A. Musgrave
- Effects of Late Gestation Supplementation, Synchronization, and Creep Feeding in a Spring Calving Beef Herd in the Nebraska Sandhills, Devin Broadhead, L. A. Stalker, Jacki A. Musgrave Musgrave, and Richard N. Funston
- Impact of Corn Oil Removal from Modified Distillers Grains Plus Solubles and Supplemental Corn Oil on Finishing Cattle Performance, Jordan E. Burhoop, Curtis J. Bittner, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Matt K. Luebbe, Jim C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Impact of Feeding Distillers Grains With or Without Oil Removal As Well As Supplemental Corn Oil on Nutrient Digestibility by Finishing Cattle, Jordan E. Burhoop, Melissa L. Jolly-Breithaupt, Jana L. Gramkow Gramkow, Matthew K. Luebbe, Jim C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Production of High-Quality Beef–The Nebraska Advantage, Chris R. Calkins
- Potential Variation in Determination of Longissimus Muscle Area in Carcasses from Heifers Fed With or Without Zilpaterol Hydrochloride, Chris R. Calkins, Jenna J. O'Daniel, Govindarajan Konda Naganathan Naganathan, Kellen B. Hart, Katherine I. Domenech-Perez, and T.B. Schmidt
- Evaluation of Protein from Distillers Grains in Finishing Diets on Nutrient Digestibility, Zachary E. Carlson, Jana L. Gramkow, Hannah C. Wilson Wilson, Melissa L. Jolly-Breithaupt, Galen E. Erickson, Jim C. MacDonald, and Matt K. Luebbe
- The Effect of Harvest Method and Ammoniation of Corn Residue on Growing Calf Performance, Ashley C. Conway, Robert G. Bondurant, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, James C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Mary Drewnoski
- Analyses of Birthdate and Growth in Beef Heifers Categorized by Puberty and Pregnancy Status, Aline Gomes da Silva, Andy Roberts, T. L. Meyers, and Richard N. Funston
- Effects of Production System and Post-weaning Management on Finishing Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Steer and Heifer Calves, Shelby E. Gardine, Bradley M. Boyd, Curtis J. Bittner Bittner, F. Henry Hilscher, Karla H. Jenkins, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Production System on Cow and Calf Performance, Shelby E. Gardine, Jason M. Warner, Robert G. Bondurant Bondurant, F. Henry Hilscher, Karla H. Jenkins, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effect of Ingredients and Packaging on Color of High Pressure Processed Ground Beef, Jhinuk Gupta, Chad G. Bower, George A. Cavender Cavender, and Gary A. Sullivan
- Effect of Myoglobin State on Color Stability of High Pressure Processed Ground Beef, Jhinuk Gupta, Chad G. Bower, George A. Cavender Cavender, and Gary A. Sullivan
- Evaluation of Corn Distillers Solubles on Finishing Steer Performance, Benjamin H. Hansen, Curtis J. Bittner, Bradley M. Boyd Boyd, F. Henry Hilscher, Jim C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluation of Corn Distillers Solubles on Growing Steer Performance, Benjamin H. Hansen, Robert G. Bondurant, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Galen E. Erickson, and Jim C. MacDonald
- The Relationship between Marbling, Superoxide Dismutase, and Beef Tenderness, Nicolas J. Herrera, Emery K. Wilkerson, Katherine I. Domenech-Perez Perez, Felipe A. Ribeiro, Michael D. Chao, and Chris Calkins
- Evaluation of Brown Midrib Corn Silage for Growing and Backgrounding Beef Steers, F. Henry Hilscher, Curtis J. Bittner, John N. Anderson Anderson, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluation of Corn Silage Hybrids with the Brown Midrib Trait and Silage Inclusion for Finishing Cattle, F. Henry Hilscher, Curtis J. Bittner, John N. Anderson Anderson, and Galen E. Erickson
- Nutrient Digestibility and Fermentation of Brown Midrib Corn Fed to Growing Beef Steers, F. Henry Hilscher, Melissa L. Jolly-Breithaupt, Jana L. Gramkow Gramkow, Hannah C. Wilson, Mitch M. Norman, John N. Anderson, and Galen E. Erickson
- Chopped Sugar Beets as a Component of Beef Cow Diets, Karla H. Jenkins and Jacob A. Hansen
- Impact of Syngenta Enogen Feed Corn on Finishing Cattle Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Melissa L. Jolly-Breithaupt, Curtis J. Bittner, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Galen E. Erickson, James C. MacDonald, and Matt K. Luebbe
- Steer Performance Grazing Corn Residue and Supplemented with Modified Distillers Grains plus Solubles with or without Urea, Robert M. Jones, Robby G. Bondurant, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, and Jim C. MacDonald
- Comparison of Two Alternate Prostaglandin Products in Yearling Beef Heifers, Alicia C. Lansford, Tonya L. Meyer, and Richard N. Funston Funston
- Effect of Supplementation during the Breeding Season on a May-calving Herd in the Nebraska Sandhills, Alicia C. Lansford, Jacki A. Musgrave, and Richard N. Funston Funston
- Late Summer Planted Oat-Brassica Forage Quality Changes during Winter Grazing, Mary E. Lenz, Jordan L. Cox, Kristin E. Hales Hales, Hannah C. Wilson, and Mary E. Drewnoski
- Antimicrobial Interventions and Application Time Effects on Ground Beef Quality, Ashley R. McCoy, Dennis E. Burson, and Gary A. Sullivan Sullivan
- Impact of Pre-and Postpartum Nutrition on March-calving Cow and Progeny Productivity, Jacki A. Musgrave, Devin L. Broadhead, L. A. Stalker Stalker, and Richard N. Funston
- Effect of Revalor-XR and Revalor-XH on Heifer Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Caitlin A. Ohnoutka, Bradley M. Boyd, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Grant I. Crawford, Brandon L. Nuttleman, and Galen E. Erickson
- Rumen Undegradable Protein Content and Digestibility of Corn Silage and High-moisture Corn, Colton R. Oney, Jana L. Gramkow, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Elizabeth Schumacher, Andrea K. Watson, Galen E. Erickson, Jim C. MacDonald, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- The Effect of Inoculants on Nutrient Losses of Corn Silage and High-moisture Corn Stored in Mini Silos, Colton R. Oney, Jana L. Gramkow, Andrea K. Watson Watson, Galen E. Erickson, Jim C. MacDonald, and M. K. Biddlecome
- Effects of Kernel Processing at Harvest of Brown Midrib Corn Silage on Finishing Performance of Steers, Lauren A. Ovinge, F. Henry Hilscher, Curtis J. Bittner Bittner, Bradley M. Boyd, John N. Anderson, and Galen E. Erickson
- Repeated Calm Handling Can Lead to More Docile Cattle, Jamie T. Parham, Amy E. Tanner, Mark L. Wahlberg , W. S. Swecker Jr., and Ronald M. Lewis
- Using a Cured Meat Model System to Investigate Factors that Influence Cured Color Development, Jennifer A. Posthuma, Faith D. Rasmussen, and Gary A. Sullivan Sullivan
- Experience Improves the Reliability of Subjective Measurements of Temperament in Beef Cattle, Jaime T. Praham, Amy E. Tanner, Mark L. Wahlberg Wahlberg, W. S. Swecker Jr., and Ronald M. Lewis
- Impact of Dietary Fat Source on Beef Display Life, Felipe A. Ribeiro, Katherine I. Domenech-Perez, Emery K. Wilkerson Wilkerson, Hope Voegele, Nicolas J. Herrera, Kellen B. Hart, and Chris R. Calkins
- Letrozole: A Steroid-Free Estrous Synchronization Method, Sarah M. Romereim, Sarah C. Tenley, Mohamed A. Abedal-Majed Majed, Jeffrey W. Bergman, Scott G. Kurz, John S. Davis, Jennifer R. Wood, and Andrea S. Cupp
- Evaluating Methods of Estimating Forage Intake by Grazing Cattle, Aaron J. Shropshire, Walter H. Schacht, and Jerry D. Volesky Volesky
- Impact of Winter Supplementation of May Calving Cows and Heifer Development System in Two Different Breeding Seasons on Subsequent Growth and Reproduction, Shelby A. Springman, Alicia C. Lansford, Jacqueline A. Musgrave Musgrave, John Nollette, Andy Applegarth, and Richard N. Funston
- Effect of Injectable Trace Mineral on Reproductive Performance in Beef Heifers, Shelby A. Springman, John Maddux, Mary E. Drewnoski Drewnoski, and Richard N. Funston
- Effects of Movement and Activity Behavior in a Pasture System Compared to Time, Jace R. Stott, Mitchell B. Stephenson, and Kathryn J. Hanford Hanford
- Supplementing Rumen Undegradable Protein to Grazing Cattle, Braden C. Troyer, Bradley M. Boyd, Andrea K. Watson Watson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effect of Continuous or Rotational Grazing on Growing Steer Performance and Land Production, Cody A. Welchons, Robby G. Bondurant, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Andrea K. Watson, and Jim C. MacDonald
- Effect of Backgrounding System on Performance and Profitability of Yearling Beef Steers, Cody A. Welchons, Robby G. Bondurant, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Andrea K. Watson, Galen E. Erickson, and Jim C. MacDonald
- Impact of Ramaekers Immune Primer on Finishing Beef Cattle Performance and Liver Abscess Rate, Hannah C. Wilson, F. Henry Hilscher, Bradley M. Boyd Boyd, Jim C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Impact of Intake on Methane Production in Growing Steers, Tom M. Winders, Bradley M. Boyd, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Samodha C. Fernando, Richard Stowell, and Galen E. Erickson
2017 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
2017 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report (complete)
- Acknowledgements
- Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Report and Their Purpose
- Predicting Feedlot Growth Performance over the Feeding Period Utilizing Steer Age and Body Weight, Curtis J. Bittner, Andrea K. Watson, Jim C. MacDonald Donald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Crude Glycerin Concentration on Growing Steer Performance in Forage Diets, Robert G. Bondurant, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, and James C. MacDonald
- Effect of Salt Reduction on the Quality and Shelf Life Characteristics of Deli-Style Roast Beef, Chad G. Bower, Regan E. Stanley, Samodha Fernando Fernando, and Gary A. Sullivan
- The Effect of Supplementing Mannan Oligosaccharide or Finely Ground Fiber, during the Summer on Body Temperature, Performance, and Blood Metabolites of Finishing Steers, Bradley M. Boyd, Terry L. Mader, Curtis J. Bittner Bittner, Henry Hilscher, Gene Wijffels, John B. Gaughan, Megan Sullivan, Judy Cawdell- Smith, and Galen E. Erickson
- Methods to Increase Productivity of Spring Calving Production Systems in the Nebraska Sandhills, Devin Broadhead, L. A. Stalker, Jacki A. Musgrave Musgrave, and Rick N. Funston
- Evaluation of the Value of Fiber in Distillers Grains Plus Solubles on Performance of Finishing Cattle, Jordan E. Burhoop, Liesel J. Schneider, Curtis J. Bittner Bittner, F. Henry Hilscher, Jim C. MacDonald, Rodney A. Moxley, David R. Smith, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Harvest Method and Ammoniation on Digestibility and Intake of Corn Residue, Ashley C. Conway, Tasha M. King, Melissa L. Jolly-Breithaupt Breithaupt, Jim C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Mary E. Drewnoski
- Effect of Backgrounding System on Steer Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Jordan L. Cox, Kristin E. Hales, Kristen M. Ulmer Ulmer, Richard J. Rasby, Steven D. Shackleford, Chad Engle, John Rieckman, Harvey C. Freetly, and Mary Drewnoski
- Perceptions of crop consultants and producers on grazing corn residue in Nebraska, Jordan L. Cox, Kristen M. Ulmer, Manir Rakkar Rakkar, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Humberto Blanco-Canqui, Mary Drewnoski, Jim C. MacDonald, and Richard J. Rasby
- Fatty Acid Composition of Beef Fed OmniGen- AF at Receiving or Finishing, Katherine I. Domenech, Michael D. Chao, Joe O. Buntyn Buntyn, Ty B. Schmidt, and Chris Calkins
- Effects of Modified Distillers Grains and Corn Ratios as Supplements in Diets Varying in Forage Quality on Performance of Growing Beef Steers, Viviane B. Ferrari, Robert G. Bondurant, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Jim C. MacDonald
- In Situ Digestibility of Residue Parts of Corn Planted in Different Populations and Row Widths, Viviane B. Ferrari, Janessa J. Updike, Jana Harding Harding, Keith Glewen, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Jim C. MacDonald
- Corn Residue Quality throughout the Grazing Season, Shelby E. Gardine, Gavin L. Harsh, Robert G. Bondurant Bondurant, Jana L. Gramkow, Andrea K. Watson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Wintering System on Cow and Calf Performance in a Summer- Calving Intensive Production System, Shelby E. Gardine, Jason M. Warner, Curtis J. Bittner Bittner, Robert G. Bondurant, Karla Jenkins, Richard J. Rasby, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Field Pea Supplementation on Digestibility and Rumen Volatile Fatty Acid Concentration of Diets Containing High and Low Quality Forages, Hannah L. Greenwell, Jana L. Gramkow, Melissa L. Jolly-Breithaupt Breithaupt, Jim C. MacDonald, and Karla Jenkins
- Evaluating the Impacts of Field Peas in Growing and Finishing Diets on Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Hannah L. Greenwell, Karla Jenkins, Jim C. MacDonald Donald, and Matt K. Luebbe
- Relationship between Dietary Total Digestible Nutrients and Digestible Organic Matter in Beef Cattle Finishing and Growing Diets With or Without Distillers Grains, Hannah C. Hamilton, Jana L. Gramkow, Jim C. MacDonald Donald, Galen E. Erickson, Andrea K. Watson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Impact of Inoculum Source for in vitro and in situ Digestion Procedures Performed on Corn Residue and Grass Samples, Hannah C. Hamilton, Jana L. Harding, Jim C. MacDonald Donald, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Evaluation of Plant- waxes to Estimate Forage Intake in Grazing Cattle, Hannah C. Hamilton, Jerry D. Volesky, and Robert M. Lewis Lewis
- Summer Cocktail Forage Research in the Panhandle of Nebraska, Karla H. Jenkins, Cody Creech, Robert Higgins Higgins, and Josh Buttle
- Comparison of diets collected from esophageally fistulated cows to forage quality estimated from fecal analysis, Bethany M. Johnston, Jay D. Jenkins, Jacqueline A. Musgrave Musgrave, L. A. Stalker, and Mitchell B. Stephenson
- Evaluation of 0 or 300 mg of Optaflexx® on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Steers Fed to Different Degrees of Finish, Robert M. Jones, Curtis J. Bittner, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Mallorie F. Wilken, and Galen E. Erickson
- Comparison of Titanium® 5 PH- M versus Titanium® 5 plus NUPLURA® PH with the Presence or Absence of Monensin on Health and Performance of Newly Received Feedlot Calves Fed RAMP®, Robert M. Jones, Curtis J. Bittner, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Mallorie F. Wilken, Rick Stock, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Harvest Method on Digestibility of Corn Residue, Tasha M. King, Melissa L. Jolly-Breithaupt, Jana L. Gramkow Gramkow, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Jim C. MacDonald
- The Influence of Diet and Oxidation on Calcium Retention of the Mitochondria in Fresh Beef, Emery K. Kunze, Nicolas J. Herrera, Katherine I. Domenech-Perez Perez, Michael D. Chao, and Chris R. Calkins
- Organic Acids and Applications used for Reduction of E. coli on Beef Shoulder Clods used for Ground Beef, Kelly A. McCarty, Gary A. Sullivan, and Dennis E. Burson Burson
- Development of Terminal and Maternal Economic Selection Indices in Beefmaster Cattle, Kathleen P. Ochsner, Michael D. MacNeil, Ronald M. Lewis, and Matthew L. Spangler
- Effect of Three Initial Implant Programs with a Common Terminal Revalor®- 200 on Feedlot Performance and Carcass Traits of Weaned Steers, Colton R. Oney, Galen E. Erickson, Andrea K. Watson Watson, Marshall N. Streeter, Robert J. Cooper, Bill D. Dicke, D. J. Jordon, and Tony L. Scott
- Effect of Increasing Supplemental Rumen Undegradable Protein (RUP) on Performance of Calves Fed a Silage Growing Diet, Colton R. Oney, F. Henry Hilscher, Robert G. Bondurant Bondurant, Andrea K. Watson, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effect of Long- Term Corn Residue Grazing on Soil Properties, Manbir K. Rakkar, Humberto Blanco, Mary E. Drewnoski Drewnoski, Jim C. MacDonald, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Shelf Life of Ground Beef from Cattle Fed Distillers Grains Containing Different Amounts of Oil, Faith D. Rasmussen, Chad G. Bower, and Gary A. Sullivan Sullivan
- Effects of Distillers Grains or Fiber on Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli in Steers, Liesel G. Schneider, Curtis J. Bittner, Jordan E. Burhoop Burhoop, F. Henry Hilscher, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rodney A. Moxley, and David R. Smith
- Effect of Heifer Development System on Reproduction and Subsequent Gain as a Pregnant Heifer, Shelby A. Springman, Hazy Rae Nielson, Tonya L. Meyer, Mike Kirby, Jim Teichert, and Richard N. Funston
- Impact of Heifer Development System in Two Different Breeding Seasons, Shelby A. Springman, Hazy Rae Nielson, Jacqueline A. Musgrave Musgrave, John Nollette, Andy Applegarth, and Richard N. Funston
- Timed Insemination vs. Modified Estrus Detection in Beef Heifers, Benjamin T. Tibbitts, Tonya L. Meyer, Dan J. Kelly Kelly, and Richard N. Funston
- Growth and Reproductive Performance of Yearling Beef Heifers Implanted with Revalor G in the Nebraska Sandhills, Benjamin T. Tibbitts, Hazy Rae Nielson, K. H. Ramsay Ramsay, and Richard N. Funston
- Nutrient Content of Summer-Planted Oats after Corn Harvest and Grazing Performance, Kristen M. Ulmer, Robert G. Bondurant, Jana L. Gramkow Gramkow, Mary E. Drewnoski, and James C. MacDonald
- Effect of Corn Residue Grazing or Baling on Subsequent Crop Yield and Nutrient Removal, Kristen M. Ulmer, Jordan L. Cox, Manbir K. Rakkar Rakkar, Robert G. Bondurant, Humberto Blanco-Canqui, Mary Drewnoski, Karla H. Jenkins, James C. Macdonald, and Rick J. Rasby
- Delineating Complex Forage Mixtures Using Plant-Wax Markers, Napoleón Vargas Jurado, Hannah C. Hamilton, and Ronald M. Lewis
- Effect of Feeding Field Peas on Fresh Beef Quality, Hope R. Voegele, Katherine I. Domenech, Emery K. Kunze Kunze, Felipe A. Ribeiro, Karla H. Jenkins, Jim C. MacDonald, and Chris R. Calkins
- Rumen Undegradable Protein and Bambermycins Supplementation of Calves Grazing Corn Residue, Cody A. Welchons, Robert G. Bondurant, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Jim C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Pooled Gain Analysis of Steers Grazing Corn Residue and Supplemented with Distillers Grains, Cody A. Welchons and Jim C. MacDonald
2016 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
2016 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Report and Their Purpose
- Table of Contents 2016 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- Effect of Crude Glycerin Concentration on Forage Digestion Parameters in Beef Calves, Robert G. Bondurant, Jana L. Harding, Melissa L. Jolly- Breithaupt Breithaupt, James C. MacDonald, Andrea R. McCain, and Samodha C. Fernando
- Carcass Gain, Efficiency, and Profitability of Steers at Extended Days on Feed, Robert G. Bondurant, Jim C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, Kate Brooks, Rick N. Funston, and Kelly Bruns
- Effect of Winter Distillers Grains Supplementation Level on Spayed Heifer Performance, Robert G. Bondurant, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Curtis J. Bittner Bittner, James C. MacDonald, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Producer Concerns and Perceptions Regarding the Effect of Methane on Cattle Production and the Environment, Bradley M. Boyd, Amanda Burken, Lisa Franzen- Castle Castle, Karla Jenkins, Richard J. Rasby, Matt K. Luebbe, Rick Stowell, Samodha C. Fernando, and Galen E. Erickson
- Metabolic and Body Temperature Responses to Environmental Conditions across Seasons in Finishing Steers, Bradley M. Boyd, Terry L. Mader, Curtis J. Bittner Bittner, Dirk Burken, Henry Hilscher, Gene Wijffels, John B. Gaughan, Megan Sullivan, Judy Cawdell- Smith, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effects of Shade and Feeding Zilpaterol Hydrochloride to Finishing Steers on Performance, Carcass Quality, Heat Stress, Mobility, and Body Temperature, Bradley M. Boyd, Steven D. Shackelford, Kristin E. Hales Hales, Tami M. Brown- Brandl, Meredith L. Bremer, Matthew L. Spangler, Tommy L. Wheeler, David A. King, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effects of Feeding OmniGen- AF® on Immune Function, Performance, and Carcass Characteristics during the Feeding Period, Joe O. Buntyn, Sara E. Sieren, Curtis J. Bittner Bittner, Dirk Burken, Galen E. Erickson, Nicole C. Burdick Sanchez, Jeff A. Carroll, Steven J. Jones, Ty B. Schmidt, Keven C. Dehann, and Troy J. Wistuba
- Modifying Different Components of Distillers Grains and the Impact on Feedlot Performance, Zachary E. Carlson, Curtis J. Bittner, Dirk Burken Burken, Galen E. Erickson, and James C. MacDonald
- Evaluation of the Relative Contribution of Protein in Distillers Grains in Finishing Diets on Animal Performance, Zachary E. Carlson, Galen E. Erickson, James C. MacDonald Donald, and Matt K. Luebbe
- Feeding Vitamin E May Reverse Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Membrane Instability Caused by Feeding Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles to Cattle, Michael D. Chao, Katherine I. Domenech, and Chris R. Calkins Calkins
- Effects of Dietary Antioxidant Supplementation on Cattle Finished with 30% Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles on Fatty Acid Profiles and Display Life, Michael D. Chao, Katherine I. Domenech, Hope R. Voegele Voegele, Emery K. Kunze, and Chris R. Calkins
- Effect of Feeding Distillers Grains and Supplementing with Dietary Antioxidants on Ground Beef Shelf Life and Fatty Acid Profile, Brandy D. Cleveland and Gary Sullivan
- Effects of Feeding Isolated Nutrient Components in MDGS on Growing Cattle Performance, Brianna B. Conroy, Curtis J. Bittner, Jim C. MacDonald Donald, Matt K. Luebbe, and Galen E. Erickson
- Impact of Feeding Distillers Grains or Isolated Components in Distillers Grains on Feedlot Performance and Carcass Traits, Brianna B. Conroy, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, Jim C. MacDonald, and Jacob A. Hansen
- Utilizing Corn Residue or Fall Double Cropped Forages for Winter Backgrounding of Calves, Jordan L. Cox, Kristin E. Hales, Kristen M. Ulmer Ulmer, Richard J. Rasby, Steven D. Shackleford, Chad Engle, John Rieckman, Harvey C. Freetly, and Mary E. Drewnoski
- Granulosa Cell Exposure to Excess Androgens Inhibits Their Ability to Proliferate in the Cow Which May Cause or Perpetuate Androgen Excess, Andrea S. Cupp, Sarah Romereim, Adam F. Summers Summers, William E. Pohlmeier, Renee M. McFee, Renata Spuri- Gomes, Scott G. Kurz, Anthony K. McNeel, Robert A. Cushman, John S. Davis, and Jennifer R. Wood
- Economics of Rebreeding Non- pregnant Females, Aline G. da Silva, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, Don C. Adams Adams, John Nollette, Andy Applegarth, and Rick N. Funston
- Effect of Dam Age on Offspring Productivity, Aline G. da Silva, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, John Nollette Nollette, Andy Applegarth, and Rick N. Funston
- Impact of Supplementing Cattle with OmniGen- AF at the Receiving or Finishing Phase on Beef Shelf- Life, Katherine I. Domenech, Michael D. Chao, Joe Buntyn Buntyn, Ty B. Schmidt, and Chris R. Calkins
- Beef Fatty Acid Profiles from Steers Finished with De-oiled Dry Distillers Grains Plus Solubles vs. a Corn- Based Diet, Katherine I. Domenech, Keni E.Z. Nubito, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, and Chris R. Calkins
