Fire Preparedness & Recovery on the Ranch

Sandhills fire

Grazing Management Following Wildfire

Protecting Farms & Ranches from Wildfires

Nebraska Extension Disaster Education: Wildfires

Livestock -- UNL Disaster Resources: This is a short list of federal and state programs available. With wildfires, please remember to document your losses, with photos, if possible. Find your local USDA Service Center at

Home, Health and Safety -- UNL Disaster Resources: Resources for homes damaged by wildfires.

Nebraska Department of Ag Fire Response Resources

Rural Response Hotline: 800-464-0258. The hotline offers access to many attorneys, financial advisors, professional counselors, mediators, clergy, and others. There are 167 behavioral health professionals working with the Rural Response Hotline.  Ask about no-cost vouchers for counseling services.

Wildfires at