Use of monocalcium phosphate more beneficial than dicalcium phosphate?

Producer Question from 2009

Q:  Is the use of monocalcium phosphate more beneficial than dicalcium phosphate in cattle feeds? (October 12, 2009)

A:  When providing supplemental phosphorus, consider two major factors. First, whether the source of P is available biologically (i.e., readily absorbed). Sources considered highly available include dicalcium phosphate (Dical; CaHPO4-2H2O), ammonium phosphate (NH3PO4) and sodium phosphate (NaPO4 ). And second, of these sources, Dical is the most commonly used and commercially available. Ruminants don't use anhydrous sources, or P associated with a metal (Fe, Al, etc.), very well.

The most commonly used source of Phos is dicalcium phosphate mainly due availability. Monocalcium phosphate can be used and the availability of the Phos is high. It is likely a function of availability and price.