- Accurate Amounts and Nutritive Values of Corn Residues, Shelby E. Gardine, Andrea K. Watson, Jana L. Harding Harding, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Different Inoculum Used for In Vitro and In Situ Digestion Procedures Performed on Corn Residue Samples, Hannah C. Hamilton, Jana Harding, Jim C. MacDonald Donald, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Replacing a Traditional Growing Diet with a Complete Pelleted Feed on Total Tract Digestibility of Growing Diets, Jana L. Harding, Melissa L. Jolly, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, and Jim C. MacDonald
- Evaluating Syngenta Enhanced Feed Corn on Finishing Cattle Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Marie E. Harris, Melissa L. Jolly- Breithaupt, Brandon L. Nuttelman Nuttelman, Dirk Burken, Galen E. Erickson, Ivan G. Rush, and Matt K. Luebbe
- Effects of Protein Supplementation in Corn Silage Growing Diets Harvested at 37 or 43% DM on Cattle Growth, F. Henry Hilscher, Robert G. Bondurant, Jana L. Harding Harding, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- The Effect of Delayed Corn Silage Harvest on Corn Silage Yield and Finishing Performance in Yearling Steers, F. Henry Hilscher, Dirk Burken, Curtis J. Bittner Bittner, Jana L. Harding, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Annual Forages following Irrigated Winter Wheat, Karla H. Jenkins, Aaron Berger, and Gary Hergert Hergert
- Evaluating Syngenta Enhanced Feed Corn Processed as Dry- Rolled or High- Moisture Corn on Cattle Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Melissa L. Jolly- Breithaupt, Curtis J. Bittner, Dirk Burken Burken, Galen E. Erickson, Jim C. MacDonald, and Matt K. Luebbe
- Site and Extent of Digestion of Finishing Diets Containing Syngenta Enhanced Feed Corn, Melissa L. Jolly- Breithaupt, Jana L. Harding, Jim C. MacDonald Donald, Galen E. Erickson, and Matt K. Luebbe
- Effect of Harvest Method on Residue Quality, Tasha M. King, Robert G. Bondurant, Jana L. Harding Harding, Jim C. MacDonald, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effect of Diet on the Rumen Microbial Community Composition of Finishing Cattle and the Role it Plays in Methane Emissions, Allison L. Knoell, Christopher L. Anderson, Anna C. Pesta Pesta, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effect of Feeding Dried De-oiled Distillers Grains and Addition of Postmortem Antioxidants on Ground Beef Shelf Life, Jenae C. Martin, Brandy D. Cleveland, Tommi F. Jones Jones, Jim C. MacDonald, and Gary Sullivan
- Impact of Crude Glycerin Supplementation on Rumen and Duodenal Microbial Populations in Forage Diets, Andrea R. McCain, Robert G. Bondurant, Melissa Jolly Jolly, Jana L. Harding, Samodha C. Fernando, and Jim C. MacDonald
- Effect of Corn Residue Composition on Digestibility by Lambs, Levi J. McPhillips, Janessa J. Updike, Jim C. MacDonald Donald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Jana L. Harding, and Melissa L. Jolly- Breithaupt
- Finishing Yearling Heifers Using Self- Fed Dried Distillers Grains on Pasture, Jared M. Mracek, Jason M. Warner, Bradley R. Wetovick Wetovick, Dennis E. Bauer, Twig T. Marston, Jim C. MacDonald, Jerry D. Volesky, and Richard J. Rasby
- Effect of Safeguard® on Fecal Egg Count and Steer Performance in Newly Received Calves, Antonio J. Neto, Curtis J. Bittner, Brandon L. Nuttelman Nuttelman, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of MGA vs CIDR Estrus Synchronization on Estrus Response and Pregnancy Rates in 311 d Old Beef Heifers, Hazy R. Nielson, Rosemary V. Anderson, and Rick N. Funston Funston
- How Many Clean-up Bulls Are Needed aft er Estrus Synchronization and Artificial Insemination?, Hazy R. Nielson and Rick N. Funston
- Comparison of TAI at GnRH Injection and Delayed Insemination of Non- estrus Beef Heifers, Hazy R. Nielson, Dan J. Kelly, T. L. Meyer, and Rick N. Funston
- Effect of Feeding De-oiled Dry Distillers Grains Plus Solubles on Beef Oxidation, Color and Tenderness, Keni E.Z. Nubiato, Katherine I. Domenech, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, and Chris R. Calkins
- Evaluation of Distillers Grains Components Singly or in Combination in a Calf Fed Feedlot Study, Rachel A. Oglesbee, Curtis J. Bittner, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Galen E. Erickson, Jim C. MacDonald, and Matt K. Luebbe
- Student Perceptions and Knowledge of the Feedlot Industry and the Feedyard Management Specialization Internship, Rachel A. Oglesbee, Meredith L. Bremer, Kari L. Lewis Lewis, Dennis R. Brink, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Jim C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Rumen Protected Amino Acids in Finishing Cattle Diets, Colton Oney, Curtis J. Bittner, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Andrea K. Watson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Whitney Rounds
- Methane Production, Diet Digestibility, and VFA Profile of Growing Steers Fed High or Low Quality Forage, A. C. Pesta, M. L. Jolly- Breithaupt, Samodha C. Fernando Fernando, Paul J. Kononoff, and Galen E. Erickson
- Use of Dietary Nitrate or Sulfate for Mitigation of Methane Production by Finishing Steers, Anna C. Pesta, Robert G. Bondurant, Samodha C. Fernando Fernando, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effects of Direct- Fed Microbial Supplementation in Different Diets on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Beef Feedlot Heifers, Laura F. Prados, Nirosh D. Aluthge, Curtis J. Bittner Bittner, F. Henry Hilscher, Samodha C. Fernando, and Galen E. Erickson
- Impact of a Newly Developed Direct- Fed Microbial on Performance in Finishing Beef Steers, Laura F. Prados, Nirosh D. Aluthge, Robert G. Bondurant Bondurant, Samodha C. Fernando, and Galen E. Erickson
- Impact of Inoculating Corn Silage with Buchnerii 500 on Feedlot Cattle Performance with or without Added Yeast Product at Time of Feeding, Cassandra A. Row, Curtis J. Bittner, Jana L. Harding Harding, James C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Angel A. Aguilar, Renato J. Schmidt, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Corn Plant Maturity on Yield and Nutrient Quality of Corn Plants, 2- Year Summary, Cassandra A. Row, Robert G. Bondurant, Andrea K. Watson Watson, Jana Harding, Jim C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Cows with Excess Androgen are Anovulatory and Have Differing Patterns of Progesterone Secretion, Renata Spuri- Gomes, Sarah C. Tenley, Mohamed A. Abedal- Majed Majed, Scott G. Kurz, Jeff Bergman, Jennifer R. Wood, and Andrea S. Cupp
- Effects of Supplementing OmniGen- AF® with or without Ractopamine Hydrochloride on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Feedlot Steers, Kelby M. Sudbeck, Robert G. Bondurant, Troy J. Wistuba Wistuba, Kevin C. DeHaan, James C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson, and Matt K. Luebbe
- Effects of Supplemental Energy and Protein Source on Performance of Steers Grazing Irrigated Corn Residue, Benjamin T. Tibbitts, Jim C. MacDonald, Rick N. Funston Funston, Cody A. Welchons, Robert G. Bondurant, and F. Henry Hilscher
- Evaluation of Different Byproduct Combinations along with Treated Corn Stover on Growing Steer Performance, Kristen M. Ulmer, Curtis J. Bittner, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Galen E. Erickson, and James C. MacDonald
- Observations of Forage Quality and Calf Gain when Grazing Double Cropped Forage following Wheat Harvest, Kristen M. Ulmer, Robert G. Bondurant, Jana L. Harding Harding, Gary Lesoing, M. E. Drewnoski, and James C. MacDonald
- Effect of Corn Residue Harvest Method on In Vivo and In Vitro Digestibility, Janessa J. Updike, Levi J. McPhillips, Melissa L. Jolly- Breithaupt Breithaupt, Jana L. Harding, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Jim C. MacDonald
- Effects of Wintering System on Cow and Calf Performance in a Summer-Calving Intensive Production System, Jason M. Warner, Curtis J. Bittner, Robert G. Bondurant Bondurant, Karla H. Jenkins, Richard J. Rasby, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Evaluation of Varying Corn Grain (and Byproduct) Inclusion in Beef Cattle Finishing Diets, Andrea K. Watson, Matt K. Luebbe, and Galen E. Erickson Erickson
- Effect of Pelleted Byproducts on Performance When Fed to Growing Cattle, Cody A. Welchons, Curtis J. Bittner, Dirk Burken Burken, Jim C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Pelleted Feed Products and Bambermycins on Performance When Fed to Cattle Grazing Residue, Cody A. Welchons, Robert G. Bondurant, F. Henry Hilscher Hilscher, Jim C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson, and Cody A. Nichols
- Performance and Economics of Supplementing Yearlings on Smooth Bromegrass Pastures, Cody A. Welchons, Robert G. Bondurant, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Jim C. MacDonald, and Andrea K. Watson
2015 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
- Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Report and Their Purpose
- Comparison of Wet or Dry Distillers Grains Plus Solubles to Corn as an Energy Source in Forage-Based Diets, Nerissa A. Ahern, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, James C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Genetic Parameter Estimates for Calving Difficulty and Birth Weight in a Multibreed Population, Cashley M. Ahlberg, Larry A. Kuehn, R. Mark Thallman Thallman, Stephen D. Kachman, and Matthew L. Spangler
- Effect of 300 or 400 mg Daily of Ractopamine Hydrochloride on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Finishing Steers During the Last 14, 28, or 42 Days, Curtis J. Bittner, Dirk B. Burken, Adam L. Shreck Shreck, James C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson, and Nathan A. Pyatt
- Effects of Next Enhance® Concentrations in Finishing Diets on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Yearling Feedlot Cattle, Curtis J. Bittner, Galen E. Erickson, Karla H. Jenkins Jenkins, Matt K. Luebbe, Martin A. Andersen, and Geoff I. Zanton
- Response to Increasing Concentrations of De-oiled Modified Distillers Grains Plus Solubles in Beef Feedlot Diets, Meredith L. Bremer, Curtis J. Bittner, Dirk B. Burken Burken, Galen E. Erickson, and James C. MacDonald
- Feeding Value of De-oiled Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles Relative to Normal When Fed with Either Dry-Rolled Corn or Steam-Flaked Corn in Beef Finishing Diets, Meredith L. Bremer, Marie E. Harris, Jake A. Hansen Hansen, Karla H. Jenkins, Matt K. Luebbe, and Galen E. Erickson
- Digestibility of De-Oiled Modified Distillers Grains Plus Solubles in Forage-Based Diets, Meredith L. Bremer, Sarah J. Peterson, Adam L. Shreck Shreck, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and James C. MacDonald
- Evaluation of Rumen Metabolism and Digestibility of Corn Silage and MDGS Finishing Diets, Dirk B. Burken, Shelby E. Gardine, Jana L. Harding Harding, Melissa L. Jolly-Breithaupt, and Galen E. Erickson
- The Effects of Corn Price, Shrink, and Harvest Moisture on Corn Silage Economics, Dirk B. Burken, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson Erickson
- Feeding Elevated Levels of Corn Silage and MDGS in Finishing Diets, Dirk B. Burken, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Curtis J. Bittner Bittner, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- A Basic Mechanism of Beef Tenderization: Feeding Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles Contributes to Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Membrane Instability, Michael D. Chao, Katherine I. Domenech, and Chris R. Calkins Calkins
- Effect of Feeding Distillers Grains in Different Phases of Production on the Fatty Acid Profile and Oxidation of Frozen, Cooked Beef Links, Brandy D. Cleveland, Amy L. Redfield, James C. MacDonald Donald, Tommi F. Jones, and Gary A. Sullivan
- Effect of Corn Residue Removal on Subsequent Crop Yields, Mary E. Drewnoski, L. Aaron Stalker, James C. MacDonald Donald, Galen E. Erickson, Kathy J. Hanford, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Processing Treated Corn Stover and Distillers Grains on Performance of Growing Cattle, Jana L. Harding, Curtis J. Bittner, Dirk B. Burken Burken, Galen E. Erickson, and James C. MacDonald
- Effects of Replacing Corn with a Pelleted Treated Corn Stover and Distillers Grains on Performance of Finishing Cattle, Jana L. Harding, Curtis J. Bittner, Dirk B. Burken Burken, Galen E. Erickson, and James C. MacDonald
- Effects of Replacing Corn with a Pelleted Treated Corn Stover and Distillers Grains on Intake and Total Tract Digestibility of Finishing Diets, Jana L. Harding, Melissa L. Jolly-Breithaupt, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, and James C. MacDonald
- Using Enspira to Improve Fiber Digestion, Jana L. Harding, Adam L. Shreck, Melissa L. Jolly-Breithaupt Breithaupt, Galen E. Erickson, and James C. MacDonald
- Evaluating Two Rates of Monensin Fed During the Grain Adaptation Period on Cattle Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Marie E. Harris, Galen E. Erickson, Karla H. Jenkins Jenkins, and Matt K. Luebbe
- Effect of Distillers Grains Plus Solubles and Monensin Supplementation on Grazing Steers, Tyler L. Hasenauer, Terry J. Klopfenstein, James C. MacDonald Donald, Robby G. Bondurant, and Dirk B. Burken
- Effect of Zinc and Copper Source on Finishing Steer Feedlot Performance and Incidence of Footrot, E. Henry Hilscher, Galen E. Erickson, Scott B. Laudert Laudert, Robert J. Cooper, Bill D. Dicke, D. J. Jordon, and Tony L. Scott
- Effects of Three Aggressive Implant Protocols on Feedlot Performance and Carcass Traits of Calf-Fed Steers, F. Henry Hilscher, Galen E. Erickson, Marshall N. Streeter Streeter, Robert J. Cooper, Bill D. Dicke, D. J. Jordon, and Tony L. Scott
- Efficacy of Bovatec 2.2 Mineral Blocks for Cattle Grazing Crested Wheatgrass Pastures, Karla H. Jenkins, Jacob A. Hansen, and Matt K. Luebbe Luebbe
- Using Sugar Beet Pulp to Replace Wheat Straw when Limit Feeding Late Gestation Beef Cows, Karla H. Jenkins, Matt K. Luebbe, and Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein
- Nutrient Digestibility and Ruminal pH of Finishing Diets Containing Dry Milling Byproducts With and Without Oil Extraction, Melissa L. Jolly-Breithaupt, Adam L. Shreck, Jana L. Harding Harding, James C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Dried Distillers Grains Supplementation of Calves Grazing Irrigated Corn Residue, Mandi Jones, James C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Robby Bondurant
- Comparison of Commercial Lick Tubs to Distillers Grains Supplementation for Calves Grazing Corn Residue, Mandi Jones, James C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Kathleen R. Brooks, Dirk B. Burken, Robby Bondurant, and Andrea K. Watson
- Evaluation of Changes in Nutritional Quality of Corn Residue Over Time, Mandi Jones, James C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Keith Glewen, and Andrea K. Watson
- Effects of Grazing on Nebraska Sandhills Meadow Forage Nutrient Content, Jared V. Judy, Jacki A. Musgrave, L. Aaron Stalker Stalker, Karla H. Jenkins, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Stocking Rate Effects on Forage Nutrient Composition in Early Summer Pastures, Jared V. Judy, Jacki A. Musgrave, L. Aaron Stalker Stalker, K. H. Jenkins, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effect of Diet on the Rumen Microbial Community Composition of Growing Cattle and the Role It Plays in Methane Emissions, Allison L. Knoell, Christopher L. Anderson, Anna C. Pesta Pesta, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Samodha C. Fernando
- The Effects of Source and Amount of Nitrite on Quality Characteristics of All-Beef Frankfurters, Eric Miller, Chad G. Bower, Amy L. Redfield Redfield, and Gary A. Sullivan
- Effects of Ingestion and Collection Bag Type on Nutrient Composition of Forage Samples from Esophageally Fistulated Cattle, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, Jared Judy, Aaron Stalker Stalker, Terry Klopfenstein, and Karla Jenkins
- Impact of Heifer Development System on Subsequent Gain and Reproduction, Hazy R. Nielson, John D. Harms, Adam F. Summers Summers, Rebecca A. Vraspir, and Rick N. Funston
- A Comparison of Two Implant Protocols: Synovex-Choice/Synovex-Plus vs. Synovex-S/Revalor-S on Steer Feedlot Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Hazy R. Nielson, Adam F. Summers, and Rick N. Funston Funston
- Effects of Dietary Fat Source and Monensin on Methane Emissions, VFA Profile, and Performance of Finishing Steers, Anna C. Pesta, Andrea K. Watson, Robert G. Bondurant Bondurant, Samodha C. Fernando, and Galen E. Erickson
- Digestibility of Calcium Oxide Treated Corn Residue with De-Oiled Distillers Grains, Sarah J. Peterson, Meredith L. Bremer, Adam L. Shreck Shreck, James C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Corn Plant Maturity on Yield and Nutrient Quality of Corn Plants, Cassandra A. Row, Adam L. Shreck, Robert G. Bondurant Bondurant, Curtis J. Bittner, Jana L. Harding, James C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Estimation of British- and Continental-Specific Heterosis Effects for Birth, Weaning, and Yearling Weight in Cattle, Lauren N. Schiermiester, R. Mark Thallman, Larry A. Kuehn Kuehn, and Matthew L. Spangler
- Effect of Harvest Method on In Vitro Digestibility of Corn Residues, Janessa J. Updike, Jana L. Harding, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, and James C. MacDonald
- Evaluation of the Impact of an Alternative Corn Residue Harvest Method on Performance and Methane Emissions from Growing Cattle, Janessa J. Updike, Anna C. Pesta, Robert G. Bondurant Bondurant, James C. MacDonald, Samodha Fernando, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effect of Post-Weaning Management and Age at Weaning on Calf Growing and Finishing Performance, Jason M. Warner, Curtis J. Bittner, Karla H. Jenkins Jenkins, Rick J. Rasby, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effects of Calf Age at Weaning on Cow and Calf Performance and Feed Utilization in an Intensive Production System, Jason M. Warner, Curtis J. Bittner, Karla H. Jenkins Jenkins, Rick J. Rasby, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Supplementing Cow-Calf Pairs Grazing Smooth Bromegrass, Jason M. Warner, Annie J. Doerr, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, Rick J. Rasby, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- An Economic Analysis of Conventional and Alternative Cow-Calf Production Systems, Jason M. Warner, Andrea K. Watson, K. H. Jenkins Jenkins, Rick J. Rasby, Kate Brooks, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Mineral Composition of Beef Cattle Carcasses, Andrea K. Watson, Jana L. Harding, Matt P. McCurdy Curdy, Matt J. Hersom, Kristin E. Hales, Clint R. Krehbiel, and Galen E. Erickson
- Mineral Composition of Serial Slaughter Holstein Carcasses, Andrea K. Watson, Trent J. McEvers, Lee-Anne J. Walter Walter, Nathan D. May, Jacob A. Reed, N. Andy Cole, Ty E. Lawrence, James C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Anaerobic Digestion of Feedlot Manure, Andrea K. Watson, Adam L. Shreck, Amy M. Schmidt Schmidt, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
2014 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
2014 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- 2014 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report -- Frontmatter & Contents
- Differences in Fecal Bacterial Community Composition Between Beef Steers which are High-Shedders and Low-Shedders of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli (STEC), Nirosh D. Aluthge, Yoshitha A. Wanniarachchi, Brandon L. Nuttelman Nuttelman, Cody J. Schneider, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Samodha C. Fernando
- Effects of Dietary Change on Viral-Bacterial Interactions in the Rumen of Cattle, Christopher L. Anderson, Melissa L. Jolly, Adam L. Shreck Shreck, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Samodha C. Fernando
- Effects of Feeding Next Enhance® in Finishing Diets on Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Curtis J. Bittner, Galen E. Erickson, Karla H. Jenkins Jenkins, Matt K. Luebbe, and Troy J. Wistuba
- Energy Value of De-Oiled Modified Distillers Grains Plus Solubles in a Forage-Based Diet, Meredith L. Bremer, Andrea K. Watson, Dirk B. Burken Burken, James C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Feeding Different Types of Byproducts and Concentrations Throughout a Beef Growing System on Ground Beef Color and Lipid Oxidation, Joe O. Buntyn, Brandy D. Cleveland, Amy L. Redfield Redfield, James C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson, Tommi F. Jones, Ty B. Schmidt, and Gary A. Sullivan
- Feeding Elevated Levels of Corn Silage and MDGS in Finishing Diets, Dirk B. Burken, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Feeding Distillers Grains and Supplementing with Dietary Antioxidants on Ground Beef Color During Retail Display, Brandy D. Cleveland, Chad G. Bower, Amy L. Redfield Redfield, and Gary A. Sullivan
- Effect of Natural Antioxidant Concentration on Lipid Oxidation of Ready-to-Eat Ground Beef Links from Cattle Fed Distillers Grains in Different Phases of Production, Brandy D. Cleveland, Joe O. Buntyn, Amy L. Redfield Redfield, James C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson, Tommi F. Jones, Ty B. Schmidt, and Gary A. Sullivan
- Lipid Oxidation in Cooked Ground Beef Links from Cattle Fed Distillers Grains in Different Phases of Production, Brandy D. Cleveland, Joe O. Buntyn, Amy L. Redfield Redfield, James C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson, Tommi F. Jones, Ty B. Schmidt, and Gary A. Sullivan
- Impact of Feeding Alkaline-Treated Corn Stover at Elevated Amounts in Commercial Feedlot Cattle, Rob Cooper, Bill Dicke, D. J. Jordon Jordon, Tony Scott, Casey Macken, and Galen E. Erickson
- Shelf Life of Cooked Ground Beef Patties From Cattle Fed Wet Distillers Grains with Solubles, Nathan T. Dierks, Tommi F. Jones, Kimberly A. Varnold Varnold, Derek J. Schroeder, Amy L. Redfield, and Gary A. Sullivan
- Effect of Feeding De-oiled Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles on Beef Fatty Acid Profiles, Katherine I. Domenech, Kim A. Varnold, Michelle E. Semler Semler, Michael D. Chao, Tommi F. Jones, Galen E. Erickson, and Chris R. Calkins
- Effect of Feeding De-oiled Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles on Beef Oxidation and Tenderness, Katherine I. Domenech, Kim A. Varnold, Michelle E. Semler, Michael D. Chao, Tommi F. Jones, Galen E. Erickson, and Chris R. Calkins
- Effect of Winter Supplementation Level on Yearling System Profit Across Economic Scenarios, Kari L. Gillespie, Terry J. Klopfenstein, James C. MacDonald Donald, Brandon L. Nuttelman, and Cody J. Schneider
- Economics of Distillers Grains Supplementation in a Forage System with Spayed Heifers, Kari L. Gillespie, Terry J. Klopfenstein, James C. MacDonald Donald, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Cody J. Schneider, Galen Erickson, and J. D. Volesky
- Distillers Grains Supplementation in a Forage System with Spayed Heifers, Kari L. Gillespie, Terry J. Klopfenstein, James C. MacDonald Donald, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Cody J. Schneider, Jerry D. Volesky, and Galen Erickson
