Prescribed Burning for Cedar Tree Control – A Producer’s Perspective

April 10, 2020

Prescribed Burning for Cedar Tree Control – A Producer’s Perspective

By: Unl Beef

person supervising a prescribed burn

Cedar tree encroachment on pasture and rangelands is a tremendous challenge for farmers and ranchers in the state of Nebraska.   In this month’s BeefWatch Producer Perspective Podcast, Lisa McMillan from near Milburn, Nebraska discusses how she and her husband Tom utilize prescribed burns together with a rest-rotation grazing plan to help control cedar trees on the pastures that they manage.

Topics discussed include:

  • History of the operation and their grazing management plan.
  • How grazing management has changed over time.
  • The use of prescribed burning of pastures to control cedar trees.
  • The value and impact of prescribed burning to pasture forage production.

Nebraska Extension Resources on Prescribed Burning and Grazing Management

The BeefWatch podcast is the audio companion to the monthly BeefWatch newsletter and also features bonus interviews such as the Producer Perspective.

Topics covered:

Pasture & range

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