Harvesting, Storing and Feeding Small Grain Silage - A Producer's Perspective

September 26, 2019

Harvesting, Storing and Feeding Small Grain Silage - A Producer's Perspective

By: Unl Beef

Triticale plot
Triticale plot. Photo courtesy of Jerry Volesky.

Small grain annual forages are frequently utilized in Nebraska as part of a crop production system.  Annuals such as rye, triticale, oats and wheat can be harvested as silage, offering the opportunity to produce high quality forage.  To harvest, store and feed high quality small grain silage, it is important to pay attention to details.  In this month's BeefWatch Producer Perspective Podcast, Jeremy Row from near Bruning Nebraska discuss how his family uses triticale silage in their farming and feeding operation.

Topics discussed in the interview include:

  • The different enterprises that are a part of the operation.
  • How winter triticale fits into the corn and soybean rotation.
  • Keys to making quality small grain silage including harvest methods, storing and feeding.
  • How small grain silage fits well for certain classes of cattle as a major part of their ration.

For more information on harvesting, storing and feeding quality silage please see the 2018 Silage for Beef Cattle Conference proceedings.   This biennial conference focuses exclusively on management practices related to harvesting, storing and feeding silage to beef cattle.

The BeefWatch podcast is the audio companion to the monthly BeefWatch newsletter and also features bonus interviews such as the Producer Perspective.

Topics covered:

Forages, Silage, Nutrition

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