- Replacement of Grazed Forage and Animal Performance when Distillers Grains are Fed in a Bunk or on the Ground on Summer Range, Kari L. Gillespie, L. Aaron Stalker, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Jerry D. Volesky, and Jacki A. Musgrave
- Using Enspira™ to Improve Fiber Digestion, Jana L. Harding, Galen E. Erickson, and James C. MacDonald Donald
- Effects of Winter Supplementation on Cow Performance and Post-Weaning Management on Steer and Heifer Progeny in a Late Spring Calving System, John D. Harms, Rick N. Funston, L. Aaron Stalker Stalker, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, Andrew F. Applegarth, and Adam F. Summers
- Evaluating Corn Condensed Distillers Solubles Concentration in Steam-Flaked Corn Finishing Diets on Cattle Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Marie E. Harris, Galen E. Erickson, Karla H. Jenkins Jenkins, and Matt K. Luebbe
- Effect of Distillers Grains Plus Solubles Supplementation on Grazing Cattle Performance, Tyler L. Hasenauer, Terry J. Klopfenstein, James C. MacDonald Donald, Cody J. Schneider, and Dirk B. Burken
- Effect of Irrigation Allocation on Perennial Grass Production and Quality, Gary W. Hergert, Karla H. Jenkins, James Margheim Margheim, Alex Pavlista, Rex Nielsen, and Murali Darapuneni
- Effects of a Terminal Sorting System with Zilpaterol Hydrochloride on Feedlot Steers, F. Henry Hilscher, Dirk B. Burken, Brandon L. Nuttelman Nuttelman, Galen E. Erickson, Kathy Hanford, Kyle J. Vander Pol, and John P. Hutcheson
- Effects of Increasing Inclusion of Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles With and Without Oil Extraction on Finishing Performance, Melissa L. Jolly, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Dirk Burken Burken, Cody J. Schneider, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Distillers Grains Supplementation on Calves Grazing Irrigated or Non-Irrigated Corn Residue, Mandi Jones, James C. MacDonald, Galen Erickson Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Andrea K. Watson
- Effects of Grazing on Nebraska Sandhills Meadow Forage Nutrient Content, Jared V. Judy, Jacki A. Musgrave, L. Aaron Stalker Stalker, Karla H. Jenkins, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Evaluation of Genomic Predictors for Red Angus Cattle, Stephen D. Kachman and Matthew L. Spangler
- Optimal Marketing Date of Steers Depends on Marketing Strategy, James C. MacDonald, Cody J. Schneider, Kelsey M. Rolfe Rolfe, Stephen D. Kachman, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Follicular Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A Expression Before and After the LH Surge, Renee M. McFee, Robin A. Artac, Adam F. Summers, William E. Pohlmeier, Vanessa M. Brauer, Scott G. Kurz, Robert A. Cushman, Jennifer R. Wood, and Andrea S. Cupp
- Effects of Forage Quality, MDGS, and Monensin on Performance, Methane Concentration, and Ruminal Fermentation of Growing Cattle, Anna C. Pesta, Andrea K. Watson, Samodha Fernando Fernando, and Galen E. Erickson
- Use of Treated Corn Residues in Growing Diets, Sarah J. Peterson, Dirk B. Burken, James C. MacDonald Donald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Use of a Pelleted Corn Residue Complete Feed in Receiving Diets, Sarah J. Peterson, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Dirk B. Burken Burken, James C. MacDonald, Matt K. Luebbe, and Galen E. Erickson
- Optimum Inclusion of Alkaline-Treated Cornstalks and Distillers Grains Fed to Calf-fed Steers, Sarah J. Peterson, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Cody J. Schneider Schneider, Dirk B. Burken, James C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
- Transitioning Cattle from RAMP® to a Finishing Diet on Feedlot Performance and Feed Intake Variance, Cody J. Schneider, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Dirk B. Burken Burken, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Transitioning Cattle from RAMP® to a Finishing Diet on Feed Intake and Ruminal pH, Cody J. Schneider, Adam L. Shreck, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Nutrient and Tenderness Differences of Beef from Heifers Due to Mutation of the Myostatin Genehypothesized, Michelle E. Semler, Chris R. Calkins, and Galen E. Erickson Erickson
- Vein Steak Differences in Strip Loins of Heifers Due to Mutation of the Myostatin Gene, Michelle E. Semler, Chris R. Calkins, and Galen E. Erickson Erickson
- Alkaline Treated Wheat Straw or Corn Stover Fed to Growing Calves, Adam L. Shreck, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Cody J. Schneider Schneider, Dirk B. Burken, Casey N. Macken, William A. Griffin, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Feeding Distillers Grains in a Yearling Beef System on Meat Quality, Kelby M. Sudbeck, Kimberly A. Varnold, James C. MacDonald Donald, Chris R. Calkins, and Galen E. Erickson
- Preconception Distillers Grains Supplementation Improves Mature Beef Cow Return to Estrous, Adam F. Summers, Daniel M. Larson, and Andrea S. Cupp Cupp
- Impact of Supplemental Protein Source on Pregnant Beef Heifers, Adam F. Summers, T. L. Meyer, Michael F. Kirby Kirby, Jim R. Teichert, and Rick N. Funston
- Androgen Excess in Beef Cows Results in Altered Theca Cell Gene Expression and Fertilityand, Adam F. Summers, William E. Pohlmeier, Vanessa M. Brauer Brauer, Kevin M. Sargent, Renee M. McFee, Scott G. Kurz, Robert A. Cushman, Jennifer R. Wood, and Andrea S. Cupp
- Dryland Cover Crops as a Grazing Option for Beef Cattle, Alex H. Titlow, Jake A. Hansen, Matt K. Luebbe Luebbe, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Karla H. Jenkins
- Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Report and Their Purpose, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- The Effects of Diet and Cooler Aging on Consumer Panel Scores for Beef, Kimberly A. Varnold, Chris R. Calkins, Rhonda K. Miller Miller, and Galen E. Erickson
- The Effects of Diet and Cooler Aging on Specific Flavor Notes in Beef, Kimberly A. Varnold, Chris R. Calkins, Rhonda K. Miller Miller, and Galen E. Erickson
- Grass Type, Grazing Supplementation, and Finishing Diets Affect Beef Fatty Acids, Kimberly A. Varnold, Chris R. Calkins, Brandon L. Nuttelman Nuttelman, Lasika S. Senaratne-Lenagala, Tommi F. Jones, Timothy P. Carr, and Galen E. Erickson
- The Effects of Diet on the Biochemical Constituents of Beef, Kimberly A. Varnold, Chris R. Calkins, Brandon L. Nuttelman Nuttelman, Lasika S. Senaratne-Lenagala, Justine J. Stevenson, Michelle E. Semler, Michael D. Chao, Tommi F. Jones, and Galen E. Erickson
- Comparison of Long-term Progestin-Based Synchronization Protocols on Fixed-time AI Pregnancy Rate in Beef Heifers, Rebecca A. Vraspir, Adam F. Summers, Doug O'Hare Hare, Larry D. Rowden, and Rick N. Funston
- Effect of Pubertal Status and Number of Estrous Cycles Prior to the Breeding Season on Pregnancy Rate in Beef Heifers, Rebecca A. Vraspir, Adam F. Summers, Andrew J. Roberts Roberts, and Rick N. Funston
- Effects of Calf Age at Weaning on Cow and Calf Performance and Efficiency in a Drylot/Confinement Production System, Jason M. Warner, Karla H. Jenkins, Rick J. Rasby, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effect of Micro-Aid® Supplementation on Nitrogen Losses from Manure, Andrea K. Watson, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, and Mike J. Rincker
2013 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
- Cover-Acknowledgements -Index
- Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Report and Their Purpose
- The Effect of Commensal Microbial Communities on the Fecal Shedding of Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli (STEC) in Beef Cattle, Nirosh D. Aluthge, Yoshitha A. Wanniarachchi, Brandon L. Nuttelman Nuttelman, Cody J. Schneider, Terry Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Jayne E. Stratton, and Samodha C. Fernando
- Including NEXT ENHANCE® Essential Oils in Finishing Diets on Performance With or Without Rumensin® and Tylan®, Curtis J. Bittner, Galen E. Erickson, Karla Jenkins Jenkins, Matt K. Luebbe, and Troy Wistuba
- Utilization of Soybean Hulls When Fed in Combination with MDGS in Finishing Diets, Curtis J. Bittner, Galen E. Erickson, Terry L. Mader Mader, and Leslie J. Johnson
- Effects of Feeding Increasing Levels of Soyhulls in Finishing Diets with WDGS, Curtis J. Bittner, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Cody J. Schneider Schneider, Dirk Burken, Terry Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluation of a New Chemistry for Rangeland Grasshopper Control, Jeffrey Bradshaw, Karla Jenkins, Sean Doyle Whipple Whipple, and Rick Patrick
- Effects of Corn Hybrid, Plant Density, and Harvest Time on Yield and Quality of Corn Plants, Dirk B. Burken, Jana L. Harding, Adam L. McGee Gee, Thomas C. Hoegemeyer, Terry Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Economics of Feeding Elevated Levels of Corn Silage in Finishing Diets Containing MDGS, Dirk Burken, Terry Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson Erickson
- Feeding Elevated Levels of Corn Silage in Finishing Diets Containing MDGS, Dirk Burken, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Terry Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Winter Supplementation Level on Yearling System Profitability, Kari L. Gillespie, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Cody J. Schneider Schneider, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Replacement of Grazed Forage and Animal Performance When Distillers Grains are Fed in a Bunk or on the Ground, Kari L. Gillespie, L. Aaron Stalker, Terry Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Jerry D. Volesky, and Jacqueline Musgrave
- Nitrogen Fertilization and DDGS Supplementation Reduces Annual Weeds in Pastures, John A. Guretzky, Laura K. Snell, John C. Soper Soper, Walter H. Schacht, Terry Klopfenstein, and Stephanie K. Pruitt
- Effect of Two Estrus Synchronization Protocols on Reproductive Performance of May Calving Cows, John D. Harms, Adam F. Summers, Jacqueline Musgrave Musgrave, and Rick Funston
- Development of 2-Rib and 3-Rib Beef Chuck Subprimal, Justine J. Hosch, Kim A. Varnold, Lasika S. Senaratne-Lenagala Lenagala, Michelle E. Semler, Michael D. Chao, and Chris R. Calkins
- An Evaluation of Pelvic Bone Shape in Beef Carcasses, Justine J. Hosch, Kim Varnold, Lasika S. Senaratne Senaratne, Jerilyn Hergenreder, and Chris R. Calkins
- Variation in Composition and Sensory Properties for Beef Short Ribs, Justine J. Hosch, Kim Varnold, Lasika S. Senaratne Senaratne, Jerilyn Hergenreder, Michelle E. Semler, M.D. Chao, and Chris R. Calkins
- An Evaluation of the Extended Sirloin Cap Coulotte, Justine J. Hosch, Kim Varnold, Lasika S. Senaratne Senaratne, Michelle E. Semler, M.D. Chao, and Chris R. Calkins
- Efficacy of Newborn Bovine DNA Samples Taken Via Different Mediums in Assigning Paternity, Jeremy T. Howard, Lynsey K. Whitacre, and Matthew L. Spangler Spangler
- Effect of Feeding Greater Amounts of Calcium Oxide Treated Corn Stover and Micro-Aid® on Performance and Nutrient Mass Balance, Joel Johnson, Dirk Burken, William A. Griffin Griffin, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Galen E. Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein, Michael J. Cecava, and Mike J. Rincker
- Effects of Modified Distillers Grains Plus Solubles and Condensed Distillers Solubles With and Without Oil Extraction on Finishing Performance, Melissa L. Jolly, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Dirk Burken Burken, Cody J. Schneider, Terry Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effects of Feeding Condensed Distillers Solubles With and Without Oil Extraction on Growing Cattle Performance, Melissa L. Jolly, Cody J. Schneider, Brandon L. Nuttelman Nuttelman, Dirk B. Burken, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- The Effect of Lameness on Average Daily Gain in Feedlot Steers, Giselle T. Kruse, Richard R. Randle, Douglas E. Hostetler Hostetler, Gary K. Tibbetts, Dicky D. Griffin, Kathryn J. Hanford, Terry Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Brandon L. Nuttelman, and David R. Smith
- Effects of Feeding Microbial Feed Additives on Growth Performance and Carcass Traits of Steers Fed Steam-Flaked Corn-Based Diets with Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles, Matt K. Luebbe, Karla H. Jenkins, Stephanie A. Furman Furman, and Kelly K. Kreikemeier
- Hormonal Residues in Feedlot Pens and Runoff, Terry L. Mader, Leslie J. Johnson, Shannon L. Bartelt-Hunt Hunt, Daniel D. Snow, William L. Kranz, Charles A. Shapiro, Simon van Donk, David P. Shelton, David Tarkalson, and Tian Zhang
- Effect of Stocking Rate on Cow Performance and Grain Yields When Grazing Corn Residue, Adam L. McGee, Jana L. Harding, Simon van Donk Donk, Terry Klopfenstein, and Leslie Aaron Stalker
- Effect of Grazing Corn Residue on Corn and Soybean Yields, Adam L. McGee, Terry Klopfenstein, Leslie Aaron Stalker Stalker, and Galen E. Erickson
- Strategic Supplementation of Dried Distillers Grains Plus Solubles to Yearling Steers Grazing Smooth Bromegrass, Stephanie K. Moore, Cody J. Schneider, Brandon L. Nuttelman Nuttelman, Dirk B. Burken, Terry Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Kelly R. Brink, and Walter H. Schacht
- Association of Inactive Myostatin in Piedmontese-Influenced Steers and Heifers on Performance and Carcass Traits at Different Endpoints, Stephanie K. Moore, Cody J. Schneider, Kelsey Rolfe Rolfe, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Dirk Burken, William A. Griffin, Josh R. Benton, Galen E. Erickson, and Matthew L. Spangler
- Economic Analysis Update: Supplementing Distillers Grains to Grazing Yearling Steers, Stephanie K. Moore, Andrea K. Watson, Terry Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Walter H. Schacht
- Influence of Pre-Collection Diet and Preparation Technique on Nutrient Composition of Masticate Samples, Jacqueline Musgrave, Kari L. Gillespie, Stephanie K. Moore Moore, Leslie Aaron Stalker, Terry Klopfenstein, Cody J. Schneider, Jana L. Harding, and Brandon L. Nuttelman
- Comparing Wet and Dry Distillers Grains Plus Solubles for Yearling Finishing Cattle, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Dirk Burken, C.J. Schneider Schneider, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Effects of Feeding 44 g/ton Rumensin® During Grain Adaptation on Animal Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Cody J. Schneider, Matt K. Luebbe, Karla Jenkins Jenkins, Stephanie A. Furman, and Galen E. Erickson
- Rapidly Transitioning Cattle to a Finishing Diet with RAMP®, Cody J. Schneider, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Dirk Burken Burken, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Transitioning Cattle from RAMP® to a Finishing Diet With or Without an Adaptation Period, Cody J. Schneider, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Dirk Burken Burken, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Using RAMP® for Receiving Cattle Compared to Traditional Receiving Diets, Cody J. Schneider, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin Griffin, Dirk Burken, David R. Smith, Terry Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effects of Abruptly Transitioning Cattle from RAMP® to a Finishing Diet on Ruminal pH and Feed Intake, Cody J. Schneider, Adam L. Shreck, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Differences in Beef Strip Loin Steaks of Steers Due to the Inactive Myostatin Mutation, Michelle E. Semler, Chris R. Calkins, and Galen E. Erickson Erickson
- Nutrient Differences of Beef from Steers with Different Genotypes for Myostatin, Michelle E. Semler, Chris R. Calkins, and Galen E. Erickson Erickson
- Color and Sensory Properties of Beef Steaks Treated with Antimicrobial Sprays, Michelle E. Semler, Michael D. Chao, Justine J. Hosch Hosch, Lasika S. Senaratne, Kim Varnold, and Chris R. Calkins
- Evaluation of Rumen Metabolism and Digestibility when Treated Crop Residues are Fed in Cattle Finishing Diets, Adam L. Shreck, Jana L. Harding, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein, and Michael Cecava
- Varying Proportions and Amounts of Distillers Grains and Alkaline-Treated Forage as Substitutes for Corn Grain in Finishing Cattle Diets, Adam L. Shreck, Cody J. Schneider, Brandon L. Nuttelman Nuttelman, Dirk Burken, Galen E. Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein, and Michael Cecava
- Heifers with Low Antral Follicle Counts Have Low Birth Weights and Produce Progeny with Low Birth Weights, Adam F. Summers, Robert A. Cushman, Karl Moline Moline, Jeff Bergman, and Andrea S. Cupp
- Effect of Development System on Heifer Performance and Primiparous Heifer Grazing Behavior, Adam F. Summers, T. L. Meyer, Jacqueline Musgrave Musgrave, Stetson P. Weber, and Rick N. Funston
- Effect of Beef Heifer Development System on ADG, Reproduction, and Feed Efficiency During First Pregnancy, Adam F. Summers, T. L. Meyer, Stetson P. Weber Weber, and Rick N. Funston
- Field Peas as a Binder for Dried Distillers Grains-Based Range Cubes, Alex H. Titlow, Jacob A. Hansen, Matt K. Luebbe Luebbe, and Karla Jenkins
- Replacing Steam-Flaked Corn and Dry Rolled Corn With Condensed Distillers Solubles In Finishing Diets, Alex H. Titlow, Adam L. Shreck, Stephanie A. Furman Furman, Karla Jenkins, Matt K. Luebbe, and Galen E. Erickson
- Applying Corn Condensed Distillers Solubles to Hay Windrows Prior to Baling: I. Procedure and Effects on Bale Temperature and Nutrient Composition, Jason M. Warner, Rick J. Rasby, and Mark Dragastin Dragastin
- Applying Corn Condensed Distillers Solubles to Hay Windrows Prior to Baling: II. Effects on Growing Cattle Performance, Jason M. Warner, Cody J. Schneider, Richard J. Rasby Rasby, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Mark Dragastin
- Anaerobic Digestion of Finishing Cattle Manure, Andrea K. Watson, Galen E. Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Samodha C. Fernando, and Jana L. Harding
- Corn Residue Removal Effects On Subsequent Yield, Brian J. Wienhold, Gary E. Varvel, Virginia L. Jin Jin, Rob B. Mitchell, and Kenneth P. Vogel
2012 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
2012 Beef Cattle Report: Table of Contents
- 2012 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report (complete)
- Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Report and Their Purpose
- Economic Analysis of Keeping a Nonpregnant Cow, Trenton Bohling, Darrell R. Mark, Richard Rasby, and David R. Smith
- Effects of Antioxidants on Beef in Low and High Oxygen Packages, Spencer W. Bolte, Lasika S. Senaratne-Lenagala, Chris R. Calkins Calkins, Siroj Pokharel, and Kimberley A. Varnold
- Feeding Modified Distillers Grains With Solubles and Wet Corn Gluten Feed (Synergy) to Adapt Cattle to Finishing Diets, Marco G. Dib, Jhones O. Sarturi, Kelsey M. Rolfe Rolfe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Ron Lindquist
- Effect on Performance and Nutrient Mass Balance of Feeding Micro-Aid in Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles Diets, Annie J. Doerr, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin Griffin, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Joshua R. Benton, and Mike J. Rincker
- Byproducts with Low Quality Forage to Grazing Cattle, Annie J. Doerr, Sandra Villasanti, Kelsey M. Rolfe Rolfe, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Walter H. Schacht
- Effect of Calving Period on Heifer Progeny, Richard N. Funston, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, Tonya L. Meyer, and Dan M. Larson
- Effect of Storage Method on Nutrient Composition and Dry Matter Loss of Wet Distillers Grains, Jana L. Harding, Jessica E. Cornelius, Kelsey M. Rolfe Rolfe, Adam L. Shreck, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Spoilage of Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles and Feed Value, Jana L. Harding, Kelsey M. Rolfe, Cody J. Schneider Schneider, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Freezing and Thawing Rates on Tenderness and Sensory Quality of Beef Subprimals, Jerilyn E. Hergenreder, Justine J. Hosch, Kimberley A. Varnold Varnold, Asia L. Haack, Lasika S. Senaratne, Siroj Pokharel, Catie Beauchamp, Brandon Lobaugh, and Chris R. Calkins
- Subprimal Freezing and Thawing Rates Affect Beef at Retail, Justine J. Hosch, Jerilyn E. Hergenreder, Kim A. Varnold Varnold, Asia L. Haack, Lasika S. Senaratne, Siroj Pokharel, Chris R. Calkins, Catie Beauchamp, and Brandon Lobaugh
- Impact of Sorting Prior to Feeding Zilpaterol Hydrochloride on Feedlot Steers, Erin M. Hussey, Galen E. Erickson, Brandon L. Nuttelman Nuttelman, William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Kyle J. Vander Pol
- Effects of Barley Diets with Distillers Grains Plus Solubles on Feedlot Performance and N and P Balance, Erin M. Hussey, Galen E. Erickson, Robert E. Peterson Peterson, and Luis O. Burciaga-Robles
- Wheat Straw, Distillers Grains, and Beet Pulp for Late Gestation Beef Cows, Karla H. Jenkins, Matt K. Luebbe, and Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein
- Oocyte mRNA and Follicle Androgen Levels Associated with Fertility, Ningxia Lu, Jacqueline Smith, Vanessa Brauer Brauer, Adam Summers, William E. Pohlmeier, Kevin A. Beavers, Renee M. McFee, Kevin Sargent, Jill Kerl, Robert A. Cushman, Andrea S. Cupp, and Jennifer R. Wood
- Distillers Grains With Solubles and Ground Ear Corn in Feedlot Diets, Terry L. Mader
- Potassium for Feedlot Cattle Exposed to Heat Stress, Terry L. Mader and Leslie J. Johnson
- Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (VEGFA) in Ovulatory Follicles, Renee M. McFee, Robin A. Artac, William E. Pohlmeier Pohlmeier, Jill G. Kerl, Vanessa M. Brauer, Robert A. Cushman, and Andrea S. Cupp
- Nutritive Value and Amount of Corn Plant Parts, Adam L. McGee, Mackenzie Johnson, Kelsey M. Rolfe Rolfe, Jana L. Harding, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Evaluating Conventional and Sexed Semen in a Commercial Beef Heifer Program, Tonya L. Meyer, Richard N. Funston, Kelly Ranch Ranch, James M. McGrann, Sexing Technologies, and ABS Global
- Comparison of Feeding Dry Distillers Grains in a Bunk or on the Ground to Cattle Grazing Subirrigated Meadow, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, L. Aaron Stalker, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, and Jerry D. Volesky
- Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Dietary Sulfur on Feedlot Health, Cody A. Nichols, Virgil R. Bremer, Andrea K. Watson Watson, Crystal D. Buckner, Jana L. Harding, David R. Smith, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Wet Distillers Grains and Ratios of Steam-Flaked and Dry-Rolled Corn, Cody A. Nichols, Karla H. Jenkins, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, Matt K. Luebbe, Stephanie A. Furman, Brandon L. Sorensen, Kathryn J. Hanford, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effect of Corn Processing on Feedlot Steers Fed Sugarbeet Pulp, Cody A. Nichols, Matt K. Luebbe, Karla H. Jenkins Jenkins, Galen E. Erickson, Stephanie A. Furman, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Feeding Field Peas in Finishing Diets Containing Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles, Anna C. Pesta, Stephanie A. Furman, Matt K. Luebbe Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, and Karla H. Jenkins
