Beef Innovation

A hub for beef excellence

Cattle grazing annual forages

Beef Innovation is a partnership of several disciplines within the University of Nebraska — Lincoln, external advisors and researchers, industry partners and beef producers, all working toward innovation with the ultimate goal of improving the beef industry. 

Each year the Beef Innovation advisory committee meets to set reserach priorities based on producer and industry input, review progress on previously-set priorities and build relationships between people working in beef innovation and research. 

Beef Innovation faculty members and internal and external advisors represent the spectrum of beef production including natural and human resources within the process, and cross-cutting areas supporting it.

  • The Faculty Advisory Committee is the core team which develops and facilitates activities to fulfill the Vision & Mission of Beef Innovation.
  • The Administrative Advisory Committee provide connections to IANR leadership, relevant departments/schools, and directors of statewide Research, Education, and Extension Centers.
  • The External Advisory Committee provides guidance regarding key regional, statewide, or broader opportunities and issues important to the beef industry.
  • The Faculty Director Committee provides connections to relevant centers and initiatives with missions which overlap the Beef Innovation scope.
  • Leadership: The Faculty Advisory Lead works with two faculty facilitators, administrators in the three mission areas of UNL (teaching, research, and extension), and two external advisory leaders, one of whom is a leader from the Ag Builders of Nebraska, to convene the Hub Community.
  • The Hub Community is a broad group of experts across the scope of the Hub, who actively participate in Hub conversations and activities.

Beef Innovation Hub Personnel Listing