In late May and June we frequently see both native and non-native forbs begin to flower in range and pasture. This is a good time of the year to be on the alert and lookout for these “pretty flowers” and for other plants that you may not recognize. Seeing something you haven’t seen before? Go check it out. Those “pretty flowers” or plants you don’t recognize may be an invasive species. Early detection and rapid response is critical to helping to keep noxious weeds at bay. You can minimize the cost and impact of invasive species by identifying and dealing with invasive species when they are few.
Some common invasive species that are flowering or soon will be this time of year include leafy spurge, dalmatian toad flax, field bindweed, Canada thistle, scotch thistle, bull thistle, musk thistle, spotted and diffuse knapweed and common mullein. Other species such as absinth wormwood and sericea lespedeza are invasive species that don’t have big, brightly colored flowers but are important to watch for. One of the keys to preventing noxious weeds from spreading is taking control measures before they go to seed. If the plant is already in the flowering stage, cutting off seed heads prior to killing the plant will help to eliminate seed spread. Bagging and properly disposing of seed heads keeps viable seeds from spreading.
Have questions about the plant you are seeing? Nebraska Extension has educators and specialists who can help you identify that plant. Bring in a plant or send a picture and we will work with you to identify if that “pretty flower” belongs to a native plant that you can enjoy, or if it is something you need to control. The Nebraska Weed Control Association website is an excellent resource on noxious weeds in Nebraska. If you are looking for herbicide options to control invasive species, the Nebraska Extension 2024 Guide to Weed Management is an excellent reference guide.