- Feeding Condensed Distillers Solubles in Finishing Diets Containing WDGS or Synergy, Anna C. Pesta, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Increasing Levels of Condensed Distillers Solubles and Finishing Performance, Anna C. Pesta, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Metabolism of Finishing Diets Containing Condensed Distillers Solubles and WDGS, Anna C. Pesta, Adam L. Shreck, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Association of Myostatin on Performance and Carcass Traits in Crossbred Cattle, Stephanie K. Pruitt, Kelsey M. Rolfe, Brandon Nuttelman Nuttelman, William A. Griffin, Joshua R. Benton, Galen E. Erickson, and Matthew L. Spangler
- Strategies of Supplementing Dried Distillers Grains to Yearling Steers on Smooth Bromegrass Pastures, Stephanie K. Pruitt, Kelsey M. Rolfe, Brandon Nuttelman Nuttelman, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, William A. Griffin, and Walter H. Schacht
- Grazing Supplementation and Subsequent Feedlot Sorting of Yearling Cattle, Kelsey M. Rolfe, William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Darrell R. Mark, Galen E. Erickson, and Dennis E. Bauer
- Influence of Weaning Date and Prepartum Nutrition on Cow-Calf Productivity, Kelsey M. Rolfe, L. Aaron Stalker, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, and Richard N. Funston
- Ruminal Degradable Sulfur and Hydrogen Sulfide in Cattle Finishing Diets, Jhones O. Sarturi, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Kelsey M. Rolfe Rolfe, Crystal C. D. Buckner, and Matt K. Luebbe
- Using Beet Pulp to Adapt Cattle to Finishing Diets, Cody J. Schneider, Matt K. Luebbe, Karla H. Jenkins Jenkins, Stephanie A. Furman, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Use of Complete-feed Diets RAMP™ and Test Starter for Receiving Cattle, Cody J. Schneider, Brandon J. Nuttelman, Kelsey M. Rolfe Rolfe, William A. Griffin, David R. Smith, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Complete-feed diet RAMP™ in Grain Adaptation Programs, Cody J. Schneider, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Kelsey M. Rolfe Rolfe, William A. Griffin, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of RAMP™ on Feed Intake and Ruminal pH During Adaptation to Finishing Diets, Cody J. Schneider, Adam L. Shreck, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Dietary Antioxidants and Beef Tenderness During Retail Display in High O2, Lasika S. Senaratne-Lenagala, Chris R. Calkins, Siroj Pokharel Pokharel, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., Martin A. Andersen, and Stephanie A. Furman
- Chemical Treatment of Low-quality Forages to Replace Corn in Cattle Finishing Diets, Adam L. Shreck, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin Griffin, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Michael J. Cecava
- Reducing Particle Size Enhances Chemical Treatment in Finishing Diets, Adam L. Shreck, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin Griffin, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Michael J. Cecava
- Beef Heifer Development and Profitability, Matthew C. Stockton, Roger K. Wilson, and Richard N. Funston Funston
- Heifer Development: Think Profit, Not Just Cost or Revenues, Matthew C. Stockton, Roger K. Wilson, and Richard N. Funston Funston
- Nutritional Regime and Antral Follicle Count Impact Reproductive Characteristics in Heifers, Adam F. Summers, Robert A. Cushman, Stetson P. Weber Weber, Karl V. Moline, Jeffrey W. Bergman, Matthew L. Spangler, and Andrea S. Cupp
- Late Gestation Supplementation Impacts Primiparous Beef Heifers and Progeny, Adam F. Summers, Stetson P. Weber, Tonya L. Meyer, and Richard N. Funston
- Forage Availability and Quality of No-till Forage Crops for Grazing Cattle, Alex H. Titlow, Karla H. Jenkins, Matt K. Luebbe Luebbe, and Drew J. Lyon
- Effect of Corn Stalk Grazing and Baling on Cattle Performance and Irrigation Needs, Simon van Donk, Adam L. McGee, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, and L. Aaron Stalker
- Condensed Distillers Solubles and Beef Shelf Life, Kimberley A. Varnold, Chris R. Calkins, Asia L. Haack Haack, Jerilyn E. Hergenreder, Siroj Pokharel, Lasika S. Senaratne, Anna C. Pesta, and Galen E. Erickson
- Supplementing Gestating Beef Cows Grazing Cornstalk Residue, Jason M. Warner, Jeremy L. Martin, Zachary C. Hall Hall, Luke M. Kovarik, Kathryn J. Hanford, Richard J. Rasby, and Mark Dragastin
- Feedlot Manure Utilization as Influenced by Application Scheme and Diet, Andrea K. Watson, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Richard K. Koelsch, Raymond E. Massey, and Joseph H. Harrison
- Research Results are Dependent on Accurate Cattle Weights, Andrea K. Watson, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Cody J. Schneider
- Effects of Forage Type, Storage Method, and Moisture Level in Crop Residues Mixed with Modified Distillers Grains, Barry M. Webber, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Kelsey R. Rolfe Rolfe, Cody J. Schneider, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and William A. Griffin
- Effect of Post-Weaning Heifer Development System on Average Daily Gain, Reproduction, and Adaptation to Corn Residue During First Pregnancy, Stetson P. Weber, Adam F. Summers, Tonya L. Meyer, and Richard N. Funston
- Impact of Post-Weaning Beef Heifer Development System on Average Daily Gain, Reproduction, and Feed Efficiency, Stetson P. Weber, Adam F. Summers, Tonya L. Meyer Meyer, and Richard N. Funston
- The Simmental Breed: Population Structure and Generation Interval Trends, Lynsey K. Whitacre and Matthew L. Spangler
- Factors Influencing Profitability of Calf-Fed Steers Harvested at Optimum Endpoint, Mallorie F. Wilken, Adam L. Shreck, and Larry L. Berger Berger
2011 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
2011 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- 2011 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Report and Their Purpose
- Use of Dry-rolled Corn, Dry or Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles as an Energy Source in High Forage Diets for Growing Cattle, Nerissa A. Ahern, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Crystal D. Buckner Buckner, Terry Klopfenstein, and Galen Erickson
- Review: Lipid Addition to Corn Finishing Diets, Virgil R. Bremer, Galen Erickson, and Terry Klopfenstein Klopfenstein
- Meta-Analysis of Feeding Calf-Feds or Yearlings Wet Distillers Grains with Different Corn Processing Types, Virgil R. Bremer, Kathryn J. Hanford, Galen Erickson Erickson, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Impact of Distillers Grains Moisture and Inclusion Level on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Corn-Ethanol-Livestock Life Cycle, Virgil R. Bremer, Adam Liska, Galen E. Erickson Erickson, Kenneth Cassman, Kathryn J. Hanford, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Economics for Feeding Distillers Grains to Finishing Cattle, Crystal D. Buckner, Terry Klopfenstein, Galen Erickson Erickson, Virgil R. Bremer, and Darrell Mark
- Granulosa Cell Gene Expression is Altered in Follicles from Cows with Differing Reproductive Longevity, Andrea Cupp, Jennifer R. Wood, Renee McFee Fee, Racheal G. Slattery, Kevin A. Beavers, William E. Pohlmeier, Kevin M. Sargent, Ningxia Lu, Jacqueline Smith, Jill G. Kerl, Vanessa M. Brauer, Adam F. Summers, Stetson P. Weber, and Robert A. Cushman
- Feeding Strategies of Optaflexx on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Feedlot Steers, Marco G. Dib, William A. Griffin, Joshua R. Benton Benton, Galen Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein, Justin J. Sindt, and W. Travis Choat
- Effects Of Feeding A Combination Of Modified Distillers Grains Plus Solubles and Wet Corn Gluten Feed to Adapt Cattle to Finishing Diets, Marco G. Dib, Kelsey Rolfe, Jhones O. Sarturi Sarturi, Galen Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein, and Ron Lindquist
- Relationship Between Morbidity and Performance in Feedlot Cattle, Galen Erickson, Virgil R. Bremer, Terry Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, David R. Smith, Kathryn J. Hanford, Robert E. Peterson, Luis O. Burciaga-Robles, Dan B. Faulkner, and Clint R. Krehbiel
- Winter Grazing System and Supplementation of Beef Cows During Late Gestation Influence Heifer Progeny, Richard N. Funston, Jeremy L. Martin, Adam F. Summers, Don Adams, Jacqueline Musgrave, T. L. Meyer, and Daniel M. Larson
- Effect of Stocking Rate on Animal Performance and Diet Quality While Grazing Cornstalks, Jennifer A. Gigax, Crystal D. Buckner, L. Aaron Stalker Stalker, Terry Klopfenstein, and Simon J. van Donk
- Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Finishing Steers Fed Low-Fat and Normal-Fat Wet Distillers Grains, Jennifer A. Gigax, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin Griffin, Galen Erickson, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Low-fat Wet Distillers Grains and Beef Quality, Asia L. Haack, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., Siroj Pokharel Pokharel, Lasika Senaratne, Jerilyn Hergenreder, Kim Varnold, Chris Calkins, Galen Erickson, Timothy Carr, and D. Dwain Johnson
- Mud Effects on Feedlot Cattle, Terry L. Mader
- Effects of a Dietary Antioxidant on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Feedlot Cattle With or Without WDGS, Justin P. Moore, Stephanie A. Furman, Galen Erickson Erickson, Karla H. Jenkins, Judson Vasconcelos, Martin A. Andersen, and Casey N. Macken
- Effects of Glycerin in Steam Flaked Corn Feedlot Diets, Justin P. Moore, Stephanie A. Furman, Galen Erickson Erickson, Judson Vasconcelos, William A. Griffin, and Todd Milton
- Effect of Corn Hybrid on Amount of Residue Available for Grazing, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, Jennifer A. Gigax, L. Aaron Stalker Stalker, Terry Klopfenstein, Matt Stockton, and Karla H. Jenkins
- Effects of Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Yucca Schidigera on Finishing Performance and Carcass Traits of Feedlot Cattle, Cody A. Nichols, Karla H. Jenkins, Judson Vasconcelos Vasconcelos, Galen Erickson, Stephanie A. Furman, Richard S. Goodall, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Effect of Source and Level of Sulfur on Rumen Metabolism and Finishing Performance, Cody A. Nichols, Kelsey Rolfe, Crystal D. Buckner Buckner, Galen Erickson, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Comparing Dry, Wet, or Modified Distillers Grains Plus Solubles on Feedlot Cattle Performance, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin, Joshua R. Benton Benton, Galen Erickson, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Comparing Different Drying Methods for Distillers Grains and its Effects on Feedlot Cattle Performance, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin, Galen Erickson Erickson, and Terry Klopfenstein
- The Effect of Drying Distillers Grains on Nutrient Metabolism, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Kelsey M. Rolfe, Galen Erickson Erickson, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Effects of Feeding High Levels of Wet Distillers Grains and Straw on Beef Quality, Siroj Pokharel, Chris Calkins, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., Lasika S. Senaratne, Jeremy B. Hinkle, Timothy P. Carr, and Galen Erickson
- Effect of Pen Cleaning Frequency and Feeding Distillers Grains and Wheat Straw on Nutrient Mass Balance and Performance of Feedlot Steers, Amy R. Rich, Galen Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Matt K. Luebbe, Joshua R. Benton, and William A. Griffin
- Effect of Feeding More Than 70% Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles On Feedlot Cattle Performance, Amy R. Rich, Galen Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Matt K. Luebbe, Joshua R. Benton, William A. Griffin, and Darrell Mark
- Supplementing Modified Wet Distillers Grains with Solubles to Long Yearling Steers Grazing Native Range, Kelsey M. Rolfe, William A. Griffin, Terry Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Galen Erickson, and Dennis Bauer
- Effects of Sulfur Content of Distillers Grains in Beef Cattle Finishing Diets on Intake, Ruminal pH, and Hydrogen Sulfide, Jhones O. Sarturi, Galen E. Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Judson Vasconcelos, and Kelsey Rolfe
- Effects of Sulfur Concentration in Distillers Grains With Solubles in Finishing Cattle Diets, Jhones O. Sarturi, Galen Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Judson Vasconcelos, Joshua R. Benton, and William A. Griffin
- Effects of Adaptation Diets containing Wet Distillers Grains With Solubles or Wet Corn Gluten Feed on Ruminal pH, Intake and Hydrogen Sulfide, Jhones O. Sarturi, Galen Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Judson Vasconcelos, Marco G. Dib, and Kelsey Rolfe
- Economic Impact of Sulfur Levels in Distillers Grains Diets Fed to Beef Cattle, Jhones O. Sarturi, Darrell Mark, Galen Erickson Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein, Judson Vasconcelos, and Virgil R. Bremer
- Intramuscular Tenderness and Muscle Fiber Orientation of Beef Round Muscles, Lasika S. Senaratne, Chris Calkins, Amilton S. de Mello Mello, Siroj Pokharel, and Jeremy B. Hinkle
- Effects of the Synthetic Antioxidants on Shelf Life of m. psoas major and m. triceps brachii Muscles from Beef Fed Wet Distillers Grains, Lasika S. Senaratne, Chris Calkins, Judson Vasconcelos Vasconcelos, Amilton S. de Mello, M. A. Andersen, Stephanie A. Furman, and Siroj Pokharel
- Shelf Life of m. longissimus lumborum from Beef Fed Antioxidants and Wet Distillers Grains, Lasika S. Senaratne, Chris Calkins, Judson Vasconcelos Vasconcelos, Amilton S. de Mello, M. A. Andersen, Stephanie A. Furman, and Siroj Pokharel
- Digestibility of Crop Residues After Chemical Treatment and Anaerobic Storage, Adam L. Shreck, Crystal D. Buckner, Galen Erickson Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein, and Michael J. Cecava
- Integration of DNA Marker Information into Breeding Value Predictions, Matthew L. Spangler, Stephen D. Kachman, Kathryn J. Hanford Hanford, Mark Thallman, Gary Bennett, Warren M. Snelling, Larry Kuehn, and John Pollak
- Influencing Steer Performance Through Maternal Nutrition, Adam F. Summers, Kenneth H. Ramsay, Jim Teichert Teichert, T. L. Meyer, and Rick N. Funston
- Marketing Source-Verified Beef to Restaurant Patrons, Kimberly A. Varnold, Chris Calkins, B. Lynn Gordon Gordon, and Wendy I. Umberger
- Replacement of Grazed Forage with WDGS and Poor Quality Hay Mixtures, Sandra Villasanti, L. Aaron Stalker, Terry Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Walter H. Schacht, and Jerry D. Volesky
- Protein, Fiber, and Digestibility of Selected Alternative Crops for Beef Cattle, Jennifer A. Walker, Karla H. Jenkins, and Terry Klopfenstein Klopfenstein
- Supplementing DDGS to Steers Grazing Smooth Bromegrass Pastures, Andrea K. Watson, William A. Griffin, Terry Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Galen Erickson, Kelly R. Brink, and Walter H. Schacht
- Economic Analysis of Supplementing DDGS to Grazing Steers, Andrea K. Watson, Terry Klopfenstein, Galen Erickson Erickson, Darrell Mark, and Walter H. Schacht
- Performance of Growing Cattle Fed Corn Silage or Grazing Corn Residue from Second Generation Insect-Protected (MON 89034), Parental, or Reference Corn Hybrids, Barry M. Weber, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin Griffin, Joshua R. Benton, Galen Erickson, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Feedlot Cattle Performance When Fed Silage and Grain From Second-Generation Insect Protected Corn, Parental Line or Reference Hybrids, Barry M. Weber, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin Griffin, Galen Erickson, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Nutrient Composition of Spoiled and Non-Spoiled Wet Byproducts Mixed and Stored With Straw, Jennifer R. Yelden, Crystal D. Buckner, Kelsey M. Rolfe Rolfe, Dana I. Christensen, Terry Klopfenstein, and Galen Erickson
2010 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
2010 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Report and Their Purpose
- Tympanic Temperature of Steers Fed Different Levels of Metabolic Energy Intake During Summer and Winter, Rodrigo A. Arias and Terry L. Mader
- Lipid and NDF Analysis of Ethanol Byproduct Feedstuffs, Virgil R. Bremer, Crystal D. Buckner, Andrew W. Brown, Timothy P. Carr, Ruth M. Diedrichsen, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Update: Meta-Analysis of UNL Feedlot Trials Replacing Corn with WDGS, Virgil R. Bremer, Kathy J. Hanford, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Distillers Grains and Livestock are Important to Ethanol Energy and Greenhouse Gas Balance, Virgil R. Bremer, Adam J. Liska, Haishun Yang, Daniel T. Walters, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Richard K. Koelsch, and Kenneth G. Cassman
- Metabolism Characteristics of Feedlot Diets Containing Different Fat Sources, Virgil R. Bremer, Kelsey Rolfe, Crystal D. Buckner, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Comparing Ensiled or Fresh Mixed Wet Distillers Grains with Solubles with Straw at Two Inclusions in Growing Calf Diets, Crystal D. Buckner, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, William A. Griffin, and Joshua R. Benton
- Fiber Digestibility and Rumen pH for Diets Containing Wet Corn Gluten Feed or Wet Distillers Grains with Solubles, Crystal D. Buckner, Kelsey Rolfe, Nathan Meyer, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Alternative Muscles for Traditional Japanese and Korean Beef Recipes, Chris R. Calkins, Amilton S. deMello, Lasika S. Senaratne, and Kanae Watanabe
- Evaluation of Storage Covers When Wet Distillers Byproducts Are Mixed and Stored with Forages, Dana L. Christensen, Kelsey Rolfe, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Reproductive Aging Influences Ovarian Function in Beef Cows, Robert A. Cushman, Jennifer R. Wood, Rachael G. Slattery, Debra T. Clopton, Jacqueline Smith, Kevin A. Beavers, William E. Pohlmeier, Jeffrey W. Bergman, Karl V. Moline, and Andrea S. Cupp
- Fatty Acid Profile of Beef from Steers Fed Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles (WDGS) and Vitamin E, Amilton S. de Mello, Chris R. Calkins, Kanae Watanabe, Lasika S. Senaratne, Timothy P. Carr, Galen E. Erickson, and Judy A. Driskell
- Effects of Feeding Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles and Vitamin E on Beef Tenderness and Color Under Different Packaging Systems, Amilton S. de Mello, Kanae Watanabe, Chris R. Calkins, Lasika S. Senaratne, Timothy P. Carr, and Galen E. Erickson
- Factors Associated with Feed Intake of Angus Steers, Marco G. Dib, Jeremy F. Taylor, Robert D. Schnabel, and L. Dale Van Vleck
- Genetic Analysis of Mature Size in American Angus Cattle, Marco G. Dib, L. Dale Van Vleck, and Matthew L. Spangler
- Forage Quality and Grazing Performance of Beef Cattle Grazing Brown Midrib Grain Sorghum Residue, Jacob R. Geiss, Andrea K. Watson, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Josh R. Benton, William A. Griffin, Robert B. Mitchell, and Jeffrey F. Pedersen
- Evaluation of Feedlot and Carcass Performance of Steers Fed Different Levels of E-Corn, a Potential New Feed Product from Ethanol Plants, Corineah M. Godsey, Matt K. Luebbe, Joshua R. Benton, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Carlos Ibanez, Pablo Guiroy, Matthew A. Greenquist, and Jeff Kazin
- Effect of Calving Season and Wintering System on Cow Performance, William A. Griffin, Don C. Adams, Leslie Aaron Stalker, Richard N. Funston, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Supplementing Dried Distillers Grains to Steers Grazing Cool Season Meadow, William A. Griffin, Brandon L. Nuttleman, Terry J. Klopfenstein, L. Aaron Stalker, Richard N. Funston, and Jacqueline A. Musgrave
- Relationship of Metabolizable Protein Balance, Purine Derivative Excretion, and 3-Methyl Histidine Excretion to Feed Efficiency in Individually Fed Finishing Heifers, William A. Griffin, Kelsey Rolfe, Grant I. Crawford, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Phillip S. Miller, and Ruth M. Diedrichsen
- Acid Marination for Tenderness Enhancement of the Beef Bottom Round, Jeremy H. Hinkle, Chris R. Calkins, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., Lasika S. Senaratne, and Siroj Pokharel
- Sensory Attributes of Beef from Steers Fed Field Peas, Jeremy H. Hinkle, Judson Vasconcelos, Stephanie A. Furman, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., Lasika S. Senaratne, Siroj Pokharel, and Chris R. Calkins
- Effects of Time of Transporting Prior to Sale Date on Selling Weight of Weaned Steer Calves, Luke M. Kovarik, Matt K. Luebbe, Richard J. Rasby, and Galen E. Erickson
- Extending Grazing in Heifer Development Systems Decreases Cost Without Compromising Production, Daniel M. Larson, Andrea S. Cupp, and Richard N. Funston
- Post Weaning Management of Heifer Calves Impacts ADG and Feed Efficiency as Pregnant Heifers, Daniel M. Larson, Tonya L. Meyer, Leslie Aaron Stalker, James R. Teichert, and Richard N. Funston
- Estrous Synchronization Increases Early Calving Frequency, Which Enhances Steer Progeny Value, Daniel M. Larson, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, and Richard N. Funston
- Tympanic Temperature Profiles of Confined Beef Cattle, Terry L. Mader and Leslie J. Johnson
- Comparison of Feeding Wet Distillers Grains in a Bunk or on the Ground to Cattle Grazing Native Sandhills Winter Range, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, Leslie Aaron Stalker, Matthew C. Stockton, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Comparison of Revalor XS to a Revalor IS / Revalor S Implant Strategy in Finishing Steers, Cody A. Nichols, Galen E. Erickson, Judson Vasconcelos, Marshall N. Streeter, Bill D. Dicke, D.J. Jordon, Robert J. Cooper, Tony L. Scott, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Comparison of Revalor-XS vs. Two Common Implant Strategies in Finishing Steers, Cody A. Nichols, Galen E. Erickson, Judson T. Vasconcelos, Justin J. Sindt, Robert L. Botts, Bill D. Dicke, D.J. Jordon, Robert J. Cooper, Tony L. Scott, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Evaluation of a New Single Implant Strategy vs. Two Common Implant Strategies in Beef Finishing Steers, Cody A. Nichols, Judson Vasconcelos, Galen E. Erickson, Stephanie A. Furman, Justin J. Sindt, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Supplementing Wet Distillers Grains Mixed with Low Quality Forage to Grazing Cow/Calf Pairs, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Walter H. Schacht, Leslie Aaron Stalker, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, and Jerry D. Volesky
- Comparing the Energy Value of Wet Distillers Grains to Dry Rolled Corn in High Forage Diets, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Matt K. Luebbe, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Joshua R. Benton, and Galen E. Erickson
- Steak-Quality Meat from the Beef Heel, Siroj Pokharel, Chris R. Calkins, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., Lasika S. Senaratne, and Jeremy B. Hinkle
- Vaccination to Reduce the Prevalence of Escherichia Coli O157:H7 in Feedlot Cattle Fed Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles, Amy R. Rich, Ashlynn N. Jepson, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, David R. Smith, and Rodney A. Moxley
