Grazing Spring Calving Cow-calf Pairs on Cornstalks – A Producer’s Perspective

October 16, 2018

Grazing Spring Calving Cow-calf Pairs on Cornstalks – A Producer’s Perspective

By: Unl Beef

cattle grazing corn residue
Photo Courtesy of Maddux Cattle Company

The University of Nebraska has conducted several years of cow-calf research examining and comparing the potential for different production systems in Nebraska.  Recent research has examined grazing summer born calves on cornstalks with their dams and compared that to feeding pairs in a dry lot.

In this month’s BeefWatch Producer Perspective Podcast, John Maddux who is part of a diversified cattle operation near Imperial, shares how his family grazes cornstalks through the fall and winter with spring calving cow-calf pairs. Topics discussed in the interview include:

  • The history of Maddux Cattle Company grazing cornstalks.
  • Transition of grazing cornstalks with dry cows to grazing with cow-calf pairs.
  • Impact of winter grazing cow-calf pairs on calf performance.
  • How growing heifers on cornstalks with their dam impacted reproductive performance.
  • Economic benefits of wintering a calf with the cow versus weaning and backgrounding.

The BeefWatch podcast is the audio companion to the monthly BeefWatch newsletter and also features bonus interviews such as the Producer Perspective.     

Topics covered:

Forage crop systems, Crop residues, Corn

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