BeefWatch Articles

Female winter tick

February 1, 2019

Winter Tick - 2019

Dave Boxler, Nebraska Extension Educator

A group of cows in a field

April 2, 2018

Injectable Trace Mineral did not Influence Reproductive Performance in Beef Heifers

Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Educator

Calf suckling

March 2, 2018

Colostrum Helps Newborn Calves

Troy Walz, Nebraska Extension Educator

Cattle eating from a trough

January 2, 2018

Mineral Supplementation Changes When Feeding Distillers Grains

Karla Wilke, Nebraska Extension Cow/Calf Systems and Stocker Management Specialist

Cattle fur on a fence

October 2, 2017

Fall Cattle Louse Treatments

Dave Boxler, Nebraska Extension Educator

Black cow and nursing calf

July 2, 2015

Summer Pneumonia in Beef Calves

Richard Randle, DVM, Extension Beef Cattle Veterinarian

beefwatch graphic

December 2, 2009

Bull Management and Nutrition

Julie Walker, George Perry, Russ Daly and Ken Olson

Newborn calf

February 2, 2007

Basic Principles Used in the "Sandhills Calving System" and How They Apply to Other Production Environments

David R. Smith Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences University of Nebraska Lincoln