- Feeding Fiber from Wet Corn Gluten Feed and Corn Silage in Feedlot Diets Containing Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles, Amy R. Rich, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Joshua R. Benton
- Effects of Using Wet Distillers Grains with Solubles to Adapt Cattle to Finishing Diets on Feed Intake, Ruminal pH, and Ruminal Hydrogen Sulfide Concentration, Kelsey Rolfe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Judson Vasconcelos
- Supplementing Modified Wet Distillers Grains with Solubles to Long Yearling Steers Grazing Native Range, Kelsey Rolfe, Matt K. Luebbe, William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Dennis E. Bauer
- Genetic and Phenotypic Parameter Estimates for Feed Intake and Other Traits in Growing Beef Cattle, Kelsey Rolfe, Merlyn K. Nielsen, Calvin L. Ferrell, and Thomas G. Jenkins
- Plant and Animal Responses to Grazing Systems in the Nebraska Sandhills, Walter H. Schacht, Jerry D. Volesky, Mitchell B. Stephenson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Don C. Adams
- Wet Distillers Grains Diets Supplemented with Vitamin E Affect Sensory Attributes of Beef m. longissimus lumborum, Lasika S. Senaratne, Chris R. Calkins, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., and Galen E. Erickson
- Wet Distillers Grains Diets Supplemented with Vitamin E Alter the Mineral Composition of Beef m. longissimus lumborum and m. psoas major, Lasika S. Senaratne, Chris R. Calkins, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., and Galen E. Erickson
- Intramuscular Tenderness Mapping and Muscle Fiber Directions of Small Muscles in the Beef Round, Lasika S. Senaratne, Chris R. Calkins, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., Jeremy H. Hinkle, and Siroj Pokharel
- Determinants of Profit Variability in Calf-Fed and Yearling Production Systems, Rebecca M. Small, Darrell R. Mark, and Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein
- Routine Hedging of Corn Price for Calf-Fed and Yearling Production Systems, Rebecca M. Small, Darrell R. Mark, and Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein
- Routine Hedging of Fed Cattle Sales Price for Calf-Fed and Yearling Production Systems, Rebecca M. Small, Darrell R. Mark, and Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein
- Relating Hydrogen Sulfide Levels to Polioencephalomalacia, Sarah J. Vanness, William A. Griffin, Virgil R. Bremer Bremer, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Evaluation of ProTernative Stress Formula and ProTernative Continuous Fed Formula in a High Energy Feedlot Diet, Sarah J. Vanness, Matt K. Luebbe, Joshua R. Benton Benton, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Justin Sindt
- The Economic Impact of Feeding Wet Corn Co-Products in Nebraska, Josie A. Waterbury, Darrell R. Mark, and Richard K. Perrin Perrin
- Supplementing Dried Distillers Grains to Growing Calves on Smooth Bromegrass Pastures, Andrea K. Watson, Matt K. Luebbe, Terry J. Klopfenstein Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Walter H. Schacht
- Multiple Antimicrobial Interventions for the Control of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Very Small Beef Processing Facilities, Benjamin J. Williams, Dennis E. Burson, Bryce M. Gerlach Gerlach, Ace F. Van DeWalle, and Harshavardhan Thippareddi
2009 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
- Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Report and Their Purpose
- Thanks Ivan Rush
- Effects of Sorting Cattle by Weight and Time of Year on Finishing Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Economics, Daniel R. Adams, Matt K. Luebbe, William Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effects of Environmental Factors on Body Temperature of Feedlot Cattle, Rodrigo Arias and Terry L. Mader
- Effects of Surface Soil Temperature on Daily Water Intake in Feedlot Cattle, Rodrigo Arias and Terry L. Mader
- Effects of Roughage Source and Level with the Inclusion of Wet Distillers Grains on Ruminal Metabolism and Nutrient Digestibility, Josh R. Benton, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Nathan F. Meyer, and Crystal D. Buckner
- Effects of Wet Corn Gluten Feed and Roughage Inclusion Levels in Finishing Diets Containing Modified Distillers Grains Plus Solubles, Joshua R. Benton, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Matt K. Luebbe, and Ronald Lindquist
- Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles or Solubles in Feedlot Diets Containing Wet Corn Gluten Feed, Virgil R. Bremer, Joshua R. Benton, Matt K. Luebbe, Kathryn J. Hanford, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Rick Stock
- Effects of Feeding Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles on Feedlot Manure Value, Virgil R. Bremer, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Richard K. Koelsch, Raymond E. Massey, and Judson Vasconcelos
- Fatty Acid Profile of Three Beef Muscles from Yearlings and Calf-Fed Steers Fed Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., Chris R. Calkins, Blaine E. Jenschke, Lasika S. Senaratne, Timothy P. Carr, Galen E. Erickson, and Mike E. R. Dugan
- Modified Wet Distillers Grains Finishing Diets May Increase the Levels of Polyunsaturated and Trans Fatty Acids of Beef, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., Chris R. Calkins, Lasika S. Senaratne, Timothy P. Carr, Galen E. Erickson, Mike E. R. Dugan, and Blaine E. Jenschke
- Effect of Winter Grazing System and Supplementation on Beef Cow and Progeny Performance, Richard N. Funston, Jeremy Martin, Don C. Adams, and Daniel Larson
- Cattle Performance and Economic Analysis of Diets Containing Wet Distillers Grains and Dry-Rolled or Steam-Flaked Corn, Corineah Godsey, William Griffin, Matt K. Luebbe, Joshua R. Benton, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effect of the Grains-to-Solubles Ratio in Diets Containing Wet Distillers Grains ± Solubles Fed to Finishing Steers, Corineah M. Godsey, Matt K. Luebbe, Joshua R. Benton, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Replacing Fertilizer Nitrogen with Dried Distillers Grains Supplement to Yearling Steers Grazing Bromegrass Pastures: Economics and Modeling, Matthew A. Greenquist, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Walter H. Schacht, and Galen E. Erickson
- Replacing Fertilizer Nitrogen with Dried Distillers Grains Supplement to Yearling Steers Grazing Bromegrass Pastures: Daily Gain and Nitrogen Use Efficiency, Matthew A. Greenquist, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Walter H. Schacht, Galen E. Erickson, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Matt K. Luebbe, Kelly Brink, Andrea K. Schwarz, and Leonard B. Baleseng
- Summary of Grazing Trials Using Dried Distillers Grains Supplementation, William Griffin, Virgil R. Bremer, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Leslie Aaron Stalker, Lyle Lomas, Joe Moyer, and Galen E. Erickson
- Using Wet Corn Gluten Feed to Adapt Cattle to Finishing Diets, Taia Huls, Matt K. Luebbe, William Griffin, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Rick Stock
- The Effects on Ruminal pH, Feed Intake and Digestibility When Using Wet Corn Gluten Feed to Adapt Cattle to Finishing Diets, Taia Huls, Nathan Meyer, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Rick Stock
- Feeding Distillers Grains and E. coli O157:H7, Terry J. Klopfenstein, David R. Smith, Galen E. Erickson, and Rodney A. Moxley
- Limit Feeding Beef Cows with Bunkered Wet Distillers Grains plus Solubles or Distillers Solubles, Luke M. Kovarik, Matt K. Luebbe, Richard J. Rasby, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Estrus Synchronization with a Single Injection of Prostaglandin During Natural Service Mating, Daniel Larson, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, and Richard N. Funston
- Composting or Stockpiling Feedlot Manure: Nutrient Concentration and Recovery, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Joshua R. Benton
- Effect of Dietary Cation-Anion Difference on Feedlot Performance, Nitrogen Mass Balance and Manure pH in Open Feedlot Pens, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Matthew A. Greenquist, and Joshua R. Benton
- Effect of Dietary Cation-Anion Difference on Intake and Urinary pH in High Concentrate Diets, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Nathan Meyer
- Effects of Rumensin® and Tylan® in Finishing Diets with Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles, Nathan Meyer, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Joshua R. Benton, Matt K. Luebbe, and Scott Laudert
- Estimating Livestock Forage Demand: Defining the Animal Unit, Tonya L. Meyer, Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Jerry D. Volesky, Leslie Aaron Stalker, and Richard N. Funston
- Effects of Substituting Wet Distillers Grains with Solubles in a Wet Corn Gluten Feed-Based Diet on Finishing Performance, Cody Nichols, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Rick Stock, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Energy Value of Wet Distillers Grains in High Forage Diets, Brandon Nuttelman, Matt K. Luebbe, Joshua R. Benton, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Leslie Aaron Stalker, and Galen E. Erickson
- Level of Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles and Solubles Ensiled with Wheat Straw for Growing Steers, Megan Peterson, Matt K. Luebbe, Richard J. Rasby, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Luke Kovarik
- Impact of a New Direct-Fed Microbial on Intake and Ruminal pH, Kelsey Rolfe, Nathan Meyer, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Ryan Mass
- Vitamin E Mitigates the Boost in Lipid Oxidation of Beef Due to Wet Distillers Grains Feeding, Lasika Senaratne, Chris R. Calkins, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Wet Distillers Grain Feeding Supplemented with Vitamin E on Case Life of Beef, Lasika S. Senaratne, Chris R. Calkins, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., Gary A. Sullivan, and Galen E. Erickson
- A Rapid Method to Evaluate Oxidation Capacity of Fresh Beef, Lasika S. Senaratne, Chris R. Calkins, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., and Timothy P. Carr
- Fatty Acid Composition of Beef from Cattle Fed Wet Distillers Grains Diets Supplemented with Vitamin E, Lasika S. Senaratne, Chris R. Calkins, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., Timothy P. Carr, and Galen E. Erickson
- Profit Variability for Calf-Fed and Yearling Production Systems, Rebecca Small, Darrell R. Mark, Dillon Feuz, Terry J. Klopfenstein, William Griffin, and Daniel R. Adams
- The Effects of Breeding Maturity on Dystocia and Rebreeding of the Primiparous Beef Female, Matthew Stockton, Roger K. Wilson, and Richard N. Funston
- Moving Beyond Weight as the Only Predictor of Breeding Readiness: Using a Breeding Maturity Index, Matthew Stockton, Roger K. Wilson, Richard N. Funston, Leslie Aaron Stalker, and Dillon Feuz
- Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Levels Post Feeding, Sarah J. Vanness, Nathan Meyer, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Sulfur in Distillers Grains, Sarah Vanness, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Kip Karges
- Ruminal Sulfide Levels in Corn Byproduct Diets with Varying Roughage Levels, Sarah Vanness, Nathan Meyer, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- An Economic Budget for Determining Co-Product Storage Costs, Josie Waterbury, Darrell R. Mark, Richard J. Rasby, and Galen E. Erickson
- An Economic Overview of Ethanol Co-Product Utilization in Nebraska, Josie Waterbury, Darrell R. Mark, Sarah Thoms, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Feeding High Levels of Byproducts in Different Combinations to Finishing Steers, Mallorie Wilken, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Joshua R. Benton
- Feeding Corn Distillers Solubles or Wet Distillers Grains plus Solubles and Cornstalks to Growing Calves, Mallorie Wilken, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Joshua R. Benton
- Comparison of Dry Distillers or Modified Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles in Wet or Dry Forage Based Diets, Mallorie Willken, Terry L. Mader, Galen E. Erickson, and Leslie J. Johnson
2008 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
Nebraska Beef Cattle Report 2008
- Frontmatter and Contents
- Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Report and Their Purpose
- Sorting Steers by Weight into Calf-Fed, Summer Yearlings and Fall Yearling Feeding Systems, Daniel R. Adams, Matt K. Luebbe, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluation of Storage Methods for Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles with Added Forages, Daniel R. Adams; Mallorie F. Wilken; Brandon L. Nuttleman; Luke M. Kavorik; Joshua R. Benton; Matthew A. Greenquist; Galen E, Erickson; Terry J. Klopfenstein; and Richard J. Rasby
- Modeling Daily Water Intake in Cattle Finished in Feedlots, Rodrigo A. Arias and Terry L. Mader
- Ruminal Methane Production Following the Replacement of Dietary Corn with Dried Distillers Grains, Eric J. Behlke, Tim G. Sanderson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Jess L. Miner
- Effect of Excede® Administered to Calves at Arrival in the Feedlot on Performance and Respiratory Disease, Joshua R. Benton, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Matt K. Luebbe, David R. Smith, Gary E. Sides, and Lonty Bryant
- Total and Water Soluble Phosphorus Content of Feedlot Cattle Feces and Manure, Virgil R. Bremer, Crystal D. Buckner, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Meta-Analysis of UNL Feedlot Trials Replacing Corn with WCGF, Virgil R. Bremer, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Meta-Analysis of UNL Feedlot Trials Replacing Corn with WDGS, Virgil R. Bremer, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Distillers Grains and Manure Management on Nutrient Management Plans and Economics, Virgil R. Bremer, Richard K. Koelsch, Raymond E. Massey, and Galen E. Erickson
- Cattle CODE: An Economic Model for Determining Byproduct Returns for Feedlot Cattle, Crystal D. Buckner, Virgil R. Bremer, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Darrell R. Mark
- Sampling Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles to Determine Nutrient Variability, Crystal D. Buckner, Sarah J. Vanness, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Joshua R. Benton
- Effect of Distillers Grains Fat Level on Digestibility, Mark E. Corrigan, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Nathan F. Meyer
- Effects of Corn Processing and Wet Distillers Grains on Nutrient Metabolism, Mark E. Corrigan, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Nathan F. Meyer
- Microbial Characteristics, Microbial Nitrogen Flow, and Urinary Purine Derivative Excretion in Steers Fed at Two Levels of Feed Intake, Grant I. Crawford, Matt K. Luebbe, Joshua R. Benton, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Relationship Between Metabolizable Protein Balance and Feed Efficiency of Steers and Heifers, Grant I. Crawford, Stephanie A. Quinn, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effects of Wet Distillers Grains Finishing Diets on Fat Content and Marbling Score in Steers, Amilton S. de Mello Jr. and Chris R. Calkins
- Influence of Feeding Wet Distillers Grains on Fatty Acid Composition of Beef, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., Blaine E. Jenschke, and Chris R. Calkins
- Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles Affect Lipid Oxidation and Objective Color of Beef Steaks, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., Blaine E. Jenschke, and Chris R. Calkins
- Comparison of Crude Protein and Digestibility of Diets of Grazing Cattle at Different Sandhills Range Sites, Bobbi Gene Geisert, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, and John Maddux
- Determination of Diet Protein and Digestibility of Native Sandhills Upland Range, Bobbi Gene Geisert, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, and Walter H. Schacht
- Dried Distillers Grains Supplementation to Yearling Cattle Grazing Smooth Bromegrass: Response and Performance Profile Summary, Matthew A. Greenquist, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Matt K. Luebbe
- The Effect of Delaying Initial Feedlot Implant on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Calf-fed Steers, William A. Griffin, Don C. Adams, and Richard N. Funston
- Performance and Economics of Two Calf Wintering Systems, William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluation of Calf-fed and Long Yearling Production with Increasing Corn Price, William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Darrell R. Mark
- Mapping Tenderness of the Serratus Ventralis, Lauren M. Grimes and Chris R. Calkins
- Predicting Aged Beef Tenderness with a Hyperspectral Imaging System, Lauren M. Grimes, Govindarajan Konda Naganathan, Jeyamkondan Subbiah, and Chris R. Calkins
- Use of Dried Distiller’s Grains to Extend Range Capacity, Kristin H. Gustad, Leslie Aaron Stalker, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Walter H. Schacht, Don C. Adams, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, and Jerry D. Volesky
- Supplementing Beef Cows Grazing Cornstalk Residue with a Distillers Based Cube, Zachary Hall, Richard J. Rasby, and Mark Dragastin
- Oral Dosage with NutroCALTM (Calcium Propionate) to Enhance Beef Tenderness, Dana Hanson, Chris R. Calkins, and Johnny Horton
- Influence of Corn Hybrid, Kernel Traits, and Growing Location on Digestibility, Flint W. Harrelson, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, David S. Jackson, and Wayne A. Fithian
- Influence of Corn Hybrid and Processing Method on Finishing Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Flint W. Harrelson, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Wayne A. Fithian
- Influence of Corn Hybrid and Processing Method on Ruminal and Intestinal Digestion, Flint W. Harrelson, Nathan F. Meyer, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Wayne A. Fithian
- Factors that Influence Consumers’ Overall Sensory Acceptance of Strip Steaks, Jennie M. Hodgen, Bethany M. Johnston, Blaine E. Jenschke, Kent M. Eskridge, and Chris R. Calkins
- Effect of Inclusion Level of Modified Distillers Grains plus Solubles in Finishing Steers, Taia J. Huls, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Characteristics of Beef Finished on Wet Distillers Grains with Varying Types and Levels of Roughage, Blaine E. Jenschke, Joshua R. Benton, Chris R. Calkins, Timothy P. Carr, Kent M. Eskridge, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Tenderness, Sensory, and Color Attributes of Two Muscles from the Beef Knuckle, Blaine E. Jenschke, Brittni J. Swedberg, and Chris R. Calkins
- Effect of Wintering System and Nutrition around Breeding on Gain and Reproduction in Heifers, Daniel M. Larson, Jeremy L. Martin, and Richard N. Funston
- Aerobic Composting or Anaerobic Stockpiling of Feedlot Manure, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Matthew A. Greenquist
- Nutrient Mass Balance and Performance of Feedlot Cattle Fed Wet Distillers Grains, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Matthew A. Greenquist
- Climate Conditions in Bedded Confinement Buildings, Terry L. Mader, Leslie J. Johnson, and Sheryl L. Colgan
- Effect of Pre-breeding Weight and MGA Supplementation on Heifer Performance, Jeremy L. Martin, Kelly W. Creighton, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Richard T. Clark, Don C. Adams, and Richard N. Funston
- Effects of Summer Climatic Conditions on Body Temperature in Beef Cows, Darci A. McGee, Richard J. Rasby, Merlyn K. Nielsen, and Terry L. Mader
- Vaccination for Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Feedlot Cattle, Rodney A. Moxley, David R. Smith, Karen Hansen, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Dragan Rogan
- The Effects of Supplementing Wet Distillers Grains Mixed With Wheat Straw to Growing Steers, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Terry J. Klopfenstein, William A. Griffin, and Matt K. Luebbe
- Forage Quality and Grazing Performance of Beef Cattle Grazing Brown Mid-rib Grain Sorghum Residue, Andrea K. Schwarz, Corineah M. Godsey, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Robert B. Mitchell, and Jeffrey F. Pedersen
- Pre and Peri-pubertal Feeding of Melengesterol Acetate (MGA) Alters Testis Characteristics in Bulls, Racheal G. Slattery, Shantille G. Kruse, Jeremy L. Martin, Michelle M. Baltes-Breitwisch, Debra T. Clopton, Karl V. Moline, Jeffrey W. Bergman, and Andrea S. Cupp
- Price Discovery in North and West Central Nebraska Livestock Auction Markets, Matthew C. Stockton, Roger K. Wilson, and Leslie Aaron Stalker
- The Cattle Price Cycle: Revisited Again, Matthew C. Stockton, Roger K. Wilson, and Leslie Aaron Stalker
- Analysis of Veal Shoulder Muscles for Chemical Attributes, Gary A. Sullivan, Chris R. Calkins, D. Dwain Johnson, and Brian G. Sap
- Effects of Aging on Veal Shoulder Muscles, Gary A. Sullivan, Chris R. Calkins, D. Dwain Johnson, and Brian G. Sapp
- Effect of Backgrounding Gain, Grazing Length and Dry Distillers Grain Consumption on Performance and Carcass Traits of June Born Cattle, J. Alan Taylor, Leslie Aaron Stalker, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, and William A. Griffin
- Evaluation of Methods for Dry Matter Determination of Ethanol Byproducts, Mallorie F. Wilken, Galen E. Erickson, Joshua R. Benton, Crystal D. Buckner, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Kip Karges, and Matt Gibson
2007 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
Nebraska 2007 Beef Cattle Report
- Frontmatter and Contents
- Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Report and Their Purpose
- Environmental Factors Affecting Water Intake in Steers Finishing in Feedlots, Rodrigo A. Arias and Terry L. Mader
- Replacement of Forage with Dried Distillers Grains Reduces Ruminal Methane Production, Eric J. Behlke, Tim Sanderson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Jess L. Miner
- Chronic Exposure of Ruminal Fluid Cultures to Treatments That Inhibit Methanogenesis, Eric J. Behlke, James M. Takacs, Stephen W. Ragsdale, Clayton McNeff, Peter Newsome, and Jess L. Miner
- Effects of Roughage Source and Level with the Inclusion of Wet Distillers Grains on Finishing Cattle Performance and Economics, Joshua R. Benton, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Kyle J. Vander Pol, and Matthew A. Greenquist
- Evaluation of Excede® Given at Either Initial Processing or Revaccination on Bovine Respiratory Disease and Pasture vs. Feedlot Receiving Systems, Virgil R. Bremer, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Matthew A. Greenquist, David R. Smith, Dee Griffin, Gary E. Sides, and Lonty Bryant
- Effect of Feeding a By-product Combination at Two Levels or By-product Alone in Feedlot Diets, Crystal D. Buckner, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rick A. Stock, and Kyle J. Vander Pol
- Optimum Levels of Dry Distillers Grains with Solubles for Finishing Beef Steers, Crystal D. Buckner, Galen E. Erickson, Terry L. Mader, Sheryl L. Colgan, Kip K. Karges, and Matthew L. Gibson
- Using a Modified In-Vitro Procedure to Measure Corn Bran Buoyancy, Crystal D. Buckner, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, James C. MacDonald, and Joshua R. Benton
