Ruth Woiwode

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Ruth Woiwode

Animal Behavior and Well-Being Specialist Animal Science University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Lincoln NE 68583-0908
402-472-3247 On-campus 2-3247
Dr. Woiwode is and Assistant Professor of Animal Behavior and Welfare, and the Nebraska Animal Care and Handling Specialist. In addition to statewide outreach activities, she teaches animal welfare, and has an active animal welfare research program. She holds PAACO certifications for dairy, swine, poultry, meat plant and feedlot animal welfare auditing. Prior to joining UNL, Dr. Woiwode developed a nationally implemented animal care auditing program, and led a highly qualified team in auditing entire supply chains. Dr. Woiwode serves on the Animal Welfare Committee and Small Plant Task Force for the North American Meat Institute, the Nebraska Feedyard Safety Advisory Committee, and the UNL Beef Innovation Hub Faculty Advisory Committee.


  • Ph D, Colorado State University, 2015
  • Other, National American University, 2002

Subject Matter Areas:

  • Behavioral principles of handling livestock
  • Animal welfare assessment
  • Animal management practices
  • Handling facility design and troubleshooting
  • Animal handling training
  • Third party audit preparation