September 2013

photo of pasture with large amount of weedsFollowing the severe drought of 2012, all the right environmental conditions came together in 2013 for an explosion of weedy species in many pastures and rangelands. Most of the weedy species that flourished this year were annuals and their abundance in 2014 should be markedly less as perennial grasses recover and increase in density. However, there were some problem perennial weeds that also increased in response to the 2012 drought.

A recent UNL webinar presents information on this topic and discusses some of the different weed responses that were observed this year and when, and if, control measures should be applied. For introduced or seeded grass pastures, herbicide use may increase desirable grass recovery and productivity.

NOTE: The annual "Guide for Weed, Disease, and Insect Management In Nebraska" is available for purchase for $15.00 at UNL Marketplace.

Dr. Jerry Volesky, UNL Extension Range and Forage Specialist
West Central Research & Extension Center
University of Nebraska–Lincoln