- Comparing a Modified Dry By-product to Dry Distillers Grains with Solubles in Growing Calf Diets, Crystal D. Buckner, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Kip K. Karges, and Matthew L. Gibson
- Feeding Potassium Bicarbonate and Sodium Chloride in Finishing Diets, Sheryl Colgan and Terry L. Mader
- Effect of Corn Processing and Wet Distillers Grains Inclusion Level in Finishing Diets, Mark E. Corrigan, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Matthew A. Greenquist, and Matt K. Luebbe
- Effect of Distillers Grains Composition and Level on Steers Consuming High-Quality Forage, Mark E. Corrigan, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Matthew A. Greenquist, Matt K. Luebbe, Kip Karges, and Matt L. Gibson
- Diurnal and Dietary Impacts on Purine Derivative Excretion from Spot Samples of Urine, Grant I. Crawford, Kyle Vander Pol, James C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Evaluating Use of Urinary Purine Derivative to Creatinine Ratio as an Estimate of Microbial Protein Production in Steers, Grant Crawford, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Inhibition of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Manipulates Follicles in Beef Females, Robert A. Cushman, Debra T. Clopton, Mark F. Allan, S. E. Echternkamp, and Andrea S. Cupp
- Dried Distillers Grains as Creep Feed for Yearling Beef Cattle Grazing Sandhill Range, Richard N. Funston, Don C. Adams, Matt Stockton, Roger K. Wilson, Rex Davis, and James R. Teichert
- Comparison of In Vivo Digestibility to In Vitro Digestibility of Five Forages Fed to Steers, Bobbi Gene Geisert, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, and James C. MacDonald
- Dried Distillers Grains Substitute for Forage and Nitrogen on Pasture: N Dynamics and Use Efficiency, Matthew A. Greenquist, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Leonard Baleseng, and Walter H. Schacht
- Performance Profile and Carcass Characteristics of Steers Fed Optaflexx, Matthew A. Greenquist, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Galen E. Erickson, William J. Platter, and Michael T. Van Koevering
- Comparison of a Long Yearling System and Calf-fed Performance and Economics, William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Dillon M. Feuz, and James C. MacDonald
- Effect of Sorting and Feeding Optaflexx on Performance and Economics of Long Yearling Steers, William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Dillon M. Feuz, Kyle J. Vander Pol, and Matthew A. Greenquist
- Hyperspectral Imaging: A Non-Invasive Technique to Predict Beef Tenderness, Lauren Grimes, Govindarajan Konda Naganathan, Jeyamkondan Subbiah, and Chris R. Calkins
- Effects of Aging on Beef Chuck and Round Muscles Enhanced with Ammonium Hydroxide and Salt, Adam E. Hamling and Chris R. Calkins
- Enhancement of Beef Chuck and Round Muscles with Ammonium Hydroxide, Adam E. Hamling and Chris R. Calkins
- Identification of Off-Flavor Compounds in Beef Round and Chuck Muscles, Jennie M. Hodgen, Susan L. Cuppett, and Chris R. Calkins
- Effect of Feeding DAS-59122-7 Corn Grain and Non-transgenic Corn Grain to Finishing Feedlot Steers, Taia J. Huls, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Matt K. Luebbe, Kyle J. Vander Pol, David W. Rice, Brenda Smith, Mark Hinds, Fred Owens, and Matthias Leibergesell
- Fatty Acids and Minerals Affect the Liver-Like Off-Flavor in Cooked Beef, Blaine E. Jenschke, Jennie M. Hodgen, and Chris R. Calkins
- Summary Analysis of Grazing Yearling Response to Distillers Grains, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Lyle Lomas, Dale Blasi, Marc Epp, Don C. Adams, Walter H. Schacht, Sarah Morris, Kristin Gustad, Matthew A. Greenquist, James C. MacDonald, and Richard N. Funston
- Evaluation of Synovex Choice Versus Revalor Implant Strategies in Beef Finishing Steers, Pablo L. Loza, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Bill Dicke, Robert J. Cooper, D. J. Jordon, J. Drouillard, and Court Campbell
- Effects of Different Inclusion Levels of Wet Distiller Grains in Feedlot Diets Containing Wet Corn Gluten Feed, Pablo L. Loza, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Matthew A. Greenquist, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Rick A. Stock
- Changes in Gain Through the Feeding Period, James C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Kyle Vander Pol
- Pen Density and Straw Bedding During Feedlot Finishing, Terry L. Mader and Sheryl L. Colgan
- Utilization of Dried Distillers Grains for Developing Beef Heifers, Jeremy L. Martin, Andrea S. Cupp, Richard J. Rasby, Karl V. Moline, Jeffrey W. Bergman, Mark Dragastin, and Richard N. Funston
- Effect of CRINA RUMINANTS AF, a Mixture of Essential Oil Compounds, on Finishing Beef Steer Performance, Nathan F. Meyer, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Matthew A. Greenquist, Peter Willams, and Ricardo Losa
- Effect of CRINA RUMINANTS AF, a Mixture of Essential Oil Compounds, on Ruminal Fermentation and Digestibility, Nathan F. Meyer, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Matt K. Luebbe, Peter Willams, and Riccardo Losa
- Masking Off-Flavors in Ground Beef, Donald A. Moss and Chris R. Calkins
- Off-Flavor Mitigation in Cow Steaks, Donald A. Moss and Chris R. Calkins
- Effect of Phase Feeding Protein on Cattle Performance and Nitrogen Mass Balance in Open Feedlots, Stephanie A. Quinn, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Richard R. Stowell, and Dawn M. Sherwood
- Feedlot Surface Conditions and Ammonia Emissions, Dawn M. Sherwood, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Dennis D. Schulte, and Richard R. Stowell
- Progestin Concentrations Alter Follicle Characteristics and May Affect Quality of Oocytes (Eggs), Bayli J. Slepicka, Jeremy L. Martin, Robin Ten Broeck, Michelle M. Baltes, Debra T. Clopton, Zachary C. Hall, Natalie C. Hart, Shantille G. Kruse, Robyn A. Longfellow, Jocelyn R. Wiarda, Karl V. Moline, Jeffrey W. Bergman, Robert A. Cushman, Brett R. White, and Andrea S. Cupp
- Ranking Beef Muscles for Warner-Bratzler Shear Force and Trained Sensory Panel Ratings, Gary A. Sullivan and Chris R. Calkins
- Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Inhibitory Isoform Is Regulated Prior to Ovulation, Robin A. Ten Broeck, Debra T. Clopton, Jeremy L. Martin, Karl V. Moline, Jeffrey W. Bergman, and Andrea S. Cupp
- Digestibility, Rumen Metabolism, and Site of Digestion for Finishing Diets Containing Wet Distillers Grains or Corn Oil, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Matt K. Luebbe, Grant Crawford, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
2006 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
Nebraska 2006 Beef Cattle Report
- Frontmatter and Contents
- Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Report and Their Purpose
- Bull Exposure, When Combined With a Seven-day MGA Synchronization, Does Not Enhance Conception Rates in Cows, Michelle M. Baltes, Rebecca C. Bott, Ryann McFee, Joseph S. Schulz, Candice F. Toombs, Jeffrey W. Bergman, Karl V. Moline, and Andrea S. Cupp
- Inhibition of Methanogenesis in Rumen Fluid Cultures, Eric Behlke, Razvan Dumitru, Stephen Ragsdale, James M. Takacs, and Jess L. Miner
- Digestibility of Undegradable Intake Protein of Feedstuffs, Joshua R. Benton, James C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Don C. Adams
- Evaluation of a Low Protein Distillers By-product for Finishing Cattle, Virgil R. Bremer, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Matthew A. Greenquist, and Matthew L. Gibson
- Sodium Chloride and Soybeans in Feedlot Diets, Sheryl L. Colgan and Terry L. Mader
- Effect of Optaflexx Dosage and Duration of Feeding Prior to Slaughter on Feed Conversion and Carcass Characteristics, Grant I. Crawford, Galen E. Erickson, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Matthew A. Greenquist, Jeffrey Folmer, and Mike Van Koevering
- Effect of MIN-AD Ruminal Buffer and Roughage Level on Ruminal Metabolism and Extent of Digestion in Steers, Grant I. Crawford, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Clint Krehbiel, and Greg Nunnery
- Effects of Field Pea Level and Processing in Finishing Diets, Erin M. Fendrick, Ivan G. Rush, David D. Baltensperger, Dennis R. Brink, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effects of Optaflexx Fed in Combination with MGA on Feedlot Heifer Performance, William A. Grififn, Galen E. Erickson, Bill Dicke, Robert J. Cooper, D. J. Jordon, William Moseley, Gary Sides, Jim S. Drouillard, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Dried Distillers Grains Supplementation of Calves Grazing Corn Residue, Kristin H. Gustad, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Kyle J. Vander Pol, James C. MacDonald, and Matthew A. Greenquist
- Influence of Corn Hybrid, Kernel Traits, and Dry Rolling or Steam Flaking on Digestibility, Flint W. Harrelson, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Wayne A. Fithian, Patrick M. Clark, and David S. Jackson
- Influence of Corn Hybrid on Kernel Traits, Flint W. Harrelson, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Lenis Alton Nelson, and David S. Jackson
- The Influence of Cooking Rate and Holding Time on Beef Flavor, Jennie M. James and Chris R. Calkins
- Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles Do Not Increase Liver-like Off-Flavors in Cooked Beef, Blaine Jenschke, Jennie James, Kyle Vander Pol, Chris R. Calkins, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Summary of Manure Amounts, Characteristics, and Nitrogen Mass Balance for Open Feedlot Pens in Summer Compared to Winter, William F. Kissinger, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Managing Phosphorus in Beef Feedlot Operations, William F. Kissinger, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Richard K. Koelsch
- Economics of Manure Phosphorus Distribution from Beef Feeding Operations, William F. Kissinger, Galen E. Erickson, Richard K. Koelsch, and Raymond E. Massey
- Effect of Corn Hybrid and Processing Method on Site and Extent of Nutrient Digestibility Using the Mobile Bag Technique, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Wayne Fithian
- Influence of Corn Hybrid and Processing Method on Digestibility and Ruminal Fermentation, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Wayne Fithian
- Effect of Fat and Undegradable Intake Protein in Dried Distillers Grains on Performance of Cattle Grazing Smooth Bromegrass Pastures, James C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Growth Promoting Agents and Season Effects on Blood Metabolite and Body Temperature Measures, Terry L. Mader and Wanda Kreikemeier
- Effects of Supplementing Beef Cows with Lipid from Whole Corn Germ, Jeremy Martin, Richard J. Rasby, Dennis R. Brink, Ron Lindquist, Duane Keisler, Stephen D. Kachman, and Mark Dragastin
- Effects of Dam Nutrition on Growth and Reproductive Performance of Heifer Calves, Jeremy Martin, Kim Vonnahme, Greg Lardy, Don C. Adams, and Richard N. Funston
- Flavor Relationships Among Muscles of the Beef Chuck and Round, Jessica Meisinger and Chris R. Calkins
- Effects of Supplementing Dried Distillers Grains to Steers Grazing Summer Sandhill Range, Sarah Morris, James C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, Rex Davis, and James R. Teichert
- Alternative Enhancement Strategies for Beef Muscles, Donald A. Moss and Chris R. Calkins
- Large-scale Clinical Trial to Evaluate an Experimental Escherichia coli Vaccine, Robert E. Peterson, David R. Smith, Rodney A. Moxley, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Susan Hinkley, and Galen E. Erickson
- Vaccination for Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Market Ready Feedlot Cattle, Robert Peterson, David R. Smith, Rodney A. Moxley, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Susan Hinkley
- Nitrogen Mass Balance and Cattle Performance of Steers Fed Clinoptilolite Zeolite Clay, Dawn M. Sherwood, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Factors Affecting Nitrogen Losses as Measured Using Forced-Air Wind Tunnels and Nitrogen Mass Balance, Dawn M. Sherwood, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Dennis D. Schulte, and Richard R. Stowell
- Valuing Feedyard Management Education, Experience, and Expertise, Rik R. Smith and Darrell R. Mark
- Livestock Risk Protection Insurance vs. Futures Hedging: Basis Risk Implications, Rik R. Smith, Darrell R. Mark, and Allen L. Prosch
- Effects of Supplementing Lactating, June-calving Cows on Second-calf Pregnancy Rates, Aaron Stalker, Kelly Creighton, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, Don C. Adams, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Pre- and Postpartum Nutrition on Reproduction in Spring Calving Cows and Calf Feedlot Performance, Leslie Aaron Stalker, Don C. Adams, Richard N. Funston, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- A System for Wintering Beef Heifers Using Dried Distillers Grains, Leslie Aaron Stalker, Don C. Adams, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Influence of Dried Distillers Grains Supplementation Frequency on Forage Digestibility and Growth Performance, Leslie Aaron Stalker, Don C. Adams, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Feeding Melengestrol Acetate to Bulls Prior to and at Puberty Alters Body Weight, and Hormone Concentration, April Tefler, Ryann McFee, Rebecca C. Bott, Joseph Schulz, Debra T. Clopton, Jeffrey W. Bergman, Karl V. Moline, Kathy Hanford, and Andrea S. Cupp
- Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor mRNA Isoforms 120 and 164 are Differentially Regulated Prior to Ovulation, Robin A. Ten Broeck, Debra T. Clopton, Jeremy L. Martin, Rebecca C. Bott, Karl V. Moline, Jeffrey W. Bergman, and Andrea S. Cupp
- Effect of Corn Processing in Finishing Diets Containing Wet Distillers Grains on Feedlot Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Finishing Steers, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Galen E. Erickson, Matthew A. Greenquist, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Thomas Robb
- Effect of Dietary Inclusion of Wet Distillers Grains on Feedlot Performance of Finishing Cattle and Energy Value Relative to Corn, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Matthew A. Greenquist, and Thomas Robb
- Economic Optimum Use of Wet Distillers Grains in Feedlots, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Darrell R. Mark
2005 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
Nebraska 2005 Beef Cattle Report (Complete volume)
- Cover & Acknowledgments: 2005 Beef Cattle Report
- Cover and Frontmatter
- Back Cover: 2005 Beef Cattle Report
- The Effects of Temperature and Temperature-Humidity Index on Pregnancy Rate in Beef Cows, Jamee Amundson, Terry L. Mader, Richard J. Rasby, and Q. Steven Hu
- The Effects of Phosphate Type and Potassium Lactate Level on Quality Characteristics of Enhanced Beef Steaks, Joe L. Baumert and Roger W. Mandigo
- Effects of Corn Moisture and Degradable Intake Protein Concentration on Finishing Cattle Performance, Joshua R. Benton, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Casey N. Macken, and Kyle J. Vander Pol
- Effects of Corn Moisture and Length of Ensiling on Dry Matter Digestibility and Rumen Degradable Protein, Joshua R. Benton, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Evaluation and Composition of Beef Semitendinosus Utilizing a Novel Cooking System, Betsy L. Booren, Joe L. Baumert, and Roger W. Mandigo
- Tree Growth and Cattle Weight Gain in a Ponderosa Pine System, James R. Brandle, Jeremy Tiller, Casey B. Wilson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Packaging Effects on Shelf-Life and Sensory Traits of Enhanced Beef, Chris R. Calkins and Mike L. Buford
- Effect of High Roughage and High Energy Diets on Body Temperature, Sheryl L. Colgan and Terry L. Mader
- Comparison of Two Development Systems for March-born Replacement Beef Heifers, Kelly W. Creighton, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Richard T. Clark, and Don C. Adams
- Ethanol Distiller By-product Phosphorus Concentration as Influenced by Corn Hybrid, Bahman Eghball
- Effect of Injecting Modified Connective Tissue Solutions on Quality of Beef Roasts, Oscar Esquivel and Roger W. Mandigo
- Reducing Diet Digestibility and Increasing Pen Cleaning Frequency: Effects on Nitrogen Losses and Compost Nitrogen Recovery, Travis B. Farran, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Field Peas in Beef Finishing Diets, Erin M. Fendrick, Ivan G. Rush, Dennis R. Brink, Galen E. Erickson, and David D. Baltensperger
- Evaluation of Initial Implants for Finishing Steers, Jeffrey D. Folmer, Travis B. Farran, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Chris D. Reinhardt, Bill D. Dicke, and Jim S. Drouillard
- Performance and Economics of Sorting Yearling Steers by Feedlot Initial Body Weight, Jeffrey D. Folmer, Casey N. Macken, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Performance and Economics of Yearlings Developed with Intensive Winter Management, and Partial Season Grazing, Jeffrey D. Folmer, Casey N. Macken, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Dietary Phosphorus Level in Beef Finishing Diets on Phosphorus Excretion Characteristics, Bobbi Gene Geisert, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Matt K. Luebbe
- Reproductive Response in Heifers Fed Soybeans During Post Weaning Development, Heidi L. Harris, Andrea S. Cupp, Kelly W. Creighton, Rex Davis, James R. Teichert, and Richard N. Funston
- Determination of Undegradable Intake Protein Digestibility in Forages, Heather L. Haugen, Sarah K. Ivan, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effect of Different Corn Processing Methods and Roughage Levels in Feedlot Diets Containing Wet Corn Gluten Feed, Pablo L. Loza, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Rick A. Stock
- Effect of Feeding a By-product Combination Consisting of Wet Distillers Grains and Wet Corn Gluten Feed to Feedlot Cattle, Pablo L. Loza, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Rick A. Stock
- Influence of Corn Kernel Traits on Digestibility and Ruminal Fermentation, Matt K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Wayne Fithian
- Benchmarking the Differences Between Cow and Beef Muscles, Laura B. Mink, Chris R. Calkins, D. Dwain Johnson, Alex M. Stelzleni, and Bucky L. Gwartney
- The Effects of Dried Distillers Grains on Heifers Consuming Low or High Quality Forage, Sarah Morris, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, Galen E. Erickson, and Kyle J. Vander Pol
- Direct-fed Microbial Products for Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Market Ready Feedlot Cattle, Robert E. Peterson, David R. Smith, Jeffrey D. Folmer, Galen E. Erickson, Susan Hinkley, and Rodney A. Moxley
- Vaccination for Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Market Ready Feedlot Cattle, Robert E. Peterson, David R. Smith, Rodney A. Moxley, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Susan Hinkley
- Effect of Corn Bran and Corn Steep Inclusion in Finishing Diets on Diet Digestibility and Fiber Disappearance, Kristi M. Sayer, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Tim W. Loy
- Effects of Corn Bran and Corn Steep Inclusion in Finishing Diets on Cattle Performance and Nitrogen Mass Balance, Kristi M. Sayer, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Kyle J. Vander Pol, and Casey N. Macken
- Effect of Clinoptilolite Zeolite on Cattle Performance and Nitrogen Volatilization Loss, Dawn M. Sherwood, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry Klopfenstein
- Pre-rigor Water Injection and Post-rigor Sodium Citrate Treatment on Beef Tenderness, Bethany M. Sitz, Pennapa Matayompong, Christian D. Perversi, and Chris R. Calkins
- Effects of Supplemental Protein During Gestation and Grazing Sub-irrigated Meadow During the Postpartum Interval on Pregnancy Rates of Spring Calving Cows and Calf Growth, Leslie Aaron Stalker, Don C. Adams, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Dried Distillers Grains Supplementation Frequency on Heifer Growth, Leslie Aaron Stalker, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Don C. Adams
- Degradable Intake Protein In Finishing Diets Containing Dried Distillers Grains, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Physical and Chemical Properties of 39 Muscles from the Beef Chuck and Round, Drew D. Von Seggern and Chris R. Calkins
- Composting of Feedlot Manure: Compost Characteristics, Crop Yields and Application Rates, Casey B. Wilson, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Walker Luedtke, and Mark A. Schroeder
2004 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
Nebraska 2004 Beef Cattle Report
- An Evaluation of Economic Efficiencies of Two Beef Systems from Calving to Harvest, Rosemary V. Anderson, Richard J. Rasby, Dick Clark, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Casey Macken
- Carcass Traits and Palatability Attributes of Herdmates Finished as Calves or Yearling Steers, Perry S. Brewer, Chris R. Calkins, Richard J. Rasby, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Rosemary V. Anderson
- Cow Muscle Profiling: A Comparison of Chemical and Physical Properties of 21 Muscles from Beef and Dairy Cow Carcasses, Mike L. Buford, Chris R. Calkins, D. Dwain Johnson, and Bucky L. Gwartney
- Wet Corn Gluten Feed and Alfalfa Hay Levels in Dry-Rolled Corn Finishing Diets, Travis B. Farran, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Casey N. Macken, and Ronald U. Lindquist
- Evaluation of Initial Implants for Finishing Heifers, Travis B. Farran, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Gary Sides, Chris Reinhardt, Bill Dicke, and Jim S. Drouillard
- Basis Variability on the Feeder Cattle Contract Versus the Failed Stocker Contract, Dillon Feuz, Sebastian Perversi, and Wendy Umberger
- Vaccination and Direct Fed Microbials as Intervention Strategies for Reduction of E. coli O157:H7 in Feedlot Steers, Jeffrey D. Folmer, Casey N. Macken, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rodney A. Moxley, David R. Smith, Susanne Hinkley, Andrew A. Potter, and B. Brett Finley
- Delayed Implanting Improves Quality Grade in Steer Calves, Richard N. Funston, Don C. Adams, Rex Davis, and James R. Teichert
- Phosphorus Requirement for Finishing Heifers, Bobbi Gene Geisert, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Casey N. Macken
- Crop Performance and Soil Properties of Sites Previously Used for Production of Beef Cattle Manure Compost, Daniel Ginting, Bahman Eghball, Daniel T. Walters, Charles A. Francis, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Casey Wilson, and Galen E. Erickson
- Conjugated Linoleic Acid Metabolism and Body Fat Loss in Mice, Kim Hargrave, Brett Meyer, and Jess L. Miner
- Effect of Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Cell Death in Adipose Tissue, Kim M. Hargrave, Brett J. Meyer, and Jess L. Miner
- Influence of Implant Regimen on Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Feedlot Steers, Heather L. Haugen, Galen E. Erickson, Court G. Campbell, and Casey G. Macken
- The Influence of Corn Kernel Traits on Feedlot Cattle Performance, Stephanie L. Jaeger, Casey N. Macken, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Wayne A. Fithian, and David S. Jackson
- Hydrogen Sulfide Concentration in Vicinity of Beef Cattle Feedlots, Richard K. Koelsch, Bryan L. Woodbury, David E. Stenberg, Daniel N. Miller, and Dennis D. Schulte
- A System for Wintering Spring-Calving Bred Heifers Without Feeding Hay, Tim W. Loy, Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Dillon Feuz, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, and Burke Teichert
- Effect of Gestation and Supplementation on Intake of Low-Quality Forage, Tim W. Loy, Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, and Andrew F. Applegarth
- Effect of Distillers Grains or Corn Supplementation Frequency on Forage Intake and Digestibility, Tim W. Loy, James C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Dried Distillers Grains as a Grazed Forage Supplement, James C. MacDonald and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Corn Bran and Degradable Protein Source on Finishing Heifer Performance and Estimates of Microbial Protein Supply in High Moisture Corn Finishing Diets, R. Allen MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Casey N. Macken, and Kimberly M. Whittet
- Prediction of Net Energy Adjuster for Feedlot Cattle When Using the 1996 Beef Cattle NRC Model, Casey N. Macken, Rob J. Cooper, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effects of Corn Bran and Degradable Protein Source on Microbial Protein Estimated From Spot Urine Samples in Heifers, R. Allen McDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Tim W. Loy, and Kimberly M. Whittet
- Consumer Acceptance and Value of Beef from Various Countries of Origin, Bethany M. Sitz, Chris R. Calkins, Wendy J. Umberger, and Dillon M. Feuz
- Consumer Acceptance and Value of Wet Aged and Dry Aged Beef Steaks, Bethany M. Sitz, Chris R. Calkins, Wendy J. Umberger, and Dillon M. Feuz
- Consumer Preference and Value of Beef with Country-Of-Origin Labeling, Bethany M. Sitz, Chris R. Calkins, Wendy J. Umberger, and Dillon M. Feuz
- Urea Inclusion in Forage Based Diets Containing Dried Distillers Grains, Leslie Aaron Stalker, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Wet and Dry Distillers Grains Plus Solubles and Supplemental Fat Level on Performance of Yearling Finishing Cattle, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Casey N. Macken
- Feed Values for Annual Forages in Western Nebraska, Burton A. Weichenthal, David D. Baltensperger, and Kenneth P. Vogel
- Effect of Age, Pregnancy, and Diet on Urinary Creatinine Excretion in Heifers and Cows, Kimberly M. Whittet, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Tim W. Loy, and R. Allen McDonald
- A Review of Corn Stalk Grazing on Animal Performance and Crop Yield, Casey B. Wilson, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Richard J. Rasby, Don C. Adams, and Ivan G. Rush
- Impact of Cleaning Frequency on Nitrogen Balance in Open Feedlot Pens, Casey B. Wilson, Galen E. Erickson, Casey N. Macken, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Sodium Chloride Levels for Finishing Feedlot Heifers, Casey B. Wilson, Galen E. Erickson, Casey N. Macken, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
2003 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
- Effect of Organic Matter Addition to the Pen Surface on Feedlot Nitrogen Balance, Julie Adams, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Casey Macken, and Casey Wilson
- Evaluation of Cow and Calf Performance and Profit Potential in Beef Systems, Rosemary Anderson, Richard J. Rasby, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Casey Macken
- Ingredient Opportunities for Case-Ready Beef, Mike Baczwaski and Roger W. Mandigo
- The Effects of Tumbler Volume on Roasted Beef Quality, Mike Baczwaski, Roger W. Mandigo, and Jesus Velazco
- Carcass and Palatability Characteristics of Calf-fed and Yearling Finished Steers, Perry Brewer, Rosemary Anderson, Chris R. Calkins, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Richard J. Rasby
- Quality Traits of Grain- and Grass-Fed Beef: A Review, Perry Brewer and Chris R. Calkins
- Cow Muscle Profiling: Processing Traits of 21 Muscles from Beef and Dairy Cow Carcasses, Mike Buford, Chris R. Calkins, Dwaine Johnson, and Bucky Gwartney
- Adjustments for Wind Speed and Solar Radiation to the Temperature-Humidity Index, Shane Davis and Terry L. Mader
- Carbon Sequestration Following Beef Cattle Feedlot Manure, Compost, and Fertilizer Applications, Bahman Eghball and Daniel Ginting
- Evaluation of Buffering Agents in Feedlot Diets for Cattle, Travis Farran, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Intervention Strategies for Reduction of E. coli O157:H7 in Feedlot Steers, Jeffrey Folmer, Casey Macken, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Mindy Brashears, Rodney A. Moxley, David R. Smith, and Suzanne Hinkley
- Impact of Manure Application on Phosphorus in Surface Runoff and Soil Erosion, Christina Gossin, Gregory J. Teichmeier, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Daniel T. Walters
- Estimating Rumen Undegradable Protein in, Heather Haugen, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Mark Ullerich, Casey Macken, Kimberly Whittet, and Tim Loy
- Summer vs. Winter Growth Promotant Strategies for Intact Yearling Heifers, Wanda Kreikemeier and Terry L. Mader
- Feeding Kelp Meal in Feedlot Diets, Wanda Kreikemeier, Terry L. Mader, Shane Davis, and Dan Colling
- Estimation of Rumen Undegradable Protein in Forages by Using Neutral Detergent Insoluble Nitrogen at a Single In Situ Incubation Time Point, Mariela Lamothe and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Microbial Protein Production in Gestating Cows Supplemented with Different Sources of Rumen Degradable Protein Grazing Dormant Range, Mariela Lamothe, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, and Galen E. Erickson
- Microbial Protein Synthesis and Efficiency in Nursing Calves, Mariela Lamothe, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, and Galen E. Erickson
- Comparison of Two Heifer Development Systems on a Commercial Nebraska Ranch, Tim Loy, Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Dillon Feuz, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, and Burke Teichert
- Value of Dry Distillers Grains in High-Forage Diets and Effect of Supplementation Frequency, Tim Loy, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Casey Macken
- Relationships of Chute-Side Measurements to Carcass Measurements, James C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Casey Macken, and Jeffrey Folmer
- Sorting Strategies for Yearlings, James C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Casey Macken, Jeffrey Folmer, and Mark Blackford
- Amino Acid Supplementation to Growing Heifers Fed Soypass®, James C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Casey Macken
- Corn Steep and Bran:Germ Meal Ratio in Steam-flaked Corn Based Finishing Diets, Casey Macken, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rob Cooper, and Rick Stock
- Wet Corn Gluten Feed Levels for Steam-flaked Corn Based Finishing Diets, Casey Macken, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rob Cooper, and Rick Stock
- Effects of Corn Processing Method and Crude Protein Level with the Inclusion of Wet Corn Gluten Feed on Finishing Steer Performance, Casey Macken, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rick Stock, and Stephanie Jaeger
- Body Temperature Changes Associated with Moving Feedlot Cattle, Terry L. Mader
- Feeding Transgenic (Bt Corn Rootworm Protected and Roundup-Ready®) Corn to Feedlot Cattle, Kyle Vander Pol, Jon Simon, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Edward Stanisiewski, and Gary Hartnell
- Influence of Rinsing Technique and Sample Size on In situ Protein Degradation, Kimberly Whittet, Kelly Creighton, Kyle Vander Pol, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Grazing Corn Stalks in the Spring on Subsequent Crop Yields, Casey Wilson, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Walter Luedtke
- Utilization of Genetically Enhanced Corn Residue on Grazing Steer Performance, Casey Wilson, Casey Macken, Casey Macken, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Edward Stanisiewski
2002 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
- The Effects of Marination and Cook Cycles on High and Low pH Beef Muscles, Ryan Baumert and Roger W. Mandigo
- Crude Protein and Wet Corn Gluten Feed Levels for Steam Flaked Corn Finishing Diets, Hushton Block, Casey Macken, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rob Cooper, and Rick Stock
- Weaning Date for Spring Calving Cows Grazing Sandhills Range, Lane Ciminski, Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Dick Clark, Andy Applegarth, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, and Russ Sandberg
- Effect of Altered Feeding and Sprinkling on Performance and Body Temperature of Steers Finished in the Summer, Shane Davis and Terry L. Mader
- Effect of Sprinkling on Heat Stressed Heifers, Shane Davis, Terry L. Mader, and John Gaughan
- Use of Sexed (Female) Sperm is Successful in Yearling Heifers, Gene H. Deutscher, Rex Davis, George Seidel, Zell Brink, and John Schenk
- Replacement Heifer Development for Spring and Summer Calving Herds, Gene H. Deutscher, Brent Plugge, Andy Applegarth, and Rex Davis
- Estrous Synchronization Programs for Lactating Cows, Gene H. Deutscher, Brent Plugge, and Rex Davis
- Liming Effects of Beef Cattle Feedlot Manure and Composted Manure, Bahman Eghball
- Phosphorus Requirement of Finishing Feedlot Calves, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Todd Milton, Dennis R. Brink, Michael Orth, and Kim Whittet
- A Simulated Economic Analysis of Altering Days on Feed and Marketing Cattle on Specific Value-Based Pricing Grids, Dillon Feuz
- Evaluation of Calcium Propionate as a Nutrient to Prevent Dark Cutting Beef, Juan Garza, Dana Hanson, Kevin Kirchofer, Chris R. Calkins, and Johnny Horton
- Effect of Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Insulin Sensitivity, Kim Hargrave and Jess L. Miner
- Influence on Body Fat of Linoleic Acid Isomers, Kim Hargrave, Kristin Nollette, Merlyn K. Nielsen, and Jess L. Miner
- Subsequent Summer Forage Intake Following Winter Gain Restriction, D. J. Jordon, Dale Downs, Galen E. Erickson, Don C. Adams, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Economic Analysis of Calf Versus Yearling Finishing, D. J. Jordon, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Todd Milton, Rob Cooper, Tony Scott, Galen E. Erickson, and Richard T. Clark
- Factors Influencing Color Development in Beef, Kevin Kirchofer, Chris R. Calkins, Dennis E. Burson, and Kent M. Eskridge
- Using Lean Color and Marbling Score to Sort Beef Carcasses into Tenderness Groups, Kevin Kirchofer, Chris R. Calkins, and Dana Hanson
- Corn Bran Level in Finishing Diets and N Losses from Open-Dirt Pens, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Todd Milton
- Urinary Allantoin as an Estimate of Microbial Protein Synthesis, Mariela Lamothe, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, and Galen E. Erickson
- Effect of Sawdust or Acid Application to Pen Surfaces on Nitrogen Losses from Open-Dirt Feedlots, John Lory, Julie Adams, Bahman Eghball, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and J. F. Powers
- Sorting Strategies in an Extensive Forage Utilization Beef Production System, James C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Casey Macken, Jeffrey Folmer, Mark Blackford, and D. J. Jordon
- Type of Corn Bran and Corn Processing Method in Beef Finishing Diets, Casey Macken, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Rick Stock
- Implant Programs for Feedlot Heifers using Synovex® Plus™, Revalor®-H, or Finaplix®-H with MGA, Casey Macken, Todd Milton, and Bill Dicke
- Summary of Implant Programs for Feedlot Heifers using Synovex® Plus™ or Finaplix®-H with MGA, Casey Macken, Todd Milton, Bill Dicke, and Dave McClellan
- Metabolizable Protein Requirements of Lactating Two-Year-Old Cows, Tray Patterson, Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Amelia Hopkin
- Effects of Rumensin Level During an Acidosis Challenge, Trey Patterson, Todd Milton, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, M. Blackford, and Cal Parrott
- Use of Sodium Citrate to Enhance Tenderness and Palatability of Pre-Rigor Beef Muscles, Christian Perversi, Chris R. Calkins, and Jesus Velazco
- Supplementing Yearling Summer Grazing Cattle with Fat and Protein and Subsequent Feedlot Performance, Ivan G. Rush
- Forage Quality and Animal Performance of Steers Grazing Smooth Bromegrass/Legume Pastures, Mark Ullerich, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Bruce Anderson, and Michael Trammell
- Effect of Fiber Level in Finishing Diets on Diet Digestibility and Corn Silage Impact on Bacterial Crude Protein Production, Kyle Vander Pol, Galen E. Erickson, Ryan Mass, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Windrow Grazing and Baled-Hay Feeding Strategies for Wintering Calves, Jerry D. Volesky, Don C. Adams, and Richard T. Clark
- Longitudinal Patterns of Fecal Shedding of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by Feedlot Cattle, Spring Younts, David R. Smith, Jeffrey Folmer, Rodney A. Moxley, Suzanne Hinkley, Jeff Gray, Laura Hungerford, Margaret Khaitsa, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
2001 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
2001 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- June Versus March Calving for the Nebraska Sandhills: Production Traits, Don C. Adams, Dick Clark, Russ Sandberg, Gordon Carriker, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Todd Milton
- Evaluation of 1996 Beef Cattle NRC Model and Development of Net Energy Modifiers, Hushton Block, Trey Patterson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and John Moore
- June versus March Calving for the Nebraska Sandhills: Economic Comparisons, Gordon Carriker, Dick Clark, Don C. Adams, and Russ Sandberg
- June Versus March Calving for the Nebraska Sandhills: Economic Risk Analysis, Gordon Carriker, Dick Clark, Don C. Adams, and Russ Sandberg
- High Moisture and Dry-Rolled High-Oil Corn for Finishing Feedlot Steers, Wanda Cerkoney, Terry L. Mader, and Fred Owens
- Effect of Corn Processing on Degradable Intake Protein Requirement of Finishing Cattle, Rob Cooper, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Doug Jordan, and Todd Milton
- Economic Evaluation of Corn Processing for Finishing Cattle, Rob Cooper, Todd Milton, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Dick Clark
- Undegradable Intake Protein Supplementation of Compensating, Grazing Steers, Kelly Creighton, Mark Ullerich, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Feeding Regimen on Performance, Behavior and Body Temperature of Feedlot Steers, Shane Davis, Terry L. Mader, and Wanda Cerkoney
- Managing Heat Stress in Feedlot Cattle Using Sprinklers, Shane Davis, Terry L. Mader, and Wanda Cerkoney
- Phosphorus and Nitrogen-Based Beef Cattle Manure or Compost Application to Corn, Bahman Eghball
- Impact of Grazing Corn Stalks in the Spring on Crop Yields, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, D. J. Jordon, Walker Luedtke, and Gary Lesoing
- Composting of Feedlot and Dairy Manure: Compost Characteristics and Impact on Crop Yields, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Walker Luedtke, Mark Schroeder, Charles A. Francis, and Gary Lesoing
- Utilization of Bt Corn Hybrids in Growing Beef Steers, Jeffrey Folmer, Galen E. Erickson, D. J. Jordan, Todd Milton, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- The Effects of Post-Harvest Time and Temperature on Glycolytic Potential of Beef Muscle, Dana J. Hanson and Chris R. Calkins
- The Role of Muscle Glycogen in Dark Cutting Beef., Dana J. Hanson, Kevin Kirchofer, and Chris R. Calkins
- Protein Supplements and Performance of Cows and Calves in June-Calving Production Systems, Amelia Hopkin, Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Todd Milton, and Dick Clark
- Wet Corn Gluten Feed Supplementation of Calves Grazing Corn Residue, D. J. Jordon, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Todd Milton
- Compensatory Growth and Slaughter Breakevens of Yearling Cattle, D. J. Jordon, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Todd Milton, and Rob Cooper
- Consumer Acceptance and Value of Strip Steaks Differing in Marbling and Country-of-Origin, K. M. Killinger, W. J. Umberger, Chris R. Calkins, Kent M. Eskridge, and D. Feuz
- Fiber Type Composition of the Beef Chuck and Round, Kevin Kirchofer and Chris R. Calkins
- Influence of Restricted Intake and Reduced Dietary Starch on Colonic pH and E. coli Prevalence, Tim Loy, Casey Wilson, Doreen Baily, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rodney A. Moxley, David R. Smith, and Spring Younts
- Implant Programs for Feedlot Heifers Using Synovex® Plus™, Casey Macken, Todd Milton, Bill Dicke, Dave McClellan, and Frank Prouty
- Restricted Feeding Strategies for Reducing Heat Load of Yearling Steers, Terry L. Mader, Simone Holt, Tony Scott, and Shane Davis
- Changes to the Purine Assay Improve Purine Recovery and Assay Precision, Ryan Mass, Kelly Creighton, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Urinary Allantoin Excretion of Finishing Steers: Effects of Grain Adaptation and Wet Milling Byproduct Feeding, Ryan Mass, D. J. Jordon, Todd Milton, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Rick Stock
- Urinary Allantoin Excretion as a Marker of Microbial Crude Protein Supply for Cattle, Ryan Mass, D. J. Jordon, Tony Scott, Todd Milton, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and David Harmon
- Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA) and Body Fat Changes, Jess L. Miner, Chris Cederberg, Merlyn K. Nielsen, Xiaoli Chen, and Clifton Baile
- The Effect of Feeding Pressed Sugar Beet Pulp in Beef Cattle Feedlot Finishing Diets, Jessica Park, Ivan G. Rush, Burt Weichenthal, and Todd Milton
- Forage Intake and Nutrient Balance of Heifers Grazing Sandhills Winter Range, Trey Patterson, Don C. Adams, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Performance and Economics of Winter Supplementing Pregnant Heifers Based on the Metabolizable Protein System, Trey Patterson, Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Richard T. Clark, and Burke Teichert
- Summer Grazing and Fall Grazing Pressure Effects on Protein Content and Digestibility of Fall Range Diets, Trey Patterson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, Walter H. Schacht, Patrick E. Reece, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, and Amy Herron
- Undegradable Intake Protein Content of Corn Steep Compared to Soybean Meal, Trey Patterson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, D. J. Jordon, Casey Wilson, Ryan Mass, and Rick Stock
- Economic Returns of Wet Byproducts as Cattle Feed, Richard K. Perrin and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Programmed Gain Finishing Systems In Yearling Steers Fed Dry-rolled Corn Or Wet Corn Gluten Feed Finishing Diets, Tony Scott, Todd Milton, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Corn Processing Method in Finishing Diets Containing Wet Corn Gluten Feed, Tony Scott, Todd Milton, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Rick Stock
- The Relationship of the Characteristics of Feedlot Pens to the Percentage of Cattle Shedding Escherichia coli O157:H7 Within the Pen, David R. Smith, Mark Blackford, Spring Younts, Rodney A. Moxley, Jeff Gray, Laura Hungerford, Todd Milton, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- A Diagnostic Strategy to Classify Pens of Feedlot Cattle by the Prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Fecal Shedding, David R. Smith, Spring Younts, Mark Blackford, Todd Milton, Rodney A. Moxley, Jeff Gray, Laura Hungerford, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- A Comparison of Beef Cattle Crossbreeding Systems Assuming Value-Based Marketing, U. Jon Tomsen, D. Kirk Darnell, and Merlyn K. Nielsen
- Annual Forage Production and Quality Trials, Burt Weichenthal, David Baltensperger, and Kenneth P. Vogel
2000 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
2000 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- Effects of Increasing Rumensin Level During a Potential Acidosis Challenge, Mark Blackford, Todd Milton, Terry J. Klopfenstein, D. J. Jordon, Rob Cooper, Tony Scott, N. A. Singari, and Cal Parrott
- Copper Levels and Sources in Pre- and Post-calving Diets of First-Calf Cows, Dennis R. Brink, Gene H. Deutscher, and Erick Muehlenbein
- Sorting or Topping-off Pens of Feedlot Cattle, Rob Cooper, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Todd Milton
- Phase-feeding Metabolizable Protein for Finishing Steers, Rob Cooper, Todd Milton, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Replacement Heifer Development Programs, Gene H. Deutscher, Andy Applegarth, Dave Colburn, and Rex Davis
- Refinement of the MGA/PGF Synchronization Program for Heifers Using a 19-day PGF Injection, Gene H. Deutscher, Rex Davis, Dave Colburn, and Doug O'Hare
- Effect of Increasing Dietary Corn Silage on Performance, Digestibility and Nitrogen Mass Balance in the Feedlot, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Todd Milton, and Ryan Mass
- Dietary Phosphorus Effects on Waste Management and Nutrient Balance in the Feedlot, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Todd Milton, and Daniel T. Walters
- The Effects of Induced Stress and Supplemental Chromium on Meat Quality of Finishing Heifers, Dana Hanson, Chris R. Calkins, and Todd Milton
- Solvent-Extracted Germ Meal as a Component of Wet Corn Gluten Feed: Effect on Ruminal Acidosis, Daniel Herold, Rob Cooper, Ryan Mass, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Todd Milton, and Rick Stock
- Adding Value to Low-Quality Beef Muscles through Glycolytic Inhibition in Pre-rigor Muscle, Nancy Jerez, Chris R. Calkins, and Jesus Velazco
- Compensatory Growth Response and Breakeven Economics of Yearling Steers on Grass, D. J. Jordon, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Todd Milton, and Rob Cooper
- Effects of Length of Grain Feeding and Backgrounding Programs on Beef Carcass Characteristics, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rob Cooper, D. J. Jordon, Drew Shain, Todd Milton, Chris R. Calkins, and Carlo Rossi
- Effects of Length of Grain Feeding and Backgrounding Programs on Beef Carcass Characteristics, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rob Cooper, D. J. Jordon, Drew Shain, Todd Milton, Chris R. Calkins, and Carlo Rossi
- Feed Program Impact on Land Requirements for Managing Manure Nutrients from a Feedlot, Richard K. Koelsch
- Exporting Feedlot Manure to Off-Farm Users, Richard K. Koelsch, Keith Glewen, Tom Trewhitt, and Daniel T. Walters
- Growth Implants for Heifers, Terry L. Mader
- Metabolizable Protein Estimates of Treated Soybean Meal Products, Ryan Mass, D. J. Jordon, Tony Scott, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Delayed Implant Strategies Using Synovex® Plus™ on Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Finishing Yearling Steers, Todd Milton, Rob Cooper, D. J. Jordon, and Frank Prouty
- Effect of DiaFil (Diatomaceous Earth) Fed With or Without Rumensin® and Tylan®, on Performance, Internal Parasite and Coccidiosis Control in Finishing Cattle, Todd Milton and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effect of Dry, Wet, or Rehydrated Corn Bran on Performance of Finishing Yearling Steers, Todd Milton, Terry J. Klopfenstein, D. J. Jordon, Rob Cooper, and Rick Stock
- Sugar Beet Pulp and Corn Silage for Growing Yearling Steers, Jessica Park, Ivan G. Rush, and Burt Weichenthal
- Supplementing Metabolizable Protein to Yearling Heifers Grazing Winter Range, Trey Patterson, Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, and Andy Applegarth
- Evaluation of the 1996 Beef Cattle NRC Model Predictions of Intake and Gain for Calves Fed Low or Medium Energy Density Diets, Trey Patterson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Todd Milton, and Dennis R. Brink
- Age of Calf at Weaning of Spring-Calving Beef Cows and the Effect on Production Economics, Richard J. Rasby, Chuck Story, Richard T. Clark, Todd Milton, and Mark Dragastin
- Whole or Cracked Corn in Growing Rations for Steer Calves, Ivan G. Rush, Burt Weichenthal, and Brad Van Pelt
- Protein Evaluation of Porcine Meat and Bone Meal Products, Tony Scott, Ryan Mass, Casey Wilson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Austin Lewis
- The Effect of V-Max® on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Finishing Cattle Fed Corn and Corn By-product Finishing Diets, Tony Scott, Todd Milton, Bill Dicke, Pete Poppert, and Larry Hollis
- Effects of Programmed Gain Feeding Strategies on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Yearling Steers, Tony Scott, Todd Milton, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Terry L. Mader, and Simone Holt
- Influence of Diet on Total and Acid Resistant E. coli and Colonic pH, Tony Scott, Casey Wilson, Doreen Bailey, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Todd Milton, Rodney A. Moxley, David R. Smith, Jeff Gray, and Laura Hungerford
- Cleaning Coliform Bacteria from Feedlot Water Tanks, David R. Smith, Todd Milton, Rodney A. Moxley, Jeff Gray, Laura Hungerford, Doreen Bailey, Tony Scott, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Escape Protein Supplementation of Yearling Steers and Summer Born Calves on Native Sandhills Range, Casey Wilson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Don C. Adams
1999 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
1999 Nebraska Beef Cattle Reports
- Glycolytic Inhibition in Pre-rigor Muscle: An Alternative Method to Improve Beef Tenderness, Chris R. Calkins, Nancy Jerez, and Jesus Velazco
- Optimal Conditions of Cooler Aging for Beef, Chris R. Calkins and Rosemarie Rosario
- Use of Neutral Detergent Insoluble Protein in Omasal Samples to Estimate Escape Protein, Abdullah Can, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Ryan Mass
- Feedlot Marketing/Sorting Systems to Reduce Carcass Discounts, Rob Cooper, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Todd Milton, and Dillon Feuz
- Implant Strategies on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Finishing Steers, Rob Cooper, Todd Milton, and Frank Prouty
- Effects of Programmed Gain on Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Calves, Rob Cooper, Tony Scott, Todd Milton, Terry L. Mader, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Climate Affects Calf Birth Weights and Calving Difficulty, Gene H. Deutscher, Dave Colburn, and Rex Davis
- Effects of Matching Protein to Requirements on Performance and Waste Management in the Feedlot, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Todd Milton, and Dan Herold
- Effects of Rumensin Level and Bunk Management Strategy on Finishing Steers, Ki Fanning, Todd Milton, Terry J. Klopfenstein, D. J. Jordon, Rob Cooper, and Cal Parrott
- Corn and Sorghum Distillers Grains for Finishing Cattle, Ki Fanning, Todd Milton, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Mark Klemesrud
- The Relationship of Beef Primal Cut Composition to Overall Carcass Composition, Dana Hanson, Chris R. Calkins, Bucky Gwartney, John Forrest, and Ron Lemenager
- Fat Addition and Restricted Feeding of Corn Gluten Feed Diets For Cattle Exposed to Environmental Stress, Jill Heemstra, Terry L. Mader, Tony Scott, and John Gaughan
- Corn Bran, Solvent-Extracted Germ Meal, and Steep Liquor Blends for Finishing Yearlings, Daniel Herold, Rob Cooper, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Todd Milton, and Rick Stock
- Hormonal Influence on Fat Synthesis in Cattle, Sheila Jacobi and Jess L. Miner
- Calf Performance Grazing Crop Residues in Combination with Rye in Fall and Winter, D. J. Jordon, Mark Blackford, Todd Milton, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Rob Cooper
- Steer Performance Within Summer Grazing Systems, D. J. Jordon, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, Todd Milton, and Rob Cooper
- Predicting Amount of Compensatory Gain, Terry J. Klopfenstein, D. J. Jordon, Ivan G. Rush, and Todd Milton
- Evaluation of Growth-Promoting Systems for Heifer Calves Finished in the Feedlot, Mari Lubberstedt, Terry L. Mader, Jill Heemstra, and Kelly Letchenberg
- Evaluation of Revalor®-G as an Initial Implant for Yearling Steers, Terry L. Mader, Jill Heemstra, Robert Brandt Jr., and Gary Sides
- Hog Hair Meal as a Protein Source for Ruminants, Amie Mass, Ryan Mass, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and D. J. Jordon
- Protein Evaluation of Treated Soybean Meal Products, Ryan Mass, D. J. Jordon, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects on Protein Content and Digestibility of Fall Diets in the Nebraska Sandhills, Trey Patterson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, Walter H. Schacht, Patrick E. Reece, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, and Amy Johnson
- Progesterone Metabolism by the Liver and Brain During the Estrous Cycle of Heifers, Jorge Quintal-Franco, Hector Jimenez-Severiano, Eraldo Zanella, Michael Wehrman, Brad Lindsey, Eric Melvin, and Jim Kinder
- Performance of Yearling Steers Fed Beet Pulp or Chicory Pulp Rations, Ivan G. Rush and Brad Van Pelt
- N-alkane as an Internal Market for Predicting Digestibility of Forages, Russell Sandberg, Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Rick Grant
- Trace Mineral Supplementation and Ovarian and Luteal Function in Pubertal Heifers, Chuck Story, Richard J. Rasby, Dennis R. Brink, Jim Kinder, and Tony Moravek
- Effects of Time of Weaning on Cow and Calf Performance, Chuck Story, Richard J. Rasby, Todd Milton, and Mark Dragastin
- Crude Protein and Energy Combinations for Finishing Yearling Steers, Burt Weichenthal, Ivan G. Rush, and Brad Van Pelt
- Dietary Management for Starting Finishing Yearling Steers on Feed, Burt Weichenthal, Ivan G. Rush, and Brad Van Pelt
- Pork Meat and Bone Meal Value Relative to Soybean Meal for Growing Calves, Casey Wilson, Galen E. Erickson, Ryan Mass, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
1998 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
1998 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- Evaluating Stress in Calves Weaned at Three Different Ages, Andrea Bueno, Todd Cappel, Chuck Story, Richard J. Rasby, Edd Clemens, and Mark Dragastin
- Calving Difficulty and Calf Response to Stress, Todd Cappel, Andrea Bueno, and Edd Clemens
- Effects of Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone Antagonist On The Bovine Corpus Luteum, Debra T. Clopton, Jorge Quintal, Freddie Kojima, Karol Fike, and Jim Kinder
- Observations on Acidosis Through Continual Feed Intake and Ruminal pH Monitoring, Rob Cooper, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rick Stock, and Cal Parrott
- Effects of Feed Intake Variation on Acidosis and Performance of Finishing Steers, Rob Cooper, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rick Stock, Cal Parrott, and Dan Herold
- Effect of Summer Grazing on Crude Protein and Digestibility of Winter Diets of Cattle in the Nebraska Sandhills, Dale Downs, Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Walter H. Schacht, and Patrick E. Reece
- Effect of Winter Gain on Summer Rate of Gain and Finishing Performance of Yearling Steers, Dale Downs, Galen E. Erickson, Don C. Adams, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Phosphorus Requirement of Finishing Yearlings, Galen E. Erickson, Mark Klemesrud, Todd Milton, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Nutrient Balance of Nitrogen, Organic Matter, Phosphorus and Sulfur in the Feedlot, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Daniel T. Walters, and Gary Lesoing
- Evaluation of 1996 NRC for Protein and Phosphorus Requirements of Finishing Cattle, Galen E. Erickson, Todd Milton, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Induction of Estrus in Anestrous Suckled Beef Cows, Karol Fike, Michael Day, Keith Inskeep, James E. Kinder, Paul Lewis, Robert Short, and Harold Hafs
- Regulation of LH Secretion by Progesterone in Heifers, Karol Fike, Brad Lindsey, Ellen G. M. Bergfeld, Freddie Kojima, Jorge Quintal, Eraldo Zanella, Eric Melvin, Michael Wehrman, and James E. Kinder
- Prolonged Elevated Concentrations of Estradiol Do Not Affect Conception Rates in Beef Cattle, Karol Fike, Michael Wehrman, Ellen G. M. Bergfeld, Freddie Kojima, and James E. Kinder
- A Novel Estrous Synchronization Program for Beef Cattle Using Melengestrol Acetate, Karol Fike, Michael Wehrman, Brad Lindsey, Ellen G. M. Bergfeld, Eric Melvin, Jorge Quintal, Eraldo Zanella, Freddie Kojima, and James Kinder
- Dietary Calcium and Phosphorous: Relationship to Beef Tenderness and Carcass Maturity, Dana Hanson, Galen E. Erickson, Chris R. Calkins, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Todd Milton, and Mark Klemesrud
- Solvent-Extracted Germ Meal, Corn Bran and Steep Liquor Blends for Finishing Steers, Daniel Herold, Mark Klemesrud, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Todd Milton, and Rick Stock
- Solvent-Extracted Germ Meal for Receiving Calves, Daniel Herold, Mark Klemesrud, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Todd Milton, and Rick Stock
- Dried Poultry Waste as a Protein Supplement for Cows Grazing Winter Forages, D. J. Jordon, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, Jackie Johnson, Mark Klemesrud, and James A. Gosey
- Comparative Calf Grazing of Corn and Soybean Residues, D. J. Jordon, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Mark Klemesrud
- Evaluation of Feather Meal for Calves Grazing Cornstalks, D. J. Jordon, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Mark Klemesrud
- Feather Meal as a Source of Sulfur Amino Acids for Growing Steers, Mark Klemesrud and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Lime Filtrate as a Calcium Source for Finishing Cattle, Mark Klemesrud, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Todd Milton
- Nutrient Balance on Nebraska Feedlots, Richard K. Koelsch and Gary Lesoing
- Use of the NRC Model for Evaluating Nutrient Balances of Grazing Beef Cattle, Greg Lardy, Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Dennis R. Brink
- Escape Protein Supplementation and Weaning Effects on Calves Grazing Meadow Regrowth, Greg Lardy, Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, June Ueckert, and Richard T. Clark
- Spring versus Summer Calving for the Nebraska Sandhills: Production Characteristics, Greg Lardy, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, Dick Clark, Jackie Johnson, and Andy Applegarth
- Use of the NRC Model for Predicting Nutrient Balances of Finishing Cattle, Greg Lardy, Rob McCoy, Drew Shain, Todd Milton, Dennis R. Brink, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Extended Grazing and Byproduct Diets in Beef Growing Finishing Systems, Ramiro Lucena, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Mark Klemesrud, and Rob Cooper
- In Situ Method for Estimating Forage Protein Degradability, Ryan Mass, Greg Lardy, Rick Grant, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Tenderness and Retail Stability of Hydrodyne-Treated Beef, Bernadette O'Rourke, Chris R. Calkins, Rose Rosario, Morse Solomon, and John Long
- Cull Dry Edible Beans in Growing Calf Rations, Ivan G. Rush, Burt Weichenthal, and Brad Van Pelt
- Lipid Sources in Finishing Diets for Yearling Steers, Ivan G. Rush, Burt Weichenthal, and Brad Van Pelt
- Metabolism and Digestibility of Corn Bran and Corn Steep Liquor/Distillers Solubles, Tony Scott, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rick Stock, and Rob Cooper
- Summer and Fall Forage Grazing Combinations: Five-Year Summary, Drew Shain, Terry J. Klopfenstein, D. J. Jordon, and Rick Stock
- Ruminal Degradation of Rubisco by Beef Cattle Grazing Switchgrass and Big Bluestem, Dan Vaughn, Walter H. Schacht, Lowell E. Moser, Robert Graybosch, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- An Enzyme-Microbial Feed Product for Finishing Steers, Burt Weichenthal, Ivan G. Rush, and Brad Van Pelt
1997 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
1997 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- Continuous vs Rotational Stocking of Warm-Season Grasses at Three Stocking Rates, Bruce Anderson, Mike Trammell, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Sire EPD, Dam Traits and Calf Traits on Calving Difficulty and Subsequent Reproduction of Two-Year-Old Heifers, Dave Colburn, Gene H. Deutscher, Don C. Adams, Merlyn K. Nielsen, and Pete Olson
- Effect of Rumensin and Feed Intake Variation on Ruminal pH, Rob Cooper, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rick Stock, Cal Parrott, and Dan Herold
- Supplemental Protein on Performance of Lactating Beef Heifers, Gene H. Deutscher, Don C. Adams, Duane Farthing, Jim Lamb, David Colburn, and Merlyn K. Nielsen
- Evaluating Breakeven for Various Management Systems for Different Breed Types from Weaning to Slaughter, Cynthia Hayden, Ivan G. Rush, Burt Weichenthal, and Brad Van Pelt
- Effect of Dried Poultry Waste on Performance of Finishing Yearling Steers, Daniel Herold, Dale Downs, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Mark Klemesrud
- Effects of Copper and Selenium Injections on Cow Productivity and Concentration of Copper in Liver Biopsy Samples, Jerre Johnson, David Hickok, Pete Olson, and Dennis R. Brink
- Grazing Corn Residues in Conventional and Ridge-Till Planting Systems, D. J. Jordon
- Cornstalk Grazing in Protected and Unprotected Fields, D. J. Jordon, Terry J. Klopfenstein, James R. Brandle, and Mark Klemesrud
- Comparative Grazing of Corn and Soybean Residue, D. J. Jordon, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Mark Klemesrud, and Drew Shain
- Evaluation of Feather Meal for Cows Grazing Cornstalks, D. J. Jordon, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Mark Klemesrud, and Drew Shain
- Synchronizing Micotil Treatment with Time of Sickness in Newly Received Calves, Mark Klemesrud, Michelle Apfel, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Gene White
- Cysteine from Feather Meal And Sulfur Amino Acid Requirements for Growing Steers, Mark Klemesrud and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Lysine Requirements for Feedlot Cattle, Mark Klemesrud, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Austin Lewis, and Rick Stock
- Seasonal Changes in Protein Degradabilities of Sandhills Native Range and Subirrigated Meadow Diets and Application of a Metabolizable Protein System, Greg Lardy, Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Dick Clark, and Jim Lamb
- First Limiting Nutrient of Native Range for Summer Calving Cows During the Breeding Season and Late Lactation, Greg Lardy, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, Jim Lamb, and Dick Clark
- Rumen Degradable Protein Requirement of Gestating Summer Calving Beef Cows Grazing Dormant Native Sandhills Range, Greg Lardy, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, Jim Lamb, and Dick Clark
- Effect of Crop Residue Grazing on Crop Production- Update of Research Activities, Gary Lesoing, D. J. Jordon, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Composting of Feedlot Waste-Update of Research Activities, Gary Lesoing, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Daniel Duncan, and Mark A. Schroeder
- Cover Crops in Crop/Livestock Production Systems, Gary Lesoing, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Martin Williams, David Mortensen, and D. J. Jordon
- Biochemical Characterization of a Peptidase Enzyme from the Ruminal Bacterium Prevotella ruminicola, Humberto Madeira and Mark Morrison
- Mutants of Prevotella ruminicolaDefective in Peptidase Activity: Impact on Ammonia Production, Humberto Madeira, Lasha Peng, and Mark Morrison
- Time of Feeding Influence on Cattle Exposed to Heat, Terry L. Mader, John Gaughan, Darryl Salvage, and Bruce Young
- Effects of Heat Exposure on Adapting Feedlot Cattle to Finishing Diets, Terry L. Mader, John Gaughan, and Bruce Young
- Effects of Feeding Level and Diet Energy Density on Cattle Exposed to Heat, Terry L. Mader, Bruce Young, and John Gaughan
- Estimating In Situ Degradability of Protein in Forages, Ryan Mass, Greg Lardy, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Digestibility of Dry-Rolled Corn, Wet Corn Gluten Feed, and Alfalfa Hay in Receiving and Finishing Diets, Rob McCoy, Chris Richards, Tony Scott, Rick Stock, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Dan Herold
- Effects of Supplementing High Levels of Cu, Co, Mn, and Zn After Calving on Productivity of Two-Year-Old Cows, Pete Olson, Dennis R. Brink, Mike Carlson, Dave Hickok, Norman Shcneider, Gene H. Deutscher, and Dave Colburn
- A Low Roughage Diet Alternative for Finishing Cattle, Ivan G. Rush, Burt Weichenthal, and Brad Van Pelt
- Evaluation of Corn Bran and Corn Steep Liquor for Finishing Steers, Tony Scott, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Mark Klemesrud, and Rick Stock
- Wet Corn Gluten Feed as a Source of Rumen Degradable Protein for Finishing Steers, Tony Scott, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Drew Shain, and Mark Klemesrud
- A Bacterial Preservative for Ensiled High-Moisture Corn, Burt Weichenthal, Ivan G. Rush, and Brad Van Pelt
- Ammonia (NPN) Utilization by Prevotella ruminicola is Affected by the Availability of Peptides, Zezhang Wen and Mark Morrison
1996 Nebraska Beef Cattle Research Report
1996 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
- Dried Poultry Waste as a Nonprotein Nitrogen Source for Ruminants, Sheri Bierman, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rick Stock, and Dan Herold
- Evaluation of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Organic Matter Balance in the Feedlot as Affected by Nutrition, Sheri Bierman, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rick Stock, and Drew Shain
- Connective TissueIAcidic Phosphate Preblends In Low Fat, High Added-Water Frankfurters, Christi Calhoun, Scott Eilert, and Roger W. Mandigo
- Winter Temperatures May Affect Calf Birth Weights, Dave Colburn, Gene H. Deutscher, and Pete Olson
- Mechanically Recovered Neck Bone Lean Alters Textural and Sensory Properties of Ground Beef Patties, Brian Demos and Roger W. Mandigo
- Evaluation of Animal Byproducts for Escape Protein Supplementation, Daniel Herold, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Mark Klemesrud
- Multi-Elemental Analysis of Sandhills Meadow Hay, David Hickok, Dennis Bauer, Dennis R. Brink, Michael Carlson, and Norm Schneider
- Multi-Elemental Analysis of Bovine Liver Biops and Whole Liver, David Hickok, Michael Carlson, Dennis R. Brink, Norm Schneider, Gene H. Deutscher, and Pete Olson
- Multi-Elemental Analysis of Liver Biopsies and Serum to Determine Trace Element Status of Cows, David Hickok, Pablo Martin, Dennis R. Brink, Richard J. Rasby, Michael Carlson, and Norm Schneider
- Rumen Degradable Protein Requirements of Gestating Beef Cows Grazing Dormant Native Sandhills Range, Karla Hollingsworth-Jenkins, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, and Jim Lamb
- Grazing: An Alternative to Haying Subirrigated Meadows in the Nebraska Sandhills, Marc Horney, Don C. Adams, Walter H. Schacht, Steven S. Waller, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Treated Meat and Bone Meal and Rumen Protected Methionine and Tryptophan for Growing Calves, Mark Klemesrud and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Range or Meadow Regrowth Grazing and Weaning Effects on Two Year-Old Cows, James Lamb, Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Greg Lardy
- Use of a Metabolizable Protein System to Predict Deficiencies in Diets of Cattle Grazing Sandhill Native Range and Subirrigated Meadow, Greg Lardy, Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Jim Lamb
- Composting - A Feedlot Waste Management Alternative, Gary Lesoing, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Daniel Duncan
- Effect of Sorghum and Cornstalk Grazing on Crop Production, Gary Lesoing, Mark A. Schroeder, Drew Shain, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and James A. Gosey
- Use of Direct Fed Microbials to Alleviate Subacute Acidosis, Shanna Lodge, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rick Stock, and Dan Herold
- Digestibility of Wet and Dry Distillers Grains from the Fermentation of Corn or Sorghum, Shanna Lodge, Rick Stock, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Dan Herold
- Evaluation of Wet Distillers Byproducts Composite for Finishing Ruminants, Shanna Lodge, Rick Stock, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Drew Shain, and Daniel Herold
- Manipulation of Microbial Protein Degradation in the Rumen: Development of the "Smugglin Concept" to Control Protein Digestion, Humberto Madeira and Mark Morrison
- Growth Implants for Steers, Terry L. Mader, James Dahlquist, and Robert Botts
- Effect of Energy Source and Escape Protein on Receiving and Finishing Performance and Health of Calves, Rob McCoy, Rick Stock, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Mark Klemesrud, and Gene White
- Winter Calf Grazing and Field Windbreaks, Cynthia Morris, Terry J. Klopfenstein, James R. Brandle, Rick Stock, Drew Shain, and Mark Klemesrud
- Beef Production Systems from Weaning to Slaughter in Western Nebraska, Cynthia Morris, Ivan G. Rush, Burt Weichenthal, and Brad Van Pelt
- Gelatinized High Added-Water Beef Connective Tissue Protein Gels as Potential Water Binders, Wesley N. Osburn and Roger W. Mandigo
- Cellulose Adherence Factors in Ruminococcus albus, Randall Pegden and Mark Morrison
- Evaluation of Levels of Wet Corn Gluten Feed and Addition of Tallow, Chris Richards, Rick Stock, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
- Effects of Bovatec, Rumensin or GainPro Fed to Yearling Summer Grazing Steers, Ivan G. Rush, Burt Weichenthal, and Brad Van Pelt
- Feeding Value of Light-Test Weight Corn for Growing and Finishing Steers, Ivan G. Rush, Burt Weichenthal, and Brad Van Pelt
- Grazing Systems Utilizing Forage Combinations, Drew Shain, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rick Stock, and Mark Klemesrud
- Implant and Slaughter Time for Finishing Cattle, Drew Shain, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Rick Stock, and Mark Klemesrud
- Roughage Source and Particle Size in Finishing Diets, Drew Shain, Rick Stock, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Mark Klemesrud
- The Incidence of Precocious Puberty in Developing Beef Heifers, Michael Wehrman and James E. Kinder
- An Enzyme-Microbial Feed Product for Finishing Steers, Burt Weichenthal, Ivan G. Rush, and Brad Van Pelt
- Predicting Wholesale Value of Beef Carcasses, Lee Weide, Chris R. Calkins, Tommy Wheeler, and Brian Quandt
- Characterization of Ammonia Utilization by Prevotella ruminicola B1 4, Zezhang Wen and Mark Morrison
- Use of Cell Culture to Study Muscle Growth in Beef Cattle, Timothy Woods, Carol Smith, and Steven